18 research outputs found

    Изучение эффективности, безопасности и оценка удовлетворенности ингаляционной терапией препаратом Тобрамицин-Гобби при синегнойной инфекции у детей с муковисцидозом

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    Study of efficacy, safety, and patient satisfaction with inhaled tobramycin (Tobramycin-Gobbi) in children with cystic fibrosis and pseudomonas infectionAim of the study was to assess efficacy and safety of Tobramycin-Gobbi in CF, as well as the patients’ satisfaction with the treatment.Methods. 35 children from 6 to 18 years with CF were enrolled in this non-interventional prospective cohort multicenter study. All children had P. aeruginosa in the respiratory tract (newly diagnosed, recurrent, or chronic infection). The children received inhalation treatment with Tobramycin-Gobbi in the following cycles: 28-day treatment/28-day break, for 6 months. The studied parameters included respiratory function, bacterial cultures of the respiratory tract with a bacterial count, growth and body weight, antibiotic therapy for the respiratory episodes. The children and parents filled in a questionnaire “Treatment satisfaction assessment” and assessed their state of health on the visual-analog scale before and after each treatment cycle.Results. P. aeruginosa was eradicated in 17.7% of cases (6 patients, including 2 newly diagnosed, 3 recurrent infections, and 1 chronic infection), reduced bacterial count, decreased number of courses of antibiotic therapy, improvement of FEV1. Adverse reactions were reported by one patient.Conclusion. The efficacy, safety, and tolerability of Tobramicine Gobbi were confirmed in the patients with newly diagnosed, recurrent, and chronic infection caused by P. aeruginosa.Антибактериальная терапия (АБТ) синегнойной инфекции при муковисцидозе (МВ) остается основным фактором, определяющим функцию легких и продолжительность жизни больных. Основным патогеном, который определяет степень тяжести течения МВ, продолжительность и качество жизни пациентов, является Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Целью исследования явилось изучение эффективности, безопасности и оценка удовлетворенности ингаляционной терапии препаратом Тобрамицин-Гобби при синегнойной инфекции у детей с МВ.Материалы и методы. В неинтервенционном проспективном когортном многоцентровом исследовании принимали участие дети (n = 35; возраст – 6–18 лет) с установленным диагнозом МВ, наличием синегнойной инфекции (первый высев, рецидивирующая и хроническая инфекция), наблюдавшиеся в 8 российских центрах МВ. В течение 6 мес. дети получали ингаляционную терапию указанным препаратом циклами по 28 дней ингаляций / 28 дней перерыв. Контролировались показатели респираторной функции, бактериальная флора дыхательных путей с оценкой степени обсемененности, показатели массы тела и роста, применяемая АБТ по поводу респиратор- ных эпизодов. Дети и их родители заполняли анкету пациента «Оценка удовлетворенности препаратом», при этом отмечалось самочувствие по визуальной аналоговой шкале до начала лечения и после каждого цикла приема препарата.Результаты. На фоне терапии в 6 (17,7 %) случаях (2 – с первичным высевом, 3 – с рецидивирующим, 1 – с хронической синегнойной инфекцией) выявлено отсутствие высева P. аeruginosa, уменьшение степени обсемененности, сокращение числа курсов АБТ, улучшение показателей объема форсированного выдоха за 1-ю секунду. Зарегистрированы нежелательные побочные реакции (n = 1).Заключение. Показана эффективность препарата Тобрамицин-Гобби при первичном высеве, интермиттирующей и хронической инфекции, вызванной P. аeruginosa, его безопасность и хорошая переносимость

    Central America mining industry under «the press» of the World economic crisis

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    Silver is found as by-product component in such countries as Costa-Rica, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua in polymetallic, gold and directly in gold-silver deposits. Small gold-silver deposits are being prospected in Salvador; precious metals intensive are being prospected in Costa-Rica, but their producing is presented less than 1% of Gross Domestic Product, in Guatemala producing of silver has increased by 7 times from 2005 to 2007 years, but in Nicaragua increased by 2 orders. even thought the mining industry in Central America has experienced minimal growth from 2005, it still faces uncertainty due to World Financial Crisis

    Problems of silver import to India, connected with the world economic crisis

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    In India 76% of silver simultaneously is extracted from lead-zinc and from small quantity of Gold deposits. About 30% of consuming silver is produced in country. India occupied the third place of silver consuming in 2007 year. Silver is using in such areas as technological fields of industry and jewelry industry, producing tableware, mirrors and textile. Financial crisis and demand of metal prices had a bad influence on import of Indian silver

    Some features of composition and genesis of terrigenous rocks of kolganskaya strata

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    The article is about Upper Devonian kolganskaya strata formed in delta front. Gamma-active benchs presented by clay deposits, were marked at the bottom of the kolganskaya strata, and its may be a good cap-rocks for the lower-lying rocks

    Jurassic deposits of the eastern part of the Caspian Basin and their lithofacies features

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    In article take change lithologie and lithofacies features of the eastern part Caspian basin


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    This article provides general information about the geological structure of South-Piltun oil and gas deposit as well as it considers the role of mud volcanism and its scientific-practical significance in order to clarify factors of oil and gas deposit formation for South-Piltun further development.Petroleum expert’s wide interest and thematic justification connected with the mud volcanism and hydrocarbon deposit geodynamics correlation are associated with new scientific disciplines implementation and development in oil and gas geology and geochemistry, as well as with the oil and gas fields upstream methods in view of the previous achievements in a complex of Earth Sciences. Currently, without any doubt the elision systems (especially mud volcanism) are associated with hydrocarbon saturation (especially taking into account hydrocarbon fluids migration) and are abundant in the areas where tectonic activity is expressed as the folding. In addition to clarify the geological structure characteristics of the Piltun-Astokh field (South-Piltun area) the main aim of this article is defining the connection between mud volcanoes and Nutovo subhorizon hydrocarbon deposits, revealing of volcanic confinedness to the oil and gas deposits geodynamic conditions, as well as the definition of the territory tectonic structure features.Taking into consideration the previous years’ experience and data obtained next challenging tasks should be formed, the systematization and integration carried out suggest that fault different forms distribution nature and some other factors are responsible for direct correlation between mud volcanism and oil and gas fields geodynamics

    Thermotectonic history reconstruction of sedimentary basins using (U-Th)/He dating of detrital apatites

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    This paper discusses the dating of detrital appatite with (U-Th)/He metod and its application for the thermotectonic history reconstruction of sedimentary basins and hydrocarbon exploration

    Evolution of Triassic basin of north and west Caspian in Russian Federation with oil and gas

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    Covers the problems of stratigraphy and paleopathology conditions of education of the Triassic deposits of the Northern and Western border the Caspian sea. The forecast of possible oil and gas accumulation zones and neftegazopromyslovy of these territories

    Single-grain apatite geochemistry of Permian-Triassic granitoids and Mesozoic and Eocene sandstones from Chiapas, southeast Mexico: Implications for sediment provenance

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    This article reports single-grain multi-elemental results (Sr, Y, Th, U, and rare earth elements) obtained in 966 apatites from 18 rocks (sandstones and granitoids) that were sampled from the Mesozoic (Todos Santos and San Ricardo Formations) and Eocene (the El Bosque Formation) successions as well as from the Permian-Triassic Chiapas Massif Complex (CMC), all of which are exposed within the Sierra de Chiapas (SCH), SE Mexico. The objectives of the present study are (1) to establish changes in provenance between the Mesozoic and Eocene sedimentary sequences using single-grain apatite geochemistry, and (2) to identify source areas for siliciclastic materials from the Todos Santos, San Ricardo, and the El Bosque Formations. The results of the present work strongly suggest that apatites from the Todos Santos and San Ricardo Formations were mainly derived from intermediate to felsic I-type granitoids as well as from arc-related volcanic rocks, indicating that the CMC basement was the most important source area for the Mesozoic sandstones in the SCH. An abrupt change in provenance from Mesozoic to Eocene units was identified based on single-grain apatite geochemistry. Detrital apatites of the Ypresian-Lutetian El Bosque Formation were derived from diverse source rocks such as mafic-ultramafic rocks, intermediate to felsic I-type plutons, strongly fractionated S-type granites and pegmatites, as well as from different metamorphic source lithologies (including high-pressure rocks) such as gneisses, migmatites, metapelites, and/or eclogites. It was proposed, therefore, that most Eocene sediments of the SCH were derived from the Guatemala Suture Complex, which involves all the rock types mentioned above. A minor portion of the El Bosque Formation sediments was derived from the CMC area and/or from recycled sandstones from the Mesozoic Todos Santos and San Ricardo Formations. Some advantages and disadvantages of provenance studies based on detrital apatite chemistry were also observed and briefly discussed. © 2016 Taylor and Francis

    Single-grain apatite geochemistry of Permian-Triassic granitoids and Mesozoic and Eocene sandstones from Chiapas, southeast Mexico: Implications for sediment provenance

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    This article reports single-grain multi-elemental results (Sr, Y, Th, U, and rare earth elements) obtained in 966 apatites from 18 rocks (sandstones and granitoids) that were sampled from the Mesozoic (Todos Santos and San Ricardo Formations) and Eocene (the El Bosque Formation) successions as well as from the Permian-Triassic Chiapas Massif Complex (CMC), all of which are exposed within the Sierra de Chiapas (SCH), SE Mexico. The objectives of the present study are (1) to establish changes in provenance between the Mesozoic and Eocene sedimentary sequences using single-grain apatite geochemistry, and (2) to identify source areas for siliciclastic materials from the Todos Santos, San Ricardo, and the El Bosque Formations. The results of the present work strongly suggest that apatites from the Todos Santos and San Ricardo Formations were mainly derived from intermediate to felsic I-type granitoids as well as from arc-related volcanic rocks, indicating that the CMC basement was the most important source area for the Mesozoic sandstones in the SCH. An abrupt change in provenance from Mesozoic to Eocene units was identified based on single-grain apatite geochemistry. Detrital apatites of the Ypresian-Lutetian El Bosque Formation were derived from diverse source rocks such as mafic-ultramafic rocks, intermediate to felsic I-type plutons, strongly fractionated S-type granites and pegmatites, as well as from different metamorphic source lithologies (including high-pressure rocks) such as gneisses, migmatites, metapelites, and/or eclogites. It was proposed, therefore, that most Eocene sediments of the SCH were derived from the Guatemala Suture Complex, which involves all the rock types mentioned above. A minor portion of the El Bosque Formation sediments was derived from the CMC area and/or from recycled sandstones from the Mesozoic Todos Santos and San Ricardo Formations. Some advantages and disadvantages of provenance studies based on detrital apatite chemistry were also observed and briefly discussed. © 2016 Taylor and Francis