91 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Differences in Habitat Complexity and Fish Assemblage Structure of a Great Plains River

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    We investigated the spatial variation in the Kansas River (USA) fish assemblage to determine how fish community structure changes with habitat complexity in a large river. Fishes were collected at ten sites throughout the Kansas River for assessing assemblage structure in summer 2007. Aerial imagery indicated riparian land use within 200 m from the river edge was dominated by agriculture in the upper river reaches (.35%) and tended to increase in urban land use in the lower reaches (.58%). Instream habitat complexity (number of braided channels, islands) also decreased with increased urban area (,25%). Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that species that prefer high-velocity flows and sandy substrate (e.g., blue sucker Cycleptus elongatus and shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) were associated with the upper river reaches. Abundance of omnivorous and planktivorous fish species were also higher in the lower river. The presence of fluvial dependent and fluvial specialist species was associated with sites with higher water flows, more sand bars, and log jams. Our results suggest that conserving intolerant, native species in the Kansas River may require maintaining suitable habitat for these species and restoration of impacted areas of the river.Funding for this project was provided through the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks State Wildlife Grant T-15-R-1

    Population Ecology of Paddlefish in the Keystone Reservoir System, Oklahoma

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    Sample Size Requirements for In Situ Vegetation and Substrate Classifications in Shallow, Natural Nebraska Lakes

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    We assessed the precision of visual estimates of vegetation and substrate along transects in 15 shallow, natural Nebraska lakes. Vegetation type (submergent or emergent), vegetation density (sparse, moderate, or dense), and substrate composition (percentage sand, muck, and clay; to the nearest 10%) were estimated at 25–70 sampling sites per lake by two independent observers. Observer agreement for vegetation type was 92%. Agreement ranged from 62.5% to 90.1% for substrate composition. Agreement was also high (72%) for vegetation density estimates. The relatively high agreement between estimates was likely attributable to the homogeneity of the lake habitats. Nearly 90% of the substrate sites were classified as 0% clay, and over 68% as either 0% or 100% sand. When habitats were homogeneous, less than 40 sampling sites per lake were required for 95% confidence that habitat composition was within 10% of the true mean, and over 100 sites were required when habitats were heterogeneous. Our results suggest that relatively high precision is attainable for vegetation and substrate mapping in shallow, natural lakes

    Use of Multiple Stream Temperature Logger Models Can Alter Conclusions

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    Remote temperature loggers are often used to measure water temperatures for ecological studies and by regulatory agencies to determine whether water quality standards are being maintained. Equipment specifications are often given a cursory review in the methods; however, the effect of temperature logger model is rarely addressed in the discussion. In a laboratory environment, we compared measurements from three models of temperature loggers at 5 to 40 °C to better understand the utility of these devices. Mean water temperatures recorded by logger models differed statistically even for those with similar accuracy specifications, but were still within manufacturer accuracy specifications. Maximum mean temperature difference between models was 0.4 °C which could have regulatory and ecological implications, such as when a 0.3 °C temperature change triggers a water quality violation or increases species mortality rates. Additionally, precision should be reported as the overall precision (including a consideration of significant digits) for combined model types which in our experiment was 0.7 °C, not the ≤0.4 °C for individual models. Our results affirm that analyzing data collected by different logger models can result in potentially erroneous conclusions when \u3c1 °C difference has regulatory compliance or ecological implications and that combining data from multiple logger models can reduce the overall precision of results

    Can translocated native fishes retain their trophic niche when confronted with a resident invasive?

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    Diet interactions between native and non-native fishes may influence the establishment of native species within their historical range (i.e., reintroduction). Therefore, we illustrated the food web structure of and followed the transition of the federally endangered humpback chub Gila cypha into a novel food web following translocation and determined the potential for a non-native species, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, to influence translocation success. Humpback chub and rainbow trout used resources high in the food web and assimilated similar proportions of native fishes, suggesting non-native rainbow trout may occupy an ecological role similar to humpback chub. Subsequently, humpback chub may be well suited to colonise tributaries because of their ability to consume resources high in the food web. Additionally, diet partitioning may occur between all members of the fish community as indicated by separation in trophic niche space and little trophic overlap; although all species, particularly bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus, used a broad range of food resources. Rainbow trout stomach content analysis corroborated stable isotope analysis and suggested rainbow trout diet consisted of aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrates, while larger rainbow trout (\u3e120 mm total length) consumed a greater proportion of fish (incidence of piscivory = 5.3%). Trophic interactions may reveal an underutilized niche space or biotic resistance to the establishment of translocated native fishes. Continued translocation of humpback chub into tributaries appears to be one option for conservation. However, successful establishment of humpback chub may depend on continued removal of non-native trout, increasing availability of diet sources at higher trophic levels

    Translocation of Humpback Chub into Tributary Streams of the Colorado River: Implications for Conservation of Large- River Fishes

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    The Humpback Chub Gila cypha, a large-bodied, endangered cyprinid endemic to the Colorado River basin, is in decline throughout most of its range due largely to anthropogenic factors. Translocation of Humpback Chub into tributaries of the Colorado River is one conservation activity that may contribute to the expansion of the species’ current range and eventually provide population redundancy. We evaluated growth, survival, and dispersal following translocation of approximately 900 Humpback Chub over a period of 3 years (2009, 2010, and 2011) into Shinumo Creek, a tributary stream of the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park. Growth and condition of Humpback Chub in Shinumo Creek were consistent among year-classes and equaled or surpassed growth estimates from both the main-stem Colorado River and the Little Colorado River, where the largest (and most stable) Humpback Chub aggregation remains. Based on passive integrated tag recoveries, 53% ( D 483/902) of translocated Humpback Chub dispersed from Shinumo Creek into the main-stem Colorado River as of January 2013, 35% leaving within 25 d following translocation. Annual apparent survival estimates within Shinumo Creek ranged from 0.22 to 0.41, but were strongly influenced by emigration. Results indicate that Shinumo Creek provides favorable conditions for growth and survival of translocated Humpback Chub and could support a new population if reproduction and recruitment occur in the future. Adaptation of translocation strategies of Humpback Chub into tributary streams ultimately may refine the role translocation plays in recovery of the species

    Heterogeneous detection probabilities for imperiled Missouri River fishes: implications for large-river monitoring programs

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    Occupancy modeling was used to determine (1) if detection probabilities (p) for 7 regionally imperiled Missouri River fishes (Scaphirhynchus albus, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, Cycleptus elongatus, Sander canadensis, Macrhybopsis aestivalis, Macrhybopsis gelida, and Macrhybopsis meeki) differed among gear types (i.e. stationary gill nets, drifted trammel nets, and otter trawls), and (2) how detection probabilities were affected by habitat (i.e. pool, bar, and open water), longitudinal position (five 189 to 367 rkm long segments), sampling year (2003 to 2006), and season (July 1 to October 30 and October 31 to June 30). Adult, large-bodied fishes were best detected with gill nets (p: 0.02–0.74), but most juvenile large-bodied and all small-bodied species were best detected with otter trawls (p: 0.02–0.58). Trammel nets may be a redundant sampling gear for imperiled fishes in the lower Missouri River because most species had greater detection probabilities with gill nets or otter trawls. Detection probabilities varied with river segment for S. platorynchus, C. elongatus, and all small-bodied fishes, suggesting that changes in habitat influenced gear efficiency or abundance changes among river segments. Detection probabilities varied by habitat for adult S. albus and S. canadensis, year for juvenile S. albus, C. elongatus, and S. canadensis, and season for adult S. albus. Concentrating sampling effort on gears with the greatest detection probabilities may increase species detections to better monitor a population’s response to environmental change and the effects of management actions on large-river fishes

    The Added Complications of Climate Change: Understanding and Managing Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services Under Multiple Stressors.

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    Ecosystems around the world are already threatened by land-use and land-cover change, extraction of natural resources, biological disturbances, and pollution. These environmental stressors have been the primary source of ecosystem degradation to date, and climate change is now exacerbating some of their effects. Ecosystems already under stress are likely to have more rapid and acute reactions to climate change; it is therefore useful to understand how multiple stresses will interact, especially as the magnitude of climate change increases. Understanding these interactions could be critically important in the design of climate adaptation strategies, especially because actions taken by other sectors (eg energy, agriculture, transportation) to address climate change may create new ecosystem stresses

    Common Carp Disrupt Ecosystem Structure and Function Through Middle-out Effects

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    Middle-out effects or a combination of top-down and bottom-up processes create many theoretical and empirical challenges in the realm of trophic ecology. We propose using specific autecology or species trait (i.e. behavioural) information to help explain and understand trophic dynamics that may involve complicated and nonunidirectional trophic interactions. The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) served as our model species for whole-lake observational and experimental studies; four trophic levels were measured to assess common carp-mediated middle-out effects across multiple lakes. We hypothesised that common carp could influence aquatic ecosystems through multiple pathways (i.e. abiotic and biotic foraging, early life feeding, nutrient). Both studies revealed most trophic levels were affected by common carp, highlighting strong middle-out effects likely caused by common carp foraging activities and abiotic influence (i.e. sediment resuspension). The loss of water transparency, submersed vegetation and a shift in zooplankton dynamics were the strongest effects. Trophic levels furthest from direct pathway effects were also affected (fish life history traits). The present study demonstrates that common carp can exert substantial effects on ecosystem structure and function. Species capable of middle-out effects can greatly modify communities through a variety of available pathways and are not confined to traditional top-down or bottom-up processes
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