28 research outputs found

    A comment on efficiency gains and myopic antitrust authority in a dynamic merger game

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    This paper relaxes the Motta & Vasconcelos’ (2005) short-term assumption that firms’ capital is fixed. We demonstrate that, contrary to the conclusion of that article, in the best interest of consumers, even when firms have large economies of scale, long-term forward-looking Antitrust Authorities must block firms’ merger plans whenever profits of firms are positive.Antitrust policy, Economies of scale

    Integrating fire risk into the management of forests

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    In a standard cash-flow data-sheet analysis, the quantification of the impact of exogenous variables and management decisions on the investment’s Net Present Value is limited to only a few scenarios. This perspective is insufficient for an efficient risk management in complex business environments. In this work, I present a dynamic programming model that takes into consideration fire risk. Having applied the model to forest management, I conclude that when fire risk increases, it is optimal for the manager to increase the area used per tree and the cut-off weight of stems. Rather than increasing the business Expected Net Present Value (that, with real interest rate of 3%/year, is between 1.5€/m2 and 2.2€/m2), the optimal strategy decreases the business risk. Additionally, I conclude from the model that there is no private incentive to carry out fire risk prevention.Risk Management, Project Evaluation, Expected Net Present Val

    The Impact of Monetary Shocks on Product and Wages: A neoclassical aggregated dynamic model

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    In this work, I present an extension of Kydland and Prescott’s (K&P) model. The extension is to consider that prices and wages are nominal and that economic agents anticipate the probability of occurrence of exogenous shocks. Once calibrated the model, I compute the nominal and real dynamic response to a monetary shock. The results observed are in agreement with the economic stylised facts: there are permanent nominal effects but only short-term real effects. An interesting issue to pursue in future research would be to quantify the influence of money in the business cycle and to compare the results obtained with those in the real model of K&P.Business Cycle, Economic nominal variable, Monetary shocks, Microfoundation.

    A new economic journals’ ranking that takes into account the number of pages and co-authors

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    In this article, I examine whether the academics reward policy must correlate positively with the number of published articles per co-author, the number of pages and journal reputation. This is accomplished by estimating a non-linear model with a panel data from 168 economics journals covered in the ISI-Web of Knowledge database (58825 articles). The data reinforces the conjecture that published article value is slightly increasing with the number of co-authors and is proportional to the number of pages. The data also suggests that there are 4 distinct groups related to journal quality that I name A, B+, B and B–.Co-authorship, Value of articles, Assessment of output

    Nuclear high-radioactive residues: a new economic solution based on the emergence of a global competitive market

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    Nuclear energy is economic and does not emit CO2 but has two central setbacks. First, it has not been yet implemented an efficient method of disposing the spent fuel. Second, the reactors’ complexity is expensive and turns possible the occurrence of accidents. In this paper, first I propose a very simple, economic and safe boiling heavy-water reactor that may constitute a way of mitigating these setbacks. The reactor is a container filled with a hydraulic suspension of fuel that is crossed-over by two fluxes: by one side, the fuel suspension that remains 250 days in the reactor and, by another side, the cooler that remains 50 seconds in the reactor. Second, I discuss that the solution of nuclear high-radioactive residues problem passes by the emergence of a global competitive market.Nuclear reactor; Heavy water; Boiling water; Continuous fuel feeding; IV generation; Nuclear residues pricing and trading

    Introduction to the consumer theory

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    This textbook supports undergraduate microeconomics students. In Chapter 1, it presents the market as three Laws of Nature: i) that supply function is the result from the decision of the sellers, ii) that demand function is the result from the decisions of buyers; iii) that the market balance the decisions of buyers with that of sellers. This chapter motivates chapter 2, which rationalizes the existence of the demand function from the Consumer Theory that assumes that consumers maximize a utility function under the income restriction and market prices.Indifference curve, income restriction, utility maximization

    O problema do crescente endividamento de Portugal Ă  luz da New Macroeconomics

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    Neste texto apresento o modelo base da abordagem teĂłrica denominada por New Macroeconomics aplicando-o Ă  tendĂȘncia secular, aos ciclos econĂłmicos e ao crescente endividamento de Portugal. É demonstrado que i) o endividamento crescente prejudica as exportaçÔes e favorece as importaçÔes e que, ii) nĂŁo podendo o aumentar para sempre, a correcção do endividamento serĂĄ feita pela subida da taxa de juro real e descida do salĂĄrio nominal. A tentativa (sindical e governamental) de evitar a queda dos salĂĄrios nominais terĂĄ como efeito um aumento ainda maior da taxa de juro real e uma taxa de desemprego muito elevada que levarĂĄ Ă  deslocação da mĂŁo-de-obra para o exterior (emigração). As conclusĂ”es do modelo parecem estar de acordo com a evidĂȘncia empĂ­rica.Novos ClĂĄssicos, Nova Macroeconomia, Endividamento PĂșblico

    O SubsĂ­dio de Desemprego e a Relação Negativa entre SalĂĄrio e Risco de FalĂȘncia: Uma Teoria em EquilĂ­brio Parcial

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    No mercado de trabalho, observa-se que os trabalhadores de empresas com elevado risco de falĂȘncia tĂȘm salĂĄrios mais baixos que a mĂ©dia. Aparentemente, esta observação Ă© contrĂĄria ao previsto pela teoria financeira relativamente a agentes racionais e avessos ao risco que prevĂȘ que os activos com maior risco apenas sĂŁo preferidos se a sua rentabilidade tambĂ©m for, em termos esperados, maior. No presente trabalho demonstro num quadro teĂłrico neoclĂĄssico (em equilĂ­brio parcial) que pode ser racional para os trabalhadores que auferem salĂĄrios mais baixos a preferĂȘncia por empresas de maior risco de falĂȘncia.Teoria do consumidor; Risco de falĂȘncia; SubsĂ­dio de desemprego; Optimização inter-temporal

    Matemåtica Financeira com aplicaçÔes em Excel e R

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    The text contains an introductory text to financial mathematics