2 research outputs found

    Overview of Chagas disease surveillance in an endemic region in Southeastern Brazil

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    Chagas disease (CD) is a neglected disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. It has high morbidity and mortality rates and mainly affects socially vulnerable populations. This is a cross-sectional study, with retrospective and prospective data collection. Using questionnaires applied to environmental surveillance coordinators, we characterized the status of CD surveillance activities in municipalities endemic for the disease in Northern Minas Gerais State (MG) and Jequitinhonha Valley (Vale do Jequitinhonha). Moreover, we spatialized the vulnerability index for chronic CD in the study area. The population consisted of 22 environmental surveillance coordinators, active in 2020, from Northern MG and Jequitinhonha Valley, 21 municipalities included in the SaMi-Trop research project, and Montes Claros municipality. After applying the questionnaires to the coordinators, a descriptive analysis of the variables was performed. To characterize the active municipalities, the explanatory variables collected in the questionnaire were compared with the dichotomous variable. Bivariate descriptive analysis was performed. Finally, geoprocessing techniques were used to spatialize the data and prepare maps. Regarding the team of endemic combat agents (ECA), 90.9% reported the lack of a specific team for CD vector control actions. Of the 22 municipalities participating in this study, nine were active (41.1%). Only 25% (n=2) of active municipalities (9% of the municipalities studied) met the target of visiting 50% of households per year. Finally, 81.1% of the coordinators stated that in their municipality, they developed actions linked to primary health care (PHC). The implementation of CD surveillance activities weakened in the endemic region. Few municipalities have a surveillance team, with low regularity of active surveillance and noncompliance with the program’s goal. The results suggest insufficient recording of activities in the information system, considering that there are municipalities that report performing the activities, but no production record was observed in the system

    Tipologia e hierarquização da microregião de Sete Lagoas-MG

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    The subject middle cities has drawn attention of some students in many countries worldwide, including Brazil, due to demographic and economic dynamism that feature, but also like the fulfillment in the organization of the country’s territory.  Sete Lagoas is an average city, which developed economically and demographically very fast, especially in the last two decades. Using bibliographic research, systematic observations through fieldwork, Principal Components Analysis Component (PCA) and mapping became an exploratory study that aimed to make a classification and ranking of the municipalities belonging to the micro-region of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. In the end, it was found that Sete Lagoas occupies the top rank in the micro-region of Sete Lagoas followed Matozinhos and Paraopeba, the more explanatory variables in PCA to the urban infrastructure and socio-economic structure of the cities, and that there was an economic, demographic growth and a slight improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants of Microregion. This research could provide a basis for future work in Microregion studied.O tema cidades médias tem chamado a atenção de muitos estudiosos em vários países no mundo, inclusive no Brasil, devido ao dinamismo econômico e demográfico que apresentam, mas também conforme a função que desempenham na organização do território de seu país. Sete Lagoas é uma cidade média que se desenvolveu econômica e demograficamente muito rápido, principalmente nas duas últimas décadas. Utilizando-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, observações sistemáticas por meio de trabalho de campo, Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) e elaboração de mapas fez-se um estudo exploratório que objetivou fazer uma tipologia e hierarquização dos municípios pertencentes à Microrregião de Sete Lagoas-MG. Ao final, constatou-se que Sete Lagoas ocupa a posição hierárquica superior na Microrregião de Sete Lagoas seguida de Matozinhos e Paraopeba; que as variáveis mais explicativas na ACP correspondem, principalmente, às de infra-estrutura urbana e estrutura socioeconômica dos municípios; e que houve um crescimento econômico e demográfico, bem como uma ligeira melhora na qualidade de vida dos habitantes da Microrregião. A presente pesquisa poderá servir de base para futuros trabalhos na Microrregião estudada.