3 research outputs found
Abstract Modified polymer asphalt warm mixture is one of the green technologies, which is intended to reduce the mixing temperature from 20°C up to 40°C lower than the hot mixing temperature, by adding an additive. This study uses Bayat Zeolite as an additive. The method used in this study is conducting several laboratory tests. The results show that the mixture containing 1.5% Bayat Zeolite has a higher indirect tensile strength and is more resistant to damage caused by water. Keywords: warm asphalt mixture, additive, indirect tensile strength, mixing temperature  Abstrak Campuran beraspal modifikasi polimer hangat adalah salah satu teknologi hijau, yang dimaksudkan untuk menurunkan temperatur pencampuran antara 20°C hingga 40°C lebih rendah daripada temperatur pencampuran panas, dengan menambahkan suatu aditif. Penelitian ini menggunakan Zeolit Bayat sebagai aditif. Metode yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah melakukan pengujian di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa campuran yang mengandung Zeolit Bayat dengan kadar 1,5% mempunyai kuat tarik tidak langsung yang lebih tinggi dan lebih tahan terhadap kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh air. Kata-kata kunci: campuran beraspal hangat, aditif, kuat tarik tidak langsung, temperatur pencampura
Abstract Modified polymer asphalt warm mixture is one of the green technologies, which is intended to reduce the mixing temperature from 20°C up to 40°C lower than the hot mixing temperature, by adding an additive. This study uses Bayat Zeolite as an additive. The method used in this study is conducting several laboratory tests. The results show that the mixture containing 1.5% Bayat Zeolite has a higher indirect tensile strength and is more resistant to damage caused by water. Keywords: warm asphalt mixture, additive, indirect tensile strength, mixing temperature  Abstrak Campuran beraspal modifikasi polimer hangat adalah salah satu teknologi hijau, yang dimaksudkan untuk menurunkan temperatur pencampuran antara 20°C hingga 40°C lebih rendah daripada temperatur pencampuran panas, dengan menambahkan suatu aditif. Penelitian ini menggunakan Zeolit Bayat sebagai aditif. Metode yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah melakukan pengujian di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa campuran yang mengandung Zeolit Bayat dengan kadar 1,5% mempunyai kuat tarik tidak langsung yang lebih tinggi dan lebih tahan terhadap kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh air. Kata-kata kunci: campuran beraspal hangat, aditif, kuat tarik tidak langsung, temperatur pencampura
Chemical Type Variation of Groundwater in Borobudur and Surroundings Area, Magelang District
Hydrogeological surveys have been carried out in the Borobudur area and its surroundings, the northern part of the West Progo Hills to the Magelang intermountain plains. The purpose of this study is to determine the variations in groundwater’s chemical types in the study area and to interpret the hydrochemical processes. Primary data was taken in the field, including groundwater data and rock petrology. Physical / chemical data of groundwater were obtained from laboratory test results. Data analysis includes hydrochemical analysis using the Stiff, Piper, and Durov diagrams. The result shows that groundwater in the study area has a wide variety of chemical types, namely Ca, Mg - bicarbonate; Ca, Mg, alkaline – bicarbonate; Alkaline, Ca – chloride, and Alkaline - chloride. Groundwater in the study area is fresh (type Va) to brackish (type Vc), with low -moderate TDS content (119 - 6,810 ppm), and soft calcium carbonate hardness (6.0 - 16.6 ppm). Hydrochemical processes occur in groundwater are simple dissolution and cation exchange caused by clay materials originating from Quaternary deposits or weathering of Old Andesite Formation volcanic breccia. In addition, the presence of brackish water in Karangrejo and Candirejo may be triggered by mixing with fossil water