2 research outputs found
Fiatal hazai homokmozgások korának, kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ talajtĂpusok szĂ©lerĂłziĂł-veszĂ©lyeztetettsĂ©gĂ©nek, valamint a defláciĂłcsökkentĂ©s lehetĹ‘sĂ©geinek vizsgálata = Dating of young blown sand activity and studying the winderosion-sensitivity of different Hungarian soil types with suggestions of the reduction of deflation
A hazai fiatal homokmozgások korának meghatározására kutatásokat vĂ©geztĂĽnk a NyĂrsĂ©g Ă©s a Duna-Tisza köze lepelhomokkal borĂtott mintaterĂĽletein, másrĂ©szt laboratĂłriumi Ă©s terepi szĂ©lerĂłziĂłs kĂsĂ©rleteket folytattunk a kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ textĂşrájĂş talajok erodálhatĂłságának meghatározására, továbbá a defláciĂł elleni környezetkĂmĂ©lĹ‘ vĂ©dekezĂ©s lehetĹ‘sĂ©geinek feltárására. A fiatal homokmozgások korának meghatározásához rĂ©tegtani feltárások Ă©s sekĂ©ly mĂ©lysĂ©gű magfĂşrások szedimentolĂłgiai elemzĂ©sĂ©t vĂ©geztĂĽk el, ott ahol lehetĹ‘sĂ©g adĂłdott a futĂłhomok-mozgás korát palynolĂłgiai, illetve OSL Ă©s 14C vizsgálatok alapján határoztuk meg. A koradatokat több feltárásnál összevetettĂĽk az ott találhatĂł rĂ©gĂ©szeti leletekkel. Az eddigi eredmĂ©nyeink szerint a homokleplek eltĂ©rĹ‘ vastagságban Ă©s kiterjedĂ©sben borĂtották be a választott mintaterĂĽleteket. A holocĂ©n homokmozgások eredmĂ©nyeink szerint lokálisak voltak, de többször megismĂ©tlĹ‘dtek. A törtĂ©neti idĹ‘kben ennek oka elsĹ‘sorban az antropogĂ©n hatásra vezethetĹ‘ vissza. A szĂ©lerĂłziĂłs kutatások keretĂ©ben elvĂ©geztĂĽk a terepi kutatásoknál használhatĂł saltiphone műszer tesztelĂ©sĂ©t, meghatároztuk a kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ textĂşrájĂş nyĂrsĂ©gi talajok kritikus indĂtĂł sebessĂ©gĂ©t Ă©s kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ szĂ©lsebessĂ©gnĂ©l az erodálhatĂłságuk mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t. A környezetkĂmĂ©lĹ‘ defláciĂł elleni vĂ©dekezĂ©s lehetĹ‘sĂ©geinek feltárására növĂ©nyzettel (bĂşza, tritikale, zab, kukorica) kĂsĂ©rleteket vĂ©geztĂĽnk. Meghatároztuk a növĂ©nyzettel törtĂ©nĹ‘ vĂ©dekezĂ©s leghatĂ©konyabb mĂłdszereit. | In the frame of the research we have carried out an investigation on (1) the age deter-mination of sand sheets in the NyĂrsĂ©g and Danube Tisza Interfluve, (2) wind erosion meas-urements have been made on plots and in laboratory to determinate the erodibility of different soil types, and (3) the possibilities of environmentally friendly ways of protection against wind erosion have been revealed. In order to determinate the age of young blown sand movements sedimentary records have been analyzed. The age of sand layers have been determined by palinology, OSL and 14C measurements. The data were compared with archaeological findings. According to our results the sand sheet cover differs in thickness and area on the study sites, suggesting local, but repeated Holocene aeolian activity. It can be explained by the human impact in historical times. Within the frame of erodibility studies a saltiphone was tested, which could be used in field measurements. The wind threshold velocities for different soil textures from the NyĂrsĂ©g region have been determined, as well as the degree of their erodibility at different wind speed. In order to reveal the possibilities of wind protection we had tested different crops (wheat, triticale, oat, corn). We have determined the most successful methods using plants in protection
A hazai holocén homokmozgási periódusok, valamint a laboratóriumi és terepi mérésekkel meghatározott szélerózió veszélye a védekezési lehetőségek tükrében = Study on periods of Holocene sand movement, and on wind erosional hazard and the possible ways of protection determined by laboratory and field measurements
A geomorfolĂłgiai, fejlĹ‘dĂ©störtĂ©neti kutatások keretĂ©ben Ăşj (OSL) Ă©s hagyományos (14C, palynolĂłgiai) kormeghatározási mĂłdszerek alkalmazásával a NyĂrsĂ©gben Ă©s a Duna-Tisza közĂ©n kiválasztott mintaterĂĽleteken olyan Ăşj adatokat nyertĂĽnk, amelyekkel a holocĂ©n homokmozgási periĂłdusokat pontosĂtottuk. MegállapĂtottuk, hogy a preboreális, boreális fázisokban Ă©s az atlantikus szárazabb idĹ‘szakaiban mindkĂ©t terĂĽleten volt homokmozgás. A holocĂ©n második felĂ©ben a szĂ©lerĂłziĂł már egyĂ©rtelműen emberi tevĂ©kenysĂ©ghez köthetĹ‘, amint azt a kor- Ă©s rĂ©gĂ©szeti adatok is mutatják. A kĂ©t terĂĽlet homokmozgási idĹ‘szakaibĂłl kitűnik, hogy a Duna-Tisza közĂ©n jĂłval többször mozgott a homok, ami az eltĂ©rĹ‘ csapadĂ©kával, növĂ©nyzetĂ©vel Ă©s az antropogĂ©n hatással magyarázhatunk. A szĂ©lerĂłziĂł Ă©s az ellene valĂł környezetkĂmĂ©lĹ‘ vĂ©dekezĂ©s tĂ©makörĂ©be tartozĂł kutatásainkat laboratĂłriumban Ă©s terepen vĂ©geztĂĽk. Meghatároztuk a kiválasztott mintaterĂĽletek eltĂ©rĹ‘ textĂşrájĂş talajainak a kritikus indĂtĂł sebessĂ©gĂ©t, Ă©s erodálhatĂłságukat. Potenciális szĂ©lerĂłziĂłs tĂ©rkĂ©peket szerkesztettĂĽnk, Ă©s jelentĹ‘sen bĹ‘vĂtettĂĽk a hazai SzĂ©lerĂłziĂłs InformáciĂłs Rendszer adatbankját. Meghatároztuk a kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ talajok vĂztartĂł kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t Ă©s a felszĂnen kialakult kĂ©rgek jellemzĹ‘it, illetve vĂ©dĹ‘ hatását. A mezĹ‘vĂ©dĹ‘ erdĹ‘sávokat geoinformatikai Ă©s terepi mĂłdszerekkel felmĂ©rtĂĽk Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©keltĂĽk. A kutatásnak elsĹ‘sorban a szĂ©lerĂłziĂł elleni vĂ©dekezĂ©snĂ©l, illetve a vĂ©dekezĂ©s tervezĂ©sĂ©nĂ©l van gyakorlati jelentĹ‘sĂ©ge. | Based on the results of the geomorphological and sedimentological investigations (OSL, 14C and palynology) new data were published on the Holocene development phases and aeolian activity on the study areas in the NyĂrsĂ©g and Danube-Tisza Interfluve. During the Preboreal, Boreal Phases and in the drier periods of the Atlantic blown-sand movement was typical in both regions. In the second half of the Holocene the aeolian activity was in close relationship with the human activity as it was proven by the age of the samples any the archaeological findings. In the Danube-Tisza Interfluve sand movement was more frequent, which can be explained by the lower precipitation, sparser vegetation and more intensive human impact in the region. The measurements on wind erosion and the possible ways against it were made on natural parcels and in wind tunnel. The threshold velocity and erodibility of soils with different texture was determined. The potential wind erosion map of Hungary was created, building it into the National Wind Risk Information System. The water preserving capacity of the soils was also determined, as well as the characteristics of the soil crusts. Shelter-belts were mapped and analysed applying GIS. The results of the research could be applied in practice during the planning process of the protection against wind erosion