119 research outputs found

    Attenuated pupillary light responses and downregulation of opsin expression parallel decline in circadian disruption in two different mouse models of Huntington's disease.

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    Circadian deficits in Huntington’s disease (HD) are recapitulated in both fragment (R6/2) and full-length (Q175) mouse models of HD. Circadian rhythms are regulated by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the hypothalamus, which are primarily entrained by light detected by the retina. The SCN receives input from intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) that express the photopigment melanopsin, but also receive input from rods and cones. In turn, ipRGCs mediate a range of non-image forming responses to light including circadian entrainment and the pupillary light response (PLR). Retinal degeneration/dysfunction has been described previously in R6 /2 mice. We investigated, therefore, whether or not circadian disruption in HD mice is due to abnormalities in retinal photoreception. We measured expression of melanopsin, rhodopsin and cone opsin, as well as other retinal markers (tyrosine hydroxylase, calbindin, PKCα and Brna3 ), in R6/2 and Q175 mice at different stages of disease. We also measured the PLR as a ‘readout’ for ipRGC function and a marker of light reception by the retina. We found that the PLR was attenuated in both lines of HD mice. This was accompanied by a progressive downregulation of cone opsin and melanopsin expression. We suggest that a disease-related change in photoreception by the retina contributes to the progressive dysregulation of circadian rhythmicity and entrainment seen in HD mice. Colour vision is abnormal in HD patients. Therefore, if retinal deficits similar to those seen in HD mice are confirmed in patients, specifically designed light therapy may be an effective strategy to improve circadian dysfunction.This work was supported by a grant from CHDI (Inc.) to AJM. SH is funded by a BBSRC grant (BB/M009998/1). SNP and CAP are funded by a Wellcome Trust strategic grant (098461/Z/12/Z)

    Continuous home cage monitoring of activity and sleep in mice during repeated paroxetine treatment and discontinuation

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    Rationale: Non-invasive home cage monitoring is emerging as a valuable tool to assess the effects of experimental interventions on mouse behaviour. A field in which these techniques may prove useful is the study of repeated selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment and discontinuation. SSRI discontinuation syndrome is an under-researched condition that includes the emergence of sleep disturbances following treatment cessation. Objectives: We used passive infrared (PIR) monitoring to investigate changes in activity, sleep, and circadian rhythms during repeated treatment with the SSRI paroxetine and its discontinuation in mice. Methods: Male mice received paroxetine (10 mg/kg/day, s.c.) for 12 days, then were swapped to saline injections for a 13 day discontinuation period and compared to mice that received saline injections throughout. Mice were continuously tracked using the Continuous Open Mouse Phenotyping of Activity and Sleep Status (COMPASS) system. Results Repeated paroxetine treatment reduced activity and increased behaviourally-defined sleep in the dark phase. These effects recovered to saline-control levels within 24 h of paroxetine cessation, yet there was also evidence of a lengthening of sleep bouts in the dark phase for up to a week following discontinuation. Conclusions: This study provides the first example of how continuous non-invasive home cage monitoring can be used to detect objective behavioural changes in activity and sleep during and after drug treatment in mice. These data suggest that effects of paroxetine administration reversed soon after its discontinuation but identified an emergent change in sleep bout duration, which could be used as a biomarker in future preclinical studies to prevent or minimise SSRI discontinuation symptoms

    Functional inhibition of deep brain non-visual opsins facilitates acute long day induction of reproductive recrudescence in male Japanese quail  :Deep brain photoreceptors in birds

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    For nearly a century, we have known that brain photoreceptors regulate avian seasonal biology. Two photopigments, vertebrate ancient opsin (VA) and neuropsin (OPN5), provide possible molecular substrates for these photoreceptor pathways. VA fulfills many criteria for providing light input to the reproductive response, but a functional link has yet to be demonstrated. This study examined the role of VA and OPN5 in the avian photoperiodic response of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Non-breeding male quail were housed under short days (6L:18D) and received an intracerebroventricular infusion of adeno-associated viral vectors with shRNAi that selectively inhibited either VA or OPN5. An empty viral vector acted as a control. Quail were then photostimulated (16L:8D) to stimulate gonadal growth. Two long days significantly increased pituitary thyrotrophin-stimulating hormone β-subunit (TSHβ) and luteinizing hormone β-subunit (LHβ) mRNA of VA shRNAi treated quail compared to controls. Furthermore, at one week there was a significant increase, compared to controls, in both hypothalamic gonadotrophin releasing hormone-I (GnRH-I) mRNA and paired testicular mass in VA shRNAi birds. Opn5 shRNAi facilitated the photoinduced increase in TSHβ mRNA at 2 days, but no other differences were identified compared to controls. Contrary to our expectations, the silencing of deep brain photoreceptors enhanced the response of the reproductive axis to photostimulation rather than preventing it. In addition, we show that VA opsin plays a dominant role in the light-dependent neuroendocrine control of seasonal reproduction in birds. Together our findings suggest the photoperiodic response involves at least two photoreceptor types and populations working together with VA opsin playing a dominant role

    Hyperspectral characterisation of natural illumination in woodland and forest environments

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    Light in nature is complex and dynamic, and varies along spectrum, space, direction, and time. While both spectrally resolved measurements and spatially resolved measurements are widely available, spectrally and spatially resolved measurements are technologically more challenging. Here, we present a portable imaging system using off-the-shelf components to capture the full spherical light environment in a spectrally and spatially resolved fashion. The method relies on imaging the 4π-steradian light field reflected from a mirrored chrome sphere using a commercial hyperspectral camera (400-1000 nm) from multiple directions and an image-processing pipeline for extraction of the mirror sphere, removal of saturated pixels, correction of specular reflectance of the sphere, promotion to a high dynamic range, correction of misalignment of images, correction of intensity compression, erasure of the imaging system, unwrapping of the spherical images, filling-in blank regions, and stitching images collected from different angles. We applied our method to Wytham Woods, an ancient semi-natural woodland near Oxford, UK. We acquired a total of 168 images in two sites with low and high abundance of ash, leading to differences in canopy, leading to a total 14 hyperspectral light probes. Our image-processing pipeline corrected small (<3 °) field-based misalignment adequately. Our novel hyperspectral imaging method is adapted for field conditions and opens up novel opportunities for capturing the complex and dynamic nature of the light environment

    TRESK is a key regulator of nocturnal suprachiasmatic nucleus dynamics and light adaptive responses

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    The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a complex structure dependent upon multiple mechanisms to ensure rhythmic electrical activity that varies between day and night, to determine circadian adaptation and behaviours. SCN neurons are exposed to glutamate from multiple sources including from the retino-hypothalamic tract and from astrocytes. However, the mechanism preventing inappropriate post-synaptic glutamatergic effects is unexplored and unknown. Unexpectedly we discovered that TRESK, a calcium regulated two-pore potassium channel, plays a crucial role in this system. We propose that glutamate activates TRESK through NMDA and AMPA mediated calcium influx and calcineurin activation to then oppose further membrane depolarisation and rising intracellular calcium. Hence, in the absence of TRESK, glutamatergic activity is unregulated leading to membrane depolarisation, increased nocturnal SCN firing, inverted basal calcium levels and impaired sensitivity in light induced phase delays. Our data reveals TRESK plays an essential part in SCN regulatory mechanisms and light induced adaptive behaviours

    Methods to estimate body temperature and energy expenditure dynamics in fed and fasted laboratory mice:effects of sleep deprivation and light exposure

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    Monitoring body temperature and energy expenditure in freely-moving laboratory mice remains a powerful methodology used widely across a variety of disciplines–including circadian biology, sleep research, metabolic phenotyping, and the study of body temperature regulation. Some of the most pronounced changes in body temperature are observed when small heterothermic species reduce their body temperature during daily torpor. Daily torpor is an energy saving strategy characterized by dramatic reductions in body temperature employed by mice and other species when challenged to meet energetic demands. Typical measurements used to describe daily torpor are the measurement of core body temperature and energy expenditure. These approaches can have drawbacks and developing alternatives for these techniques provides options that can be beneficial both from an animal-welfare and study-complexity perspective. First, this paper presents and assesses a method to estimate core body temperature based on measurements of subcutaneous body temperature, and second, a separate approach to better estimate energy expenditure during daily torpor based on core body temperature. Third, the effects of light exposure during the habitual dark phase and sleep deprivation during the light period on body temperature dynamics were tested preliminary in fed and fasted mice. Together, the here-published approaches and datasets can be used in the future to assess body temperature and metabolism in freely-moving laboratory mice.</p

    Deletion of AMPA receptor GluA1 subunit gene (Gria1) causes circadian rhythm disruption and aberrant responses to environmental cues

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    Dysfunction of the glutamate α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor GluA1 subunit and deficits in synaptic plasticity are implicated in schizophrenia and sleep and circadian rhythm disruption. To investigate the role of GluA1 in circadian and sleep behaviour, we used wheel-running, passive-infrared, and video-based home-cage activity monitoring to assess daily rest–activity profiles of GluA1-knockout mice (Gria1−/−). We showed that these mice displayed various circadian abnormalities, including misaligned, fragmented, and more variable rest–activity patterns. In addition, they showed heightened, but transient, behavioural arousal to light→dark and dark→light transitions, as well as attenuated nocturnal-light-induced activity suppression (negative masking). In the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), nocturnal-light-induced cFos signals (a molecular marker of neuronal activity in the preceding ~1–2 h) were attenuated, indicating reduced light sensitivity in the SCN. However, there was no change in the neuroanatomical distribution of expression levels of two neuropeptides―vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and arginine vasopressin (AVP)―differentially expressed in the core (ventromedial) vs. shell (dorsolateral) SCN subregions and both are known to be important for neuronal synchronisation within the SCN and circadian rhythmicity. In the motor cortex (area M1/M2), there was increased inter-individual variability in cFos levels during the evening period, mirroring the increased inter-individual variability in locomotor activity under nocturnal light. Finally, in the spontaneous odour recognition task GluA1 knockouts’ short-term memory was impaired due to enhanced attention to the recently encountered familiar odour. These abnormalities due to altered AMPA-receptor-mediated signalling resemble and may contribute to sleep and circadian rhythm disruption and attentional deficits in different modalities in schizophrenia

    Sleep homeostasis during daytime food entrainment in mice

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    24h rhythms of physiology and behavior are driven by the environment and an internal endogenous timing system. Daily restricted feeding (RF) in nocturnal rodents during their inactive phase initiates food anticipatory activity (FAA) and a reorganisation of the typical 24h sleep-wake structure. Here, we investigate the effects of daytime feeding, where food access was restricted to 4h during the light period ZT4-8 (Zeitgeber time; ZT0 is lights on), on sleep-wake architecture and sleep homeostasis in mice. Following 10 days of RF, mice were returned to ad libitum feeding. To mimic the spontaneous wakefulness associated with FAA and daytime feeding, mice were then sleep deprived between ZT3-6. While the amount of wake increased during FAA and subsequent feeding, total wake time over 24h remained stable as the loss of sleep in the light phase was compensated for by an increase in sleep in the dark phase. Interestingly, sleep which followed spontaneous wake episodes during the dark period and the extended period of wake associated with FAA, exhibited lower levels of slow-wave activity (SWA) when compared to baseline or after sleep deprivation, despite a similar duration of waking. This suggests an evolutionary mechanism of reducing sleep drive during negative energy balance to enable greater arousal for food seeking behaviors. However, the total amount of sleep and SWA accumulated during the 24h was similar between baseline and RF. In summary, our study suggests that despite substantial changes in the daily distribution and quality of wake induced by RF, sleep homeostasis is maintained.</p

    Vertebrate ancient opsin photopigment spectra and the avian photoperiodic response

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    In mammals, photoreception is restricted to cones, rods and a subset of retinal ganglion cells. By contrast, non-mammalian vertebrates possess many extraocular photoreceptors but in many cases the role of these photoreceptors and their underlying photopigments is unknown. In birds, deep brain photoreceptors have been shown to sense photic changes in daylength (photoperiod) and mediate seasonal reproduction. Nonetheless, the specific identity of the opsin photopigment ‘sensor’ involved has remained elusive. Previously, we showed that vertebrate ancient (VA) opsin is expressed in avian hypothalamic neurons and forms a photosensitive molecule. However, a direct functional link between VA opsin and the regulation of seasonal biology was absent. Here, we report the in vivo and in vitro absorption spectra (λmax = ∼490 nm) for chicken VA photopigments. Furthermore, the spectral sensitivity of these photopigments match the peak absorbance of the avian photoperiodic response (λmax = 492 nm) and permits maximum photon capture within the restricted light environment of the hypothalamus. Such a correspondence argues strongly that VA opsin plays a key role in regulating seasonal reproduction in birds
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