4 research outputs found

    Abstraktní expresionismus a Raymond Roussel v poezii Johna Ashberyho

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    Abstraktní expresionismus a Raymond Roussel v poezii Johna Ashberyho John Ashbery jako vzorový příklad postmoderního autora zahrnuje do své tvorby řadu vlivů. Ty tvoří nedílnou součást pochopení a ocenění jeho poezie, ale také říkají mnoho o Ashberyho přístupu k literárnímu kánonu, přesněji řečeno jsou důkazem jeho zaujetí pro avantgardu a okrajové, nedoceněné či neortodoxní autory. Dva z těchto vlivů byly v práci podrobeny bližšímu zkoumání. Za prvé je to tvorba abstraktních expresionistů druhé generace, kteří byli během padesátých let minulého století úzce spjatí s prostředím takzvané "newyorské školy", jejímž významným zástupcem se Ashbery stal. Za druhé je to francouzský protosurrealista Raymond Roussel. Práce srovnává několik rysů Ashberyho poetiky s odpovídajícími rysy technik těchto dvou inspiračních zdrojů, aby tak přiblížila postupy a ideje skryté pod povrchem Ashberyho neotřelého stylu. Abstraktní expresionisté byli vybráni se zřetelem na Ashberyho dlouholeté působení jako kritika výtvarného umění a na již zmíněnou skutečnost, že spolu s ním sdíleli prostředí newyorské školy. Srovnání, které vychází z článku Charlese Altieriho "John Ashbery and the Challenge of Postmodernism in the Visual Arts", vyděluje dvě paralely mezi možnostmi jazykového a vizuálního materiálu: způsob zacházení s jazykem,...Expressionism and Raymond Roussel in the Poetry of John Ashbery John Ashbery is the epitome of the postmodern poet and he reflects in his writings a variety of influences. These are an inherent part of the understanding and appreciation of his poetry but also informative about his attitude to the literary canon: more precisely, they are testimonies of his attraction to avant-gardes and minor and marginal authors. Two representatives of these have been selected for detailed comparison. The first is the second generation of Abstract Expressionists associated with the 1950s New York School of poetry of which Ashbery became a prominent member. The second is the French obscure proto- surrealist Raymond Roussel. The thesis compares several formal aspects of Ashbery's poetry with their respective techniques with a view to elucidate the workings and attitudes behind Ashbery's singular style. Abstract Expressionists were chosen due to Ashbery's long engagement with visual arts criticism and the already-mentioned fact of their shared milieu of the New York School. The comparison, based on Charles Altieri's 1988 article "John Ashbery and the Challenge of Postmodernism in the Visual Arts," distinguishes two main parallels between the visual and linguistic material: a treatment of language similar to collaging...Department of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesÚstav anglofonních literatur a kulturFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Abstract expressionism and Raymond Roussel in the poetry of John Ashbery

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    Expressionism and Raymond Roussel in the Poetry of John Ashbery John Ashbery is the epitome of the postmodern poet and he reflects in his writings a variety of influences. These are an inherent part of the understanding and appreciation of his poetry but also informative about his attitude to the literary canon: more precisely, they are testimonies of his attraction to avant-gardes and minor and marginal authors. Two representatives of these have been selected for detailed comparison. The first is the second generation of Abstract Expressionists associated with the 1950s New York School of poetry of which Ashbery became a prominent member. The second is the French obscure proto- surrealist Raymond Roussel. The thesis compares several formal aspects of Ashbery's poetry with their respective techniques with a view to elucidate the workings and attitudes behind Ashbery's singular style. Abstract Expressionists were chosen due to Ashbery's long engagement with visual arts criticism and the already-mentioned fact of their shared milieu of the New York School. The comparison, based on Charles Altieri's 1988 article "John Ashbery and the Challenge of Postmodernism in the Visual Arts," distinguishes two main parallels between the visual and linguistic material: a treatment of language similar to collaging..

    Postmodernita hledá postgender: Brophy, Winterson a Place

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    Postmodernita hledá postgender: Brophy, Winterson a Place (Abstrakt) Práce se zabývá třemi formálně velmi odlišnými texty, publikovanými v letech 1969, 1993 a 2013, které tvořivě přistupují ke genderové binaritě a rozvracejí ji: In Transit od Brigid Brophy, Written on the Body od Jeanette Winterson a Boycott Vanessy Place. V návaznosti na koncepci postmodernismu u Jeana-Françoise Lyotarda jakožto modernismu ve stádiu věčného zrodu přichází autorka s hypotézou "postgenderu". Ten nicméně neznačí překonání genderu jednou provždy (jak je termín často chápán, například v díle Rosi Braidotti), ale strukturní pohyb, možnost subverze v jádru každého genderového schématu a v současnosti tedy i genderismu, čili přesvědčení, že gender je nutně dvojí a že aspekty naší genderové identity jsou neoddělitelně spjaté s pohlavím, které nám bylo přiřazeno při narození. Kromě feministické teorie a literární kritiky se práce také dotýká oboru transgenderových studií, psychoanalýzy, filosofie historie a především díla Jacquesa Derridy. Práce se tak snaží formulovat pojem postgenderu jako neodmyslitelnou součást postmoderní situace a završení moderního rozštěpení subjektu, což se odráží v jistém kulturním příklonu ke genderu v průběhu 90. let. Práce nicméně zůstává zakotvena na poli literární kritiky, neboť jejím hlavním zájmem...Postmodernity's Search for Postgender: Bropy, Winterson and Place (Abstract) The thesis examines three formally very diverse texts published in 1969, 1993 and 2013 respectively that creatively approach and subvert the gender binary: Brigid Brophy's In Transit, Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body and Vanessa Place's Boycott. Based on Jean-François Lyotard's conception of postmodernism as modernism in a constantly nascent state, the author advances a hypothesis of "postgender." This however does not mean overcoming gender for good (as it is sometimes understood, for example by Rosi Braidotti), but as a structural momentum, a possibility of subversion at the heart of any gender schema and currently therefore of genderism, i.e. the belief that gender is necessarily binary and that aspects of our gender are inherently linked to our sex assigned at birth. Apart from feminist theory and literary criticism, the thesis also touches on the field of transgender studies, psychoanalysis, philosophy of history and most importantly the work of Jacques Derrida. In so doing it tries to articulate the notion of postgender as part and parcel of the condition of postmodernity and a culmination of the modern split of the subject, leading to a certain cultural gender turn during the 1990s. The work nevertheless remains...Department of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesÚstav anglofonních literatur a kulturFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Postmodernity's Search for Postgender: Brophy, Winterson and Place

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    Postmodernity's Search for Postgender: Bropy, Winterson and Place (Abstract) The thesis examines three formally very diverse texts published in 1969, 1993 and 2013 respectively that creatively approach and subvert the gender binary: Brigid Brophy's In Transit, Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body and Vanessa Place's Boycott. Based on Jean-François Lyotard's conception of postmodernism as modernism in a constantly nascent state, the author advances a hypothesis of "postgender." This however does not mean overcoming gender for good (as it is sometimes understood, for example by Rosi Braidotti), but as a structural momentum, a possibility of subversion at the heart of any gender schema and currently therefore of genderism, i.e. the belief that gender is necessarily binary and that aspects of our gender are inherently linked to our sex assigned at birth. Apart from feminist theory and literary criticism, the thesis also touches on the field of transgender studies, psychoanalysis, philosophy of history and most importantly the work of Jacques Derrida. In so doing it tries to articulate the notion of postgender as part and parcel of the condition of postmodernity and a culmination of the modern split of the subject, leading to a certain cultural gender turn during the 1990s. The work nevertheless remains..