3,812 research outputs found

    Financial statements for 1943: A Statistical survey of 200 published annual reports to stockholders

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    Originally published by: Haskins & Sells

    Detection and measurement of paracaspase MALT1 activity.

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    The paracaspase MALT1 is a Cys-dependent, Arg-specific protease that plays an essential role in the activation and proliferation of lymphocytes during the immune response. Oncogenic activation of MALT1 is associated with the development of specific forms of B-cell lymphomas. Through specific cleavage of its substrates, MALT1 controls various aspects of lymphocyte activation, including the activation of transcriptional pathways, the stabilization of mRNAs, and an increase in cellular adhesion. In lymphocytes, the activity of MALT1 is tightly controlled by its inducible monoubiquitination, which promotes the dimerization of MALT1. Here, we describe both in vitro and in vivo assays that have been developed to assess MALT1 activity

    Нові документи про родину Лисянських

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    Het lijkt een wet van Meden en Perzen: in tijden van crisis duikt ook steeds een roep om ingrijpende verandering op. Constante in deze dynamiek is het concept van de rechtvaardige stad. Hoewel al in de jaren zeventig geïntroduceerd, is het nog steeds onderdeel van verhit debat. In deze AGORA een historische en theoretische refl ectie en een analyse van rechtvaardigheid in de stedelijke praktijk

    Influence of scattering coefficient on the prediction of room acoustic parameters in a virtual concert hall.

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    The scattering coefficient is one of the most important input parameters in room acoustics simulations. Together with absorption coefficient they belong to main descriptors of interior surface properties in the calculation process based on ray or radiosity method algorithms. This paper investigates the influence of scattered sound on the objective room acoustical parameters in the example of a virtual concert hall. Six different alternatives were simulated, where scattering coefficients s = 10, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 90 % respectively, were applied to the interior surfaces of the ceiling, side and rear walls. Analysis has been performed by studying the results of objective room acoustical parameters predicted by simulations done in the software Catt-Acoustic®

    Exactly solvable models in 2D semiclassical dilaton gravity and extremal black holes

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    Previously known exactly solvable models of 2D semiclassical dilaton gravity admit, in the general case, only non-extreme black holes. It is shown that there exist exceptional degenerate cases, that can be obtained by some limiting transitions from the general exact solution, which include, in particular, extremal and ultraextremal black holes. We also analyze properties of extreme black holes without demanding exact solvability and show that for such solutions quantum backreaction forbids the existence of ultraextreme black holes. The conditions,under which divergencies of quantum stresses in a free falling frame can disappear, are found. We derive the closed equation with respect to the metric as a function of the dilaton field that enables one, choosing the form of the metric, to restore corresponding Lagrangian. It is demonstrated that exactly solvable models, found earlier, can be extended to include an electric charge only in two cases: either the dilaton-gravitation coupling is proportional to the potential term, or the latter vanishes. The second case leads to the effective potential with a negative amplitude and we analyze, how this fact affects the structure of spacetime. We also discuss the role of quantum backreaction in the relationship between extremal horizons and the branch of solutions with a constant dilaton.Comment: 31 pages. In v.2 typo in Ref. [2] corrected, 4 references added. Accepted in Class. Quant. Gra

    Controle alternativo da mancha fuliginosa do tomateiro com óleo essencial de Xylopia aromatica.

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    Visando o controle alternativo da mancha fuliginosa do tomateiro causada por Pseudocercospora fuligena por meio do óleo essencial de Xylopia aromatica, foram realizados ensaios in vitro e in vivo, nos quais foram avaliados a ação de diferentes concentrações do óleo na germinação de conídios e seu efeito protetor e/ou curativo em plantas de tomateiro em casa-de-vegetação. A concentração de 25 ?l 100ml-1 não inibiu a germinação dos conídios de P. fuligena enquanto as concentrações de 75 e 100 ?l 100ml-1 apresentaram inibição de quase 100% da germinação. O período de incubação variou de 7 a 15 dias. A concentração de 75 ?l 100ml-1, utilizada no experimento in vivo, não apresentou efeito protetor ou curativo contra a mancha fuliginosa do tomateiro. Testes com maiores concentrações devem ser realizados para verificar a eficiência do óleo essencial de X. aromatica no controle da mancha fuliginosa do tomateiro

    Модус перехідності в англійській та російській “малій прозі” рубежу XIX–XX ст. (Неоромантизм і неореалізм).

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    Відгук офіційного опонента Хлибової Наталії Олександрівни на дисертацію Долгої Наталі Миколаївн

    Quantum magneto-oscillations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid

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    Quantum magneto-oscillations provide a powerfull tool for quantifying Fermi-liquid parameters of metals. In particular, the quasiparticle effective mass and spin susceptibility are extracted from the experiment using the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula, derived under the assumption that the properties of the system in a non-zero magnetic field are determined uniquely by the zero-field Fermi-liquid state. This assumption is valid in 3D but, generally speaking, erroneous in 2D where the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula may be applied only if the oscillations are strongly damped by thermal smearing and disorder. In this work, the effects of interactions and disorder on the amplitude of magneto-oscillations in 2D are studied. It is found that the effective mass diverges logarithmically with decreasing temperature signaling a deviation from the Fermi-liquid behavior. It is also shown that the quasiparticle lifetime due to inelastic interactions does not enter the oscillation amplitude, although these interactions do renormalize the effective mass. This result provides a generalization of the Fowler-Prange theorem formulated originally for the electron-phonon interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Weather conditions and voter turnout in Dutch national parliament elections, 1971–2010

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    While conventional wisdom assumes that inclement weather on election day reduces voter turnout, there is remarkably little evidence available to support truth to such belief. This paper examines the effects of temperature, sunshine duration and rainfall on voter turnout in 13 Dutch national parliament elections held from 1971 to 2010. It merges the election results from over 400 municipalities with election-day weather data drawn from the nearest weather station. We find that the weather parameters indeed affect voter turnout. Election-day rainfall of roughly 25 mm (1 inch) reduces turnout by a rate of one percent, whereas a 10-degree-Celsius increase in temperature correlates with an increase of almost one percent in overall turnout. One hundred percent sunshine corresponds to a one and a half percent greater voter turnout compared to zero sunshine