74 research outputs found

    Svetska finansijska kriza: od krize do kriznog menadžmenta

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    Učestale pojave industrijskih i ekoloških katastrofa dovele su do razvoja kriznog menadžmenta, koji podrazumeva uobličavanje plana pomoći u suočavanju s krizom. Tekuća svetska ekonomska kriza inicirala je recesiju globalnih razmera, te je sasvim razumno gledište da u razrešenju krize ključnu ulogu imaju države. Plan koji država sprovodi obuhvata sve aktivnosti koje se odnose na neželjenu situaciju, pre njenog nastanka, u toku i po završetku. Cilj rada je da da pregledne okvire trenutnog stanja i uloge kriznog menadžmenta u uslovima ekonomskih i finansijskih poremećaja, s osvrtom na detaljno razumevanje uzroka, koji dovode do neželjenog stanja, kao i primenu potrebnih strategija i metoda za prevazilaženje situacije

    Web Based Project Management Education in Student Population

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    Contemporary trends in project management through web-based application tools on the market contribute to more efficient and effective implementation of projects regarding budget, time and scope. In most cases on the Serbian market, choosing the right project management tool is a time-consuming and costly tedious process. On the other hand, appropriate people recruitment with project management competencies, especially with web-based project management knowledge, is directly related to software selection and methodology which will be applied in the company. The bridge that connects two sides particulary influences the education model and competencies improvement in student population. The research was conducted among student population in master studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, on a sample of 60 respondents. Key results imply that adequate education in project management improves later project results and performances. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed

    Perspectives on Poverty by Gender within the Republic of Serbia

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    Gender poverty is a serious factor needing further examination and monitoring as related to economics since it is a limiting factor to an economy’s potential. Inequality is not only a sign of an unhealthy economy but of current and potential social discord. Serbia has tried to actively better the economic position of women by implementing its National Gender Equality Strategy 2009-2015.The paper deals with how gender affects poverty in Serbia. Using statistical data on indicators of gender poverty from 2016 to 2018, sourced from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, this paper presents an analysis of the economic position of women in the Republic of Serbia (RS). Recommendations for the advancement of women in RS in terms of their economic status are also provided

    Strategic management model on the youth labour market economy

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    У докторској дисертацији дат је преглед досадашњих истраживања на тему стратешког менаџмента и тржишта рада, како би се у наставку истраживања успоставио модел стратешког управљања при запошљавању младих. Република Србија дуги низ година покушава да отклони препреке у запошљавању младих кадрова. Будући да представљају ресурс од изузетног значаја за економски раст и развој Србије, улагање у младе мора да буде стратешки планирано. Приказ модела стратешког управљања, који је примењив на проблему запошљавања младих, представља ток следећих процеса: стратешке анализе, планирања, имплементације и контроле. Област истаживања је комплексна и захтева издвајање интерних и екстерних фактора, који утичу на проблем запошљавања младих, дефинисање стратегије, начина и улога у доношењу одлука, начина праћења и контроле донетих одлука. Међутим, због комплексности истраживања и присутности ограничења, која су детаљно описана у докторској дисертацији, истраживање је првенствено фокусирано на анализу интерних и екстерних фактора, који негативно утичу на тржиште рада младих у Републици Србији. Aнализа интерних фактора се састоји од три блока истраживања, док је анализа екстерних фактора, који утичу негативно на запошљавање младих, приказана помоћу desk истраживања. Први блок анализе интерних фактора је заснован на прегледу досадашње литературе на тему утицаја друштвено- економских фактора на запошљавање младих. Циљ израде првог блока истраживања јесте да се издвоје фактора који утичу на тржиште рада младих. Други блок представља тестирање предложеног концепта на микроподацима Анкете о радној снази, коју је спровео Републички завод за статистику у Србији 2016. године. Трећи блок истраживања чини анкета о ставовима младих при приступању тржишту рада у Републици Србији, која је спроведена у периоду од 2016. до 2018. године за потребе научног истраживања.The PhD thesis includes the existing researches on strategic management and the labour market in order to establish the model of strategic management thought further analysis. The Republic of Serbia has been trying to remove obstacles within youth employment for years. Concerning the fact that the youngsters present a huge sign of economic development of the country, investing in their future must be strategically wise. Hence, implementing the adequate strategic model will contribute young people’s approaching to the labour market. The presentation of the strategic management model, which applies to the problem of youth employment, presents the flow of the following processes: strategic analysis, planning, implementation and control. The field of research is complex and requires the separation of internal and external factors, defining the strategy, methods and roles in decision making, the way of monitoring and controlling the decisions taken. However, due to the complexity of the research and the presence of constraints, which described in detail in the doctoral dissertation, the research is primarily focused on the analysis of internal and external factors that negatively affect the youth labour market in the Republic of Serbia. The analysis of internal factors consists of three blocks of research, while the analysis of external factors, which negatively impacts the employment of young people, is shown by desk research. The first block is based on the literature review including social-economic factors which are influencing youth employment. The aim of this part of research is identifying of the adequate theoretical model as well as recognising of factors which are influencing on youth labour market. Furthermore, the second part of the research represents the testing of suggested concept on micro data of labour force survey which was conducted by the Statistical Office of RS in 2016

    Od principa zagađivač plaća ka konceptu zagađivač ne zagađuje: studija slučaja zelenih hotela

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    Ekološki principi zaštite životne sredine, a ujedno i praćenje trendova, utiču na razne vidove poslovanja u turizmu. Usled povećanja broja zagađivača, sve je veći broj turista koji podržavaju usluge hotela koji ne štete prirodi. Jedna od inovativnosti, koja je prisutna u poslednjih nekoliko godina u turizmu, je pojava zelenih hotela. Zeleni hoteli ne samo da doprinose zaštiti prirodnih resursa nego i vlasnicima hotela pružaju bolji imidž i niže troškove. Sa druge strane, hoteli podležu obavezi plaćanja naknade za zagađenje i njihov doprinos prirodi ogleda se kroz uštedu potrošnje prirodnih resursa, kao što su energija i voda, i smanjivanje proizvodnje čvrštog otpada. Cilj rada je da istraži da li je hotelijerima isplativo da ulažu u zelene hotele ili je pristupačnije da kao svi ostali zagađivači plaćaju naknade za zaštitu životne sredine

    Effects of regulation on youth unemployment: evidence from European countries

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    Economic trends in recent years have led to rising unemployment across Europe. This trend is particularly evident among youth. At the same time, the negative demographic trends in many countries show that the number of young people is decreasing. Problems among young people are the reflection of the future state of the nation. Therefore there is a need to analyse whether the government can reduce youth unemployment rate using available regulatory tools. In this paper, the authors have analysed the impact of three groups of factors on the youth unemployment rate by using multiple regression analysis and controlling the long-term determinants of unemployment. The results show that the level of unemployment is largely impacted by a tax rate on low wages, primarily in the mid-term. Factors related to the general rate of unemployment, as well as the other demographic factors have showed no statistically significant impact on mid-term and long-term youth unemployment rate

    Organizational career management practices : The role of the relationship between HRM and trade unions

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    Purpose – Organizations profoundly create development paths of individual’s careers. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to gain understanding about how organizational context (shaped by the complex relationship between trade union strength and HRM strength) influences the application of organizational career management (OCM) practices seen through the lens of the theory of cooperation and competition (Deutsch, 1949; Tjosvold, 1984). Design/methodology/approach – Inferential statistical analyses (Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests) were applied to test the CRANET survey data collected from 92 large-sized private-sector organizations within an EU country characterized by a medium to high-trade union density. Findings – Results offered consistent empirical evidence that a comprehensive set of OCM practices are applied differently across four distinctive modalities of the union-HRM relationship. Specifically, the “union-HRM synergy” relationship (high-HRM/high-unionization) has been recognized as the most promising for adopting such developmental practices, providing an evidence of complementarities between trade unions and HRM professionalism. Practical implications – The research suggests that synergistic collaboration between trade unions and HRM might provide employees with even more career development opportunities than when organizations pursue the asynchronous single-sided “Total HRM strategy.” Originality/value – This study rejuvenate a traditional career management research agenda by introducing a new theoretical lens for studying the interplay between trade unions and HRM and have put an emphasis on how their strength is related to the incidence of OCM practices

    Relationship of the Youth Unemployment and Determinants of the Labour Market in the Balkan Countries

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    Balkan countries are facing with a large number of unemployed young people. There is no doubt that financial crises have the biggest influence on the youth labour market. The remainder of this paper is presenting the research results showing the correlation between the unemployment rate (among youth and adults) and the determinants of the labour market in order to determine whether there is a difference in the impact of labour market indicators on the unemployment rates by gender and age. The study focuses on 11 Balkan countries in the period from 2008 to 2014. The data were collected from the Fraser Institute research specifically from “The Economic Freedom of the World: 2016 Annual Report”

    Youth expectations in job search in Serbia

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    Youth on the labour market in developing countries such as Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina are facing numerous difficulties, with almost a half of their population aged between 15 -24 not working or working in informal sector. The reasons may be numerous. The financial crisis and the low economic development of the country have had negative impact on young generations and this resulted in lack of sufficient jobs vacancies. In addition, the reasons for their slow entry into the labour market could be the lack of experience, low education among young people etc. Although employers have certain expectations of young people, once they enter the labour market young people have certain values that are important for them when choosing a job. The paper presents the research on the expectations of young people entering labour market in the Republic of Serbia. According to survey results based on analyses of youth’ expectations and preferences in Serbia regarding potential work conditions, authors have by the means of factor analysis identified which groups of factors are the most important for young people ages between 16 and 30 in job finding in Serbia. The results showed that there is a significance of three questions: 1. Job does not affect the private life; 2. Work resources are provided; 3. Work is safe. In conclusion, if a company ensures that these three issues are regulated, it will more likely employ young professionals

    Application of data mining in direct marketing in banking sector

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    The key of a successful business operation lies in a good communication with clients, and therefore companies are paying more attention to Customer Relationship Management. One strategy of the CRM is to analyze and understand the consumer’s behaviour and characteristics, and to reach the necessary answers based on the implementation of the direct marketing campaign. The aim of this study is to identify factors that would indicate the customers who are ready to submit long-term deposit to the bank. The obtained results will distinguish the group of clients who are satisfied with the bank's operations and are ready to participate in marketing campaigns. Having compared the methods used in the study, the method of classification has proved to be more reliable than others. This analysis obtains results through the use of data mining algorithm known as decision trees. The disadvantage of this method is inaccurate data supplied by the client