8 research outputs found

    The Concept of a Highly Efficient Powertrain for an Electric Vehicle with Respect to Vehicle Driving Dynamics

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    Efficiency Measuring of Electric Drive with Traction Synchronous Motor with Permanent Magnets

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    Experimental Electric Vehicle eŠus Gen2

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    In the introduction to the article, the conception and development of an experimental electric vehicle is described. It is followed by a description of the used mechanical and electrical components in combination with the design solutions of sub-units, such as the vehicle powertrain and traction battery. The choice of components and design solutions is evaluated here with regard to the current trends in the development of battery electric vehicles. V úvodu článku je popsán vznik a koncepce experimentálního elektromobilu. Následuje popis použitých mechanických a elektrických komponent v kombinaci s konstrukčními řešeními dílčích celků jako je např. pohonné ústrojí vozidla nebo trakční baterie vozidla. Volba použitých komponent a konstrukčních řešení je zde zhodnocena vzhledem k současným trendům ve vývoji elektromobilů. Článek obsahuje i simulace dynamiky vozidla pro vybrané elektromotory se kterými se počítalo pro zástavbu do vozidla

    Simulation of vehicle dynamic behaviour for charging powertrain

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    CESNET/perun-services: v8.3.0

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    <a href="https://github.com/CESNET/perun-services/compare/v8.2.0...v8.3.0">8.3.0</a> (2023-09-04) ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES <ul> <li><p><strong>o365_groups_mu:</strong> When merged, can remove gen-local-dev and send-local-dev changes including descriptions on idm-prod</p> </li> <li><p><strong>o365_groups_mu:</strong> new service propagating to Teams via O365 (<a href="https://github.com/CESNET/perun-services/commit/2cf5d4fb4db89c30f70d1b11916b1f0aa5edbc09">2cf5d4f</a>)</p> </li> <li><strong>vsup_k4:</strong> ignore smartmatch experimental warning (<a href="https://github.com/CESNET/perun-services/commit/64781a32f7811cf39ebdc816e664838281de7a84">64781a3</a>)</li> <li><strong>vsup_tritius:</strong> fixed utf8 encoding (<a href="https://github.com/CESNET/perun-services/commit/2472cd4dc94790f04ccc7cada22e00d58208e4cf">2472cd4</a>)</li> </ul&gt