13 research outputs found

    Il turismo enogastronomico per lo sviluppo rurale della Basilicata

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    Food and wine tourism has the potential to direct tourist flows to less developed tourist areas such as rural ones, representing for them an opportunity for a sustainable development. The challenge for that areas is to exploit the advantages of food and wine tourism through an accurate planning of the territory in order to create an authentic tourist offer, an expression of the same and able to satisfy the demand for food and wine tourism. A challenge for the territories that must necessarily have an innovative approach, innovation is not synonymous with technology, innovation also means adopting new approaches and methods to imagine the tourist offer for the creation of those tourism products able to satisfy the demand. The variety and importance of tourism products are the motivation that push tourists to visit a destination, the creation of tourism product is part of a larger process that includes the phase of research of tourism resources and the marketing phase, the tourism product represents the link between supply and demand. The present research work has the objective of defining the strategic planning of food and wine tourism in Basilicata, contributing to the growth of the local economy in a sustainable key, this goal goes through the creation of the gastronomy tourism ecosystem of Basilicata in order to create a food and wine tourism product that has the characteristics of competitiveness and sustainability that can meet the current demands of the tourism market

    Sassi di Matera. Per una nuova stagione

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    La pubblicazione raccoglie i contributi dei relatori intervenuti nel confronto pubblico di approfondimento dal titolo “Sassi: per un nuovo dialogo in città”, tenutosi a Matera il 14 e 15 dicembre 2018 e organizzato dalla Cattedra UNESCO dell’Università della Basilicata (UniBas) (nel programma ERT-Educazione Ricerca Territorio) e dalla Fondazione Sassi in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario dell’iscrizione dei Sassi nella Lista UNESCO del Patrimonio Mondiale. In Appendice si trova una Nota di sintesi delle giornate di studio, confronto e partecipazione, che si sono tenute a Matera, in forma di tre eventi, in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario dell’iscrizione dei Sassi alla lista del patrimonio UNESCO, e come edizione pilota del programma “ERT-Educazione Ricerca Territorio” della Cattedra UNESCO. In tale ambito si inserisce la conversazione pubblica “Sassi: per un nuovo dialogo in citta”, di cui il libro raccoglie i contributi dei relatori intervenuti. Oltre alla Nota di sintesi, è riportato per esteso anche il Report, redatto da Paolo Ceccarelli, di uno dei tre eventi, quello titolato “Patrimonio e sviluppo sostenibile: per una conoscenza circolare”, per i richiami contenuti al progetto dell’Osservatorio Sassi e per il sostegno dichiarato al progetto da parte della rete di Cattedre UNESCO TEST, in virtù dell’interesse metodologico ravvisato in tale prospettiva di lavoro scientifico e di pratica partecipativa

    Food and Wine Tourism in Basilicata

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    AbstractThe study attempted to investigate the potential role of labelled food and wine products on the development process of an essentially rural region such as Basilicata. The main objective that raises the research is a mapping of the territories affected by the phenomenon of food and wine tourism in order to define a positioning map built on the comparison of two variables: the food and wine product dimension and the supply of local tourist services dimension, in order to determine districts and related products more suited to express a food and wine tourism product.It contains important policy guidance for those involved in the agriculture supply chain and tourism in Basilicata

    The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”

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    Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, these parts of cities are mostly considered as degradation places. The topic of suburbs regeneration is relevant today. Nevertheless, often expensive interventions implemented by local authorities fail to regenerate their public spaces, increasing the degradation condition. This paper presents the experience of “Serpentone reload”, a workshop based on participatory reactivation of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings in "Cocuzzo/Serpentone" neighbourhood in Potenza (Basilicata, Italy). The workshop particularly focused on the reuse of the "Ship", an underground building with a park coverage completed in 2010 and designed by the firm Archea. The "Ship" has been forgotten and not used for long time, not only by the neighbourhood, but by the whole citizenship, because it has been perceived as an extraneous element and the result of an imposition from the top, definitely not the outcome of shared choices. During the workshop, the "Ship" (“Nave” in Italian language) has become an art centre called N.Av.E. (New Expressive Adventures – Nuove Avventure Espressive in Italian), a place capable to host temporary events (expositions, lectures, theatre and dance performance, movies projection, etc.). Such a choice has allowed the neighbourhood and the city to take back that “object” so hated as ignored. The experience is particularly significant, because it shows how low cost interventions, realized with citizens involvement and participation, could contribute to the regeneration of peripheral urban areas more than expensive and complex imposed interventions, which often do not take into account dwellers real needs and expectations

    Covid-19 e didattica a distanza.Il caso Basilicata, una regione a rischio digital divide

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    This paper presents the implications that Covid-19 has had on educational systems as a result of the application of social distancing measures imposed on people by the governments of each individual country. The lockdown has accelerated digitalization but has also shown the internal weaknesses and fragilities of states. Distance learning (DAD) has been the response of schools to the suspension of lessons in order to guarantee students' right to education. The working paper explains what DAD is and also presents some data, collected by the major international and national organizations, on the level of digitization of the Italian school; it then explores digital education in Lucanian schools through the analysis of statistical sources and literature available and through the questionnaire administered in CAWI modality to a sample of teachers in Lucania. The field survey studies the current condition of infrastructures and the digital literacy of teachers, with a specific focus on the management of the emergency phase, in order to draw policy indications and useful ideas for a new programming stage that will be able to take advantage of all the new opportunities created within the pandemic. To conclude our argumentation, we outline some of the good practices present in Basilicata, which for several years now has been experimenting with special innovative educational activities that arise from forms of business social responsibility. Projects promoted by companies to support the innovation of the school system represent a strategic investment for market competitiveness and economic development. Ensuring quality, fair and inclusive education is the fourth goal of the UN Agenda 2030 and is a fundamental one for the welfare of both individuals and societies. Investing in education, in the medium and long term, will reduce inequalities and lead to the economic, cultural and social change that is necessary for the prosperity of people and the Planet and for the realization of new models of sustainable development

    Destination Image Built by the Cinema: The Case of “Basilicata Coast to Coast”

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    Film tourism, meaning the phenomenon that is born of the desire to visit film locations, has been the object of increasing attention in recent years. This document presents the results of a field research conducted with the aim of analysing the effects of the film "Basilicata Coast to Coast", by Rocco Papaleo, on tourism in Basilicata, (a small region in the South of Italy) after its success at the box office and several Italian awards. The film, planned with the involvement of local institutions and stakeholders, pursues the objective of promoting an area that is still largely unknown to national and international tourists. The romantic and naturalistic dimension expressed by Papaleo's film seems to have stimulated the curiosity of tourists and promoted a "dreamy" but truthful image of the region


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    Nell’Introduzione si spiega che la pubblicazione raccoglie i contributi dei relatori intervenuti nel confronto pubblico di approfondimento dal titolo “Sassi: per un nuovo dialogo in città”, tenutosi a Matera il 14 e 15 dicembre 2018 e organizzato dalla Cattedra UNESCO dell’Università della Basilicata (UniBas) (nel programma ERT-Educazione Ricerca Territorio) e dalla Fondazione Sassi in occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario dell’iscrizione dei Sassi nella Lista UNESCO del Patrimonio Mondiale

    Il paesaggio di Matera - Basilicata 2019 e la promozione del turismo culturale.

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    A wide geographical and philosophical reflection tends to place the landscape at the intersection between nature and culture, such as to be considered as nature perceived through a culture (Assunto 1973; Turri 1998; D'Angelo 2010). Turri (1998) asserts, in fact, that the landscape can not be an entity in itself, but is the bearer of an identity determined by human activity. The landscape is therefore a representation that is situated at the crossroads between an objective approach to material reality and a perceptual and subjective orientation of the gaze. In fact, the landscape is always the index of the degree of realization of the culture of a community with the natural place and its possibilities, therefore, it is the form and measure of the local identity. Local identity is increasingly an important component of the territorial system, of sustainable development as well. The aim of the paper is to investigate the role that the landscape and the cultural heritage have in the Matera tourist experience and the role that an event, such as the European Capital of Culture, can play as an enabler of energies, ables to thicken the community around a project, to strengthen the cultural identity and the social capital of the area, to increase the exchange opportunities within the community, the common interests and the degree of reciprocity, to modify the image perceived of the city by its inhabitants and to relaunch the new image outwards. So, starting from a new vision of territory, the work focuses on the benefits strongly linked to Matera as a tourism destination characterized by its cultural feature. Specifically, the study focuses on the transformation of its resources into strengths, in view of a long-term sustainable tourism vision. A path of change, in which the transformation of the Sassi into cultural heritage has initiated a tourist development based on a bottom up process. To this end, the work is organized in two parts: the first part has a theoretical methodological aspect, the second part, instead, is dedicated to the field survey. It has been conducted an analysis of points of view and opinions of the privileged witnesses to better investigate the key aspects of the research.Un'ampia riflessione geografica e filosofica tende a collocare il paesaggio all'incrocio tra natura e cultura, tale da essere considerato come natura percepita attraverso una cultura (Assunto 1973; Turri 1998; D'Angelo 2010). Turri (1998) sostiene, infatti, che il paesaggio non può essere un’entità a sé, ma, è portatore di un’identità determinata dall’attività umana. Il paesaggio è, dunque, una rappresentazione che si situa all'incrocio tra un’impostazione oggettiva della realtà materiale e un orientamento percettivo e soggettivo dello sguardo. Di fatto, il paesaggio è sempre l’indice del grado di realizzazione della cultura di una comunità con il luogo naturale e le sue possibilità e, quindi, forma e misura dell’identità locale. Sempre più l’identità locale costituisce una componente importante del sistema territoriale e delle sue prospettive di sviluppo sostenibile. Obiettivo del paper è indagare il ruolo che il paesaggio e il patrimonio culturale hanno nell’esperienza turistica dei flussi di Matera e il peso che un evento, quale la Capitale Europea della Cultura, può svolgere come trigger, come attivatore di energie, in grado di addensare la comunità attorno a un progetto, di rafforzare l’identità culturale e la dotazione di capitale sociale dell’area, di aumentare le occasioni di scambio all’interno della comunità, gli interessi comuni e il grado di reciprocità, di modificare l’immagine percepita della città da parte dei suoi abitanti e, come effetto naturale, di rilanciare la nuova immagine verso l’esterno. Quindi, partendo da una nuova visione di territorio, il lavoro si focalizza sui benefici fortemente legati alla destinazione Matera e al nuovo prodotto culturale. Nello specifico, lo studio focalizza il concetto di trasformazione del contesto materano e delle sue risorse in punti di forza, in vista di un turismo sostenibile programmato a lungo termine. Un percorso di cambiamento, in cui la trasformazione dei Sassi in patrimonio culturale ha avviato un processo di sviluppo turistico di tipo bottom up. A tal fine, il contributo che si presenta è organizzato in due parti: la prima, di natura teorica metodologica e la seconda parte, invece, è dedicata all’indagine sul campo, mediante l’utilizzo dello strumento dell’intervista semi strutturata, al fine di approfondire al meglio gli aspetti chiave della ricerca attraverso un’analisi di punti di vista e opinioni provenienti dai Testimoni Privilegiati

    The Possibilities for the Development of Tourism in the Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese National Park: A Participative Qualitative-Quantitative Approach

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    Protected areas can represent a strategic laboratory for the realisation of initiatives capable of promoting sustainable economic development models at a local level. One of the duties of national parks is to provide value and promote, even for tourism purposes, natural, historical and cultural resources subject to restrictions in the territory. This contribution describes the research process activated for the definition of a tourism development strategy in the youngest Italian national parks, the Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese located in Basilicata. This is a protected area which has not yet been developed from a tourism point of view and it has an "eclectic" naturalist value characterised by flora on one hand and significant fauna on the other, as well as a subsoil rich in hydrocarbons (the largest deposit on continental Europe). In light of this typicality for the area, research favoured a participative type qualitative-quantitative approach, involving both local stakeholders, for exploration of the area's potential and definition of possible tourism development scenarios, and actual or potential users interested in the area, for assessment of the proposed alternatives. The information and data collected allowed, on one hand, the identification of major critical areas which currently make tourism in the area an activity that is still economically marginal with respect to the local structured economic system, and on the other hand, identification of some themes around which to build a competitive tourism product in line with market demands in observance of sustainability. Through a contingent assessment exercise it was possible to understand what the preferences are with respect to different hypotheses of the tourism offer in the area for current and potential tourists involved in the survey and, at the same time, to identify some elements to examine in order to improve attractiveness

    The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”

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    Suburbs are often very contradictory places. Despite great part of urban population live there, these parts of cities are mostly considered as degradation places. The topic of suburbs regeneration is relevant today. Nevertheless, often expensive interventions implemented by local authorities fail to regenerate their public spaces, increasing the degradation condition. This paper presents the experience of “Serpentone reload”, a workshop based on participatory reactivation of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings in "Cocuzzo/Serpentone" neighbourhood in Potenza (Basilicata, Italy). The workshop particularly focused on the reuse of the "Ship", an underground building with a park coverage completed in 2010 and designed by the firm Archea. The "Ship" has been forgotten and not used for long time, not only by the neighbourhood, but by the whole citizenship, because it has been perceived as an extraneous element and the result of an imposition from the top, definitely not the outcome of shared choices. During the workshop, the "Ship" (“Nave” in Italian language) has become an art centre called N.Av.E. (New Expressive Adventures – Nuove Avventure Espressive in Italian), a place capable to host temporary events (expositions, lectures, theatre and dance performance, movies projection, etc.). Such a choice has allowed the neighbourhood and the city to take back that “object” so hated as ignored. The experience is particularly significant, because it shows how low cost interventions, realized with citizens involvement and participation, could contribute to the regeneration of peripheral urban areas more than expensive and complex imposed interventions, which often do not take into account dwellers real needs and expectation