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    Municipal solid waste landfills are one of the most dangerous environment “point" polluters. The main polluter in landfills is leachate, which arise mainly of waste moisture and precipitations. Leachate is very contaminated wastewater and all landfills operators have problems in leachate treatment sector, because composition of leachate contaminants and concentrations very changed in time. It is very problematic task for selection of leachate treatment method or methods. Normally, in leachate treatment practice combination of different treatment methods are used. In this paper composition of leachate in two biggest Latvia landfills are described. Leachate treatment investigations were achieved with coagulation and sorbtion methods. In researches leachate with coagulants Al2(SOf3 and FeCl3 and peat as sorbent are treated. Researches showed that peat is very effective sorbent for heavy metals removing from leachate

    Ūdeņu ķīmisko sastāvu raksturojošo parametru dinamika integrālā monitoringa poligonos Latvijā

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    Darbā apskatīts ūdens aprites cikls un tā saistība ar piesārņojošo vielu gaisa pārnesi. Apkopota informācija par atmosfēras nokrišņu, augsnes ūdeņu un gruntsūdeņu veidošanos un ķīmisko sastāvu. Sniegts Integrālā monitoringa programmas un poligonu, kuros šī programma tiek realizētqa, raksturojums. Analizētas Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd koncentrācijas un pH vērtības atmosfēras noktišņu un augsnes ūdeņos, kā arī gruntūdeņos laika posmā no 1999. līdz 2009. gadam. Balstoties uz veikto datu analīzi novērtēta iespējamā pārrobežu piesārņojuma gaisa pārneses ietekme