128 research outputs found

    Calidad de la carne caprina. Efecto del tipo de salazón y de la maduración en modelo laboratorial

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    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo ha sido evaluar, en modelo laboratorial, el efecto de la salazón húmeda y seca y de la maduración sobre la calidad de la carne caprina. Se utilizaron diez muestras de carne fresca del m. longissimus dorsi, de canales de cabras de la raza Serrana y se evaluaron los siguientes parámetros: pH, color, actividad del agua y pigmentos. La sal ha tenido un efecto progresivo sobre la luminosidad, índice de rojo y de amarillo tornando las carnes más oscuras, habiendo disminuido los valores de C* mientras aumentaban los de h*. El efecto de la sal conlleva también una reducción de la aW, tanto en el proceso húmedo o seco, importante para la conservación final del producto. Los pigmentos y el pH no se han visto afectados por la maduración. El producto obtenido por el proceso de salazón húmeda muestra una calidad superior, indicando que el proceso debería ser probado en condiciones pre-industriales

    Preferencias de los consumidores por carne salada de ovejas y cabras

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar las preferencias de los consumidores por carne salada de ovino y caprino de animales fuera de los pesos indicados por la marca de calidad de productos cárnicos con denominación de origen protegida (DOP). Para ello, se han estudiado los efectos de la especie y de la localización de la muestra y se han evaluado los parámetros de sabor, textura, y aceptabilidad general en 16 animales, 8 ovinos y 8 caprinos, en muestras de la parte delantera y de la trasera de la canal. Las características sensoriales y las preferencias por la carne se han evaluado por un panel de catadores entrenados y de consumidores, respectivamente. Los consumidores prefieren, principalmente, muestras de carne de las partes delanteras de las canales lo que también se observa en los catadores que muestran una mayor aceptabilidad por las delanteras de las canales. Los ovinos son preferidos por los consumidores por su gusto pero las preferencias no son significativas en cuanto a la textura o aceptabilidad general una vez que las clases formadas por tipo de preferencia no son significativas para esas variables

    Chemical and thermal characterization of a portuguese traditional fermented meat sausage

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    In the North of Portugal several traditional fermented meat products are produced. One of these is the alheira that is a smoked sausage, made from the meat of pig, regional wheat bread and olive oil, seasoned with salt, garlic and paprika. This product must be subjected to a thermal process before consumption in order to garantee its safety and reducing the occurrence of foodborne diseases. The aim of the present work was to characterize this product in relation to the chemical composition and thermal behaviour. Alheiras were bought to local producers. pH, water activity, fat and protein contents were determined. In order to obtain the heating curves, alheiras were roasted at different temperatures, ranging from 120 to 240 ºC, in a forced convection oven. The center temperature, as well as the temperature of the sourrounding medium, were monitored along the heating. Alheiras presented a pH value of 6.07±0.26, a water activity of 0.92±0.01, a fat content of 6.60±0.68% and a protein content of 9.78±0.92. After a certain period of time, the temperature at the center of the product remained almost constant, around 100ºC, eventhough higher temperatures of heating were used. At 240 ºC the heating process was around three times faster than at 120ºC. For reaching 100 ºC, 13.0±0.5 min were necessary at 240 ºC instead 42.5±2.5 min at 120ºC

    Goat meat quality. Effects of salting, air-drying and ageing processes

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    Goat meat is one of the most consumed meats in the World and according to Teixeira (2003) Portugal traditionally consume specially kid meat in Easter and Christmas. Goat meat is also an important part of food consumption and the main product of several traditional dishes in Mediterranean diet. As referred by Teixeira et al. (1995), consumers value low-fat, highquality products and therefore, there is an increasing potential development of the goat meat market since the demand for cabrito transmontano is so high that Serrana breed producers cannot keep up. Nevertheless, meat from heavier animals and particularly the older ones as well as culled goats are not very well appreciated. Such meat is more suitable for making processed products as drying, curing with salts or smoking meat (Webb et al., 2005). Particularly in Spain, as well as in other European countries as Italy, the draught animals as well as the culled goats were slaughtered, salted, smoked and air dried following a recipe for cured ham laid down 2000 years ago (Sterling and Jones, 2000). This product was called cecina, after the Latin siccina that means cured meat, and nowadays is being made with top quality beef also designated popularly as “beef ham”. This product also comes as cecina de cabra and cecina de castron, made from the legs of goat meat called as “goat ham”. Also in Brazil, particularly in north eastern the manufacture of fermented sausages containing goat meat is an alternative use of meat from old animals (Nassu et al., 2003) and to increase the value of dry salting goat and sheep meats (Madruga et al., 2005). So, the use of processes as salted, smoked and air dried to preserve meat products was a practice before the global usage of refrigeration but nowadays becomes more and more important as a way to recover old recipes for upgrading meat products. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to study a strategy which gives value-added to meat from culled goats, with a very low commercial price, and to create a new goat meat product

    Physicochemical composition and sensory quality evaluation of capon and rooster meat

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of caponization on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of rooster and capon meat (2 Portuguese autochthonous chicken breeds of roosters: Amarela and Pedrês), raised under the same production. The birds were castrated at 9 wk of age and bred until 140 d of age. Forty Amarela (20 roosters and 20 capons - castrated male) and 40 Pedrês Portuguesa (20 roosters and 20 capons) breed chickens, 5 free-range chickens, and 5 broilers were used. From the breast, leg, and wing muscles, physicochemical parameters such as pH, water activity (a w ), physical color, moisture content, ash, CP, pigments, collagen, and total fat and fatty acids profile, were analyzed according to standard procedures. Caponization did not affect pH, a w , lightness (L*), yellowness (b*), ash, protein, collagen, saturated fatty acids (SFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA)/SFA. Results show that caponization decreased (P = 0.05) moisture content and increased (P = 0.05) pigments and intramuscular fat content. Capons showed higher (P = 0.001) redness (a*) and chroma (C*), and lower (P = 0.001) hue (H*) compared to roosters. Caponization increased (P = 0.05) monounsaturated fatty acids content and PUFA/SFA. The main fatty acids found were oleic (C18:1), palmitic (C16:0), and linoleic (C18:2). Capons had greater (P = 0.05) C18:1 content but lower (P = 0.01) butyric acid (C4:0), caprylic acid (C8:0), stearic acid (C18:0), and (P = 0.05) arachidonic acid (C20.4) content than roosters. The objective of sensory analysis was making the comparison of the Amarela and Pedrês meat with a free-range chicken and a broiler. Panelists classified the capon meat (Amarela and Pedrês) as juicier and less tough and fibrous than rooster meat. Broilers were in general juicier, tenderer, and less fibrous than the other chickens in this study. The results of sensory evaluation complement those obtained in physicochemical analysis, suggesting that caponization promotes an overall improvement in meat quality.The authors are grateful to Laboratory of Carcass and Meat Quality of Agriculture School of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança ‘Cantinho do Alfredo’.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Precision de diferentes medidas de ultrasonidos junto con el peso de la canal caliente para la estimación del peso de las piezas de carniceria en corderos de raza Churra Galega Bragançana

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    La evaluación de canales de corderos. para satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor, debe basarse en dos parámetros igualmente importantes: (1) de calidad, como la terneza, tamaño de las piezas, cobertura de grasa, marmoreado, color de la carne y de la grasa; y (2) de composición, como carne vendible, o proporción de grasa, músculo y hueso {HARRINGTON y KEMPSTER, 19891. No obstante, lo más f recuente es que se base en criterios de una elevada subjetividad, como la utilización de patrones fotográficos. En este sentido, la reciente creación y puesta en marcha de productos cárnicos ovinos con Denominación de Origen o Indicación Geográfica Protegida es un incentivo a la producción de productos de calidad, cuyas características correspondan a las expectativas de los consumidores, para lo cual deberemos contar con el desarrollo de un sistema de clasificación de canales ovinas, basado en una tecnología que permita conocer la composición del producto final de una manera objetiva. Así pues, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la precisión de diferentes medidas de ultrasonidos junto con el peso de la canal caliente, como predictores del peso de las piezas de carnicería procedentes de corderos de raza Churra Gallega Bragançana

    Precision de los ultrasonidos (sondas de 5 y 7,5 MHz) en la determinación del espesor de la grasa subcutanea y de la profundidad del M. Longissimus dorsi in vivo y en la canal

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    Los ultrasonidos presentan un elevado potencial de aplicación para la estimación de la composición corporal, además al tratarse de un método no invasivo (TOPEL y KAUFFMAN, 1998). permite la obtención de imágenes en el animal vivo, así como en la canal caliente (JONES, 1995). Varios trabajos han demostrado la elevada precisión de los ultrasonidos en la predicción del espesor de grasa subcutánea (DELFA et al. 1991; 1995 ; 1996; 1997 ) y de la profundidad del M. longissimus dorsi (DELFA et al. 1995; 1996; 1997) in vivo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo, evaluar la precisión de dos sondas 15 y. 7,5 MHz) para la determinación del espesor de grasa subcutánea a nivel de las regiones corporales lumbar, torácica y esternal, así como, la profundidad del M. longissimus dorsi, in vivo y en la canal caliente

    Precision de diferentes medidas de ultrasonidos junto con el peso vivo para la estimación del peso de las piezas de carniceria en corderos de raza Churra Galega Bragançana

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    El desarrollo de métodos de predicción de la calidad de la canal, basados en la utilización de medidas in vivo es esencial, tanto para la comercialización de corderos. como para programas de selección de reproductores. Varios trabajos han mostrado, en corderos (STANFORD et al.. 1995; DELFA et al., 1995a; 1996a y b) en cabritos (DELFA et al., 1997) y en cabras adultas (DELFA et al., 1995b; 1996c). la utilidad de los ultrasonidos como predictores in vivo de la composición tisular de la canal. Así pues, el principal objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la precisión de diferentes medidas de ultrasonidos junto con el peso vivo, como predictoras del peso de las piezas de carnicería en corderos de raza Churra Gallega Bragançana

    How does the added fat source affect sensory quality of sheep and goat pâtés?

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    Sensory quality of sheep and goat pâtés with different sources and percentage of fat (10% or 30%, and pork belly or olive oil) were evaluated. A trained taste panel performed sensory analysis and consumers were consulted to perceive their preferences. Generalised Procrustes Analysis was used to test the differences found by panellists. Panellists were able to find sensory differences between sheep and goat pâtés, and also fat percentages. Goat pâtés had higher values of juiciness and sheep pâtés had higher values of taste intensity. Ten percent pork belly fat pâtés had the highest values of colour and cohesiveness attributes and also aroma intensity, while 30% olive oil pâtés had the highest values of texture attributes, except cohesiveness. Although, differences between pâtés were found by panellists, consumers had no particular preference for one of them.Avaliou-se a qualidade sensorial de patês de carne de ovelhas e cabras com diferentes fontes e percentagem de gordura (10% ou 30%, e barriga de porco ou azeite). Um painel de provadores treinado realizou análise sensorial e foram consultados consumidores para perceber as suas preferências. A análise generalizada de Procrustes foi usada para testar as diferenças encontradas pelos provadores. Os painelistas conseguiram encontrar diferenças sensoriais entre os patês de ovelhas e cabras e também percentagens de gordura. Os patês de cabra apresentaram valores mais elevados de suculência e os patês de ovelhas apresentaram maiores valores de intensidade de sabor. Patês com 10% de gordura de barriga de porco tiveram os maiores valores para os atributos de cor e coesividade e também intensidade de aroma, enquanto patês com 30% de azeite apresentaram os maiores valores para os atributos de textura, exceto coesividade. Embora as diferenças entre os patês tenham sido encontradas pelos membros do painel, os consumidores não mostraram uma preferência particular por um deles. Palavras-chave: patê, carne de ovinos e caprinos, gordura de barriga de porco, azeite de oliva, análise sensorial.Work included in the Portuguese PRODER research Project number 020260013013 “New goat and sheep processed meat products” BISOVICAP – Processing meat from pigs, sheep and goats, to produce new products. Ham and pâté, Project PROTEC, SI I&DT - Projects in Co-Promotion, nº 21511. The authors are grateful to the Laboratory of Carcass and Meat Quality and to the Laboratory of Sensory Analysis of Agriculture School of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança ‘Cantinho do Alfredo’. The authors are members of the MARCARNE network, funded by CYTED (ref. 116RT0503).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of caponisation on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chickens

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    The meat fats content associated to nutritional and sensory characteristics are the most important concerns of consumers. To study the effect of caponisation on the meat quality of two different breed chickens, slaughtered at 18 weeks of age, raised under the same conditions, the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of capons (castrated males at 8 weeks of age) and roosters' meat of native Amarela Portuguesa and native Pedrês Portuguesa breeds were evaluated. Forty Amarela (20 roosters and 20 capons), 40 Pedrês (20 roosters and 20 capons) chickens, and also, six free-range chicken and six broilers were evaluated. The pH, water-holding capacity, Warner-Bratzler shear force, moisture content, ash, myoglobin, collagen, CP, total fat and fatty acids profile were evaluated in breast and leg meat, according to standard procedures. Leg meat capon showed greater intramuscular fat content (P≤0.05), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and CP (P≤0.001) than leg roosters. Caponisation increased the content of myoglobin and MUFA (P≤0.05) and reduced the moisture content in the leg (P≤0.05). The main fatty acids found were oleic acid (C18:1), palmitic acid (C16:0) and linoleic acid (C18:2). The greatest value of C18:1 was observed in capon's breast (P≤0.01). Sensory analysis was made to compare the Amarela and Pedrês meat with a free-range chicken and a broiler. The sensory taste panel classified the capon's meat (Amarela and Pedrês) as juicier, less fibrous and tougher than rooster's meat. The broiler was in general juicier, tenderer and less fibrous than the other birds. The results of sensory analysis complement those obtained in physicochemical analysis, suggesting that caponisation promotes an overall improvement in meat quality.The authors are grateful to Laboratory of Carcass and Meat Quality of Agriculture School of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança ‘Cantinho do Alfredo’info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio