7,394 research outputs found

    A simple index of metabolic level in fishes

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    Metabolism, Marine fish

    An atlas of the growth, mortality and recruitment of Philippine fishes

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    Growth, Mortality, Recruitment, Size distribution, Population dynamics, Fishery biology, Stock assessment, Length, Philippines, Teleostei

    Small-scale fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: biology and stock assessment

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    Small scale fisheries, Fishery biology, Fishery resources, Stock assessment, Collected papers, San Miguel Bay, Philippines,

    Status and management of tropical coastal fisheries in Asia

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    Coastal fisheries, Fishery management, Stock assessment, Conferences, Asia,

    Small-scale fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: options for management and research

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    Small scale fisheries, Fishery management, San Miguel Bay, Philippines,

    Multivariate methods in aquaculture research: case studies of tilapias in experimental and commercial systems

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    This volume documents the usefulness of multivariate methods û notably multiple regression, path analysis and canonical correlation û in the context of aquaculture, which has to date tended to neglect such methods, and hence to underutilize available data. All examples used here stem from experimental and/or commercial tilapia culture systems, and hence this book also represents an advance in the understanding of such systems.Aquaculture, Tilapia culture, Growth, Multivariate analysis Oreochromis

    Large marine ecosystems: Analysis and management

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    This contribution articulates a series of research issues concerning the definition, study and management of Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) and of the fisheries resources therein. The 57 biochemical provinces ofLonghurst (1995, Progress in Oceanography 36) are suggested as standard for all global stratification of the world’s oceans, because these “Longhurst areas”, contrary to traditionally defined LMEs, permit direct comparisons of results from different disciplines. Examples of such comparisons, emphasizing the competition between fisheries and marine mammals, are given for the Pacific Ocean. The case is made that methods exist for rigorous descriptions of the trophic fluxes prevailing in such ecosystems, and based thereon, for dynamic modelling of at least the first-order impacts of fisheries on LMEs. Also, emphasis is given on the need to reconstruct the earlier, unexploited states of ecosystems so as to obtain baselines for correctly evaluating fisheries impacts, and to evaluate the benefits foregone by present exploitation patterns. The need for fisheries scientists to reconceive their work from one principally devoted to optimizing short- and medium-term returns to the fishing industry to one serving a broader set of clients is emphasized. A recent initiative, the Marine Stewardship Council, serves as an example of the many new approaches that will be required if the public at large is to become an active stakeholder in conserving the biodiversity of LMEs

    Why squid, though not fish, may be better understood by pretending they are

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    Size is the single most important biological attribute of organisms, and it is the interplay of body mass and some limiting surface which determines the maximum size organisms can reach. In animals, the limiting surfacedepends, among other things, on whether they are terrestrial or aquatic, so breathing in air or water. In squid, fish and other water breathers, the limiting surface is that controlling respiration, i.e. gill surface area. A theory constructed from this is then presented along with six of its major corollaries, which are shown to be corroborated by available evidence. The key implication of the theory so articulated is that comparative approaches, such asused to infer or check the values of vital statistics in fish, should also work in squid. Also, current, very low estimates of longevity in large squid should be revised upwards

    Building Socialism in the National Classroom: Education and Language Policy in Soviet Ukraine, 1923-30

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    Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, History, 2005In the early 1920s, the Soviet government in the republic of Ukraine embarked on an ambitious project to teach Ukrainian children in their native tongue. The establishment of a network of Ukrainian-language primary schools was part of a republic-wide program known as Ukrainization, which called for the promotion of the Ukrainian language and professional advancement of Ukrainian ethnic elites. This study, based on archival evidence and contemporaneous press accounts, analyzes the Ukrainization of primary schools, arguably the policy's greatest success. It contends that educational planners pursued a program for social transformation by linking Ukrainian-language instruction with an innovative, progressive pedagogy. Soviet authorities believed that a Ukrainian "new school" would allow teachers to effectively and quickly train children for a public role in the new socialist state. However, the number of Ukrainian-speakers in the Communist Party remained proportionately small. Authorities relied on non-party intelligentsia for the design and implementation of Ukrainization. As educators assumed a central role in the campaign, the party grew apprehensive about its capacity to control their initiative. Complaints by Russian-speaking parents regarding the forced Ukrainization of their children also gave the party further reason for concern. Although teachers' qualitative knowledge of Ukrainian continued to be poor after Ukrainization was formally achieved in the schools, this study concludes that the enthusiastic efforts of some educators and the ardent support of their patrons in the government unnerved the party's leadership. It condemned what it viewed as nationalism in the schools because it did not have direct management over the classroom and feared the potential corruption of the very generation it hoped would "build socialism." It ultimately sanctioned the arrest and trial of teachers who had too warmly welcomed Ukrainization and the pedagogical experimentation it had permitted

    The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions

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    Upwelling, Ecosystems, Fishery biology, Fishery oceanography, Conferences, Peru,