8 research outputs found

    Tabletnet hacia un sistema cloud para la organización curricular educativa

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    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Escuela Politécnica. Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información AplicadasLas tecnologías de la información en el mundo educativo han tenido un incremento notable en los centros educativos españoles dentro del proyecto Escuela 2.0. En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se han establecido unos objetivos que son los de realizar un estudio del arte y un trabajo de investigación con el fin de responder a las necesidades del profesorado en los centros educativos en clases de formación presencial, mediante la publicación de actividades científicas. En el apartado del estado del arte se realiza un estudio de cómo es en la actualidad el trabajo de los profesores en los centros partiendo de unas necesidades, estableciendo en los puntos de contenidos educativos (actividades que los profesores realizan con los alumnos), la estructuración de las programaciones curriculares, su metodología y su aplicación didáctica. Además de estudiar cómo es en la actualidad las herramientas para el trabajo en el aula. A partir de ese estudio se detectaron mejoras que se implementan a través de un trabajo de investigación que solventa mediante servicios en la nube, una arquitectura que permita a los profesores solucionar las necesidades detectadas y un sistema de tarifación en el sistema en la nube adecuado a los requerimientos educativos. [Resumen Teseo]UE

    Representing students curriculum in social networks

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    In this paper we are going to use social network for education, focusing the work on the curriculum. To achieve this we need both to work with the curricular structure and a system that let us work with curricular objects. The systems located at the Cloud allow the interaction and combination of different platforms, but we haven't found any social network exclusively defined with the curriculum and which allows the programmed work by the teacher in the session. A structured system like this divides the problem and creates a research line focused on the edition of contents at the Cloud in the shared space.0.339 SJR (2014) Q2, 102/234 Computer science (miscellaneous); Q4, 94/120 Theoretical computer scienceUE

    Improving user-insurance communication on accident reports

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    This paper presents an easy to use methodology and system for insurance companies targeting at managing traffic accidents reports process. The main objective is to facilitate and accelerate the process of creating and finalizing the necessary accident reports in cases without mortal victims involved. The diverse entities participating in the process from the moment an accident occurs until the related final actions needed are included. Nowadays, this market is limited to the consulting platforms offered by the insurance companies. Copyright 2014 ACM.Sin financiación0.343 SJR (2014) Q1, 95/543 Human-Computer InteractionUE

    Games-based therapy to stimulate speech in children

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    There are speech troubles that can be a sign of speech disorders or speech sound disorders. Some causes include hearing loss, neurological disorders, brain injury, intellectual disabilities, and so on. It is therefore very important to include the speech therapy as part of the rehabilitation process for affected patients’ phonation. This chapter presents a study on the ways sound creation develops, aiming at creating an application to aid the therapy session. The solution presented is used to improve speech problems through playing games.Sin financiación0.148 SJR (2014) Q4, 185/234 Computer science (miscellaneous)UE

    Applying Gianni Rodari techniques to develop creative educational environments

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    In this article we will conduct a study of the Gianni Rodari School, a technique used in the initial educational levels of pre-schools and primary schools, but in this case for the use in the development of new creative ideas for the college projects, and vocational training subjects. For this we define and justify the essence of creativity as ideas, using a structure that can be stored in the cloud. To validate the system, we present a case study by using abstract concepts of human knowledge in the cloud. The presented work takes into consideration the interaction and collaborative work to promote creativity and the generation of new ideas in a clear and ordered way for the students.0.339 SJR (2014) Q2, 102/234 Computer science (miscellaneous); Q4, 94/120 Theoretical computer scienceUE

    Improving surgery operations by means of cloud systems and distributed user interfaces

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    Surgical interventions are usually performed in an operation room; however, access to the information by the medical team members during the intervention is limited. While in conversations with the medical staff, we observed that they attach significant importance to the improvement of the information and communication direct access by queries during the process in real time. It is due to the fact that the procedure is rather slow and there is lack of interaction with the systems in the operation room. These systems can be integrated on the Cloud adding new functionalities to the existing systems the medical expedients are processed. Therefore, such a communication system needs to be built upon the information and interaction access specifically designed and developed to aid the medical specialists. Copyright 2014 ACM.Sin financiación0.133 SJR (2015) Q4, 340/665 Artificial Intelligence, 638/1397 Computer Networks and Communications, 167/353 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 204/346 Human-Computer Interaction, 802/1421 Software.UE