86 research outputs found

    One-dimensional model of the electrostatic ion acceleration in the ultraintense laser-solid interaction

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    Effective ion acceleration of picosecond-duration well-collimated bunches in the strong relativistic interaction of a short laser pulse with a thin solid target has been experimentally demonstrated. In this work, with reference to the sharp rear solidā€“vacuum interface, where ion energization takes place, the one-dimensional Poissonā€“Boltzmann equation is analytically solved on a finite spatial interval whose extension is determined by requiring electron energy conservation, resulting in the consistent spatial distributions of the hot electrons created by the laser and of the corresponding electrostatic potential. Then, the equation of motions for an ensemble of test ions, initially distributed in a thin layer of the rear target surface, with different initial conditions, is solved and the energy spectrum corresponding to a given initial ion distribution is determined

    Reference-free evaluation of thin films mass thickness and composition through energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy

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    In this paper we report the development of a new method for the evaluation of thin films mass thickness and composition based on the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS). The method exploits the theoretical calculation of the in-depth characteristic X-ray generation distribution function, Ļ•\phi/(Ļ\rho z), in multilayer samples, obtained by the numerical solution of the electron transport equation, to achieve reliable measurements without the need of a reference sample and multiple voltages acquisitions. The electron transport model is derived from the Boltzmann transport equation and it exploits the most updated and reliable physical parameters in order to obtain an accurate description of the phenomenon. The method for the calculation of film mass thickness and composition is validated with benchmarks from standard techniques. In addition, a model uncertainty and sensitivity analysis is carried out and it indicates that the mass thickness accuracy is in the order of 10 Ī¼\mug/cm2^2, which is comparable to the nuclear standard techniques resolution. We show the technique peculiarities in one example measurement: two-dimensional mass thickness and composition profiles are obtained for a ultra-low density, high roughness, nanostructured film.Comment: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ENSURE grant agreement No. 647554

    Laser cleaning of diagnostic mirrors from tungsten-oxygen tokamak-like contaminants

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    This paper presents a laboratory-scale experimental investigation about the laser cleaning of diagnostic first mirrors from tokamak-like contaminants, made of oxidized tungsten compounds with different properties and morphology. The re-deposition of contaminants sputtered from a tokamak first wall onto first mirrors' surfaces could dramatically decrease their reflectivity in an unacceptable way for the proper functioning of plasma diagnostic systems. The laser cleaning technique has been proposed as a solution to tackle this issue. In this work, pulsed laser deposition was exploited to produce rhodium films functional as first mirrors and to deposit onto them contaminants designed to be realistic in reproducing materials expected to be re-deposited on first mirrors in a tokamak environment. The same laser system was also used to perform laser cleaning experiments, exploiting a sample handling procedure that allows one to clean some cm2 in a few minutes. Cleaning effectiveness was evaluated in terms of specular reflectance recovery and mirror surface integrity. The effect of different laser wavelengths (Ī»= 1064, 266 nm) on the cleaning process was also addressed, as well as the impact of multiple contamination/cleaning cycles on the process outcome. A satisfactory recovery of pristine mirror reflectance (ā‰„90%) was obtained in the vis-NIR spectral range, avoiding at the same time mirror damaging. The results here presented show the potential of the laser cleaning technique as an attractive solution for the cleaning of diagnostic first mirrors

    Versatile Synthesis of Nanofoams through Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Deposition

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    Nanofoam materials are gaining increasing interest in the scientific community, thanks to their unique properties such as ultralow density, complex nanoā€ and microstructure, and high surface area. Nanofoams are attractive for multiple applications, ranging from advanced catalysis and energy storage to nuclear fusion and particle acceleration. The main issues hindering the widespread use of nanofoams are related to the choice of synthesis technique, highly dependent on the desired elemental composition and leading to a limited control over the main material properties. Herein, femtosecond pulsed laser deposition is proposed as a universal tool for the synthesis of nanofoams with tailored characteristics. Nanofoams made by elements with significantly different propertiesā€”namely, boron, silicon, copper, tungsten, and goldā€”can be produced by suitably tuning the deposition parameters. The effect of the background pressure is studied in detail, in relation to the morphological features and density of the resulting nanofoams and nanostructured films. This, together with the analysis of the specific features shown by nanofoams made of different elements, offers fresh insights into the aggregation process and its relation to the corresponding nanofoam properties down to the nanoscale, opening new perspectives toward the application of nanofoamā€based materials

    Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy for nanostructured thin film density evaluation

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    In this paper, we report on two fast and non-destructive methods for nanostructured film density evaluation based on a combination of energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy for areal density measurement and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for thickness evaluation. These techniques have been applied to films with density ranging from the density of a solid down to a few mg cm(-3), with different compositions and morphologies. The high resolution of an electron microprobe has been exploited to characterize non-uniform films both at the macroscopic scale and at the microscopic scale


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    The use of aerial imagery acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is scheduled within the FoGLIE project (Fruition of Goods Landscape in Interactive Environment): it starts from the need to enhance the natural, artistic and cultural heritage, to produce a better usability of it by employing audiovisual movable systems of 3D reconstruction and to improve monitoring procedures, by using new media for integrating the fruition phase with the preservation ones. The pilot project focus on a test area, Parco Adda Nord, which encloses various goods' types (small buildings, agricultural fields and different tree species and bushes). Multispectral high resolution images were taken by two digital compact cameras: a Pentax Optio A40 for RGB photos and a Sigma DP1 modified to acquire the NIR band. Then, some tests were performed in order to analyze the UAV images' quality with both photogrammetric and photo-interpretation purposes, to validate the vector-sensor system, the image block geometry and to study the feasibility of tree species classification. Many pre-signalized Control Points were surveyed through GPS to allow accuracy analysis. Aerial Triangulations (ATs) were carried out with photogrammetric commercial software, Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) and PhotoModeler, with manual or automatic selection of Tie Points, to pick out pros and cons of each package in managing non conventional aerial imagery as well as the differences in the modeling approach. Further analysis were done on the differences between the EO parameters and the corresponding data coming from the on board UAV navigation system

    Role of energetic ions in the growth of fcc and {\omega} crystalline phases in Ti films deposited by HiPIMS

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    Titanium (Ti), due to its excellent properties, is widely exploited in thin film technology that usually leads to the production of {\alpha}-phase (hcp) Ti films. In this work, we investigate the phase evolution of Ti films deposited by varying type and energy of the film-forming species. To investigate different plasma species environments, films with different thicknesses are grown by using conventional Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering (DCMS) and High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS). Furthermore, HiPIMS depositions with different substrate bias voltage US (0 V, -300 V and -500 V) are performed to investigate different ion energy ranges. Microstructure, morphology and residual stress of the deposited films, as well as the DCMS and HiPIMS plasma composition, are analysed with different characterization techniques. The DCMS samples exhibit the Ti {\alpha}-phase only and show a tensile residual stress decreasing with thickness. As far as HiPIMS samples are concerned, a compressive-tensile-compressive (CTC) behavior is observed for residual stresses as thickness increases. Specifically, films deposited in low energy ion conditions (US =0 V) show the presence of the Ti fcc phase up to a maximum thickness of about 370 nm. Differently, films deposited under high energy conditions (US = -300 V and -500 V) show the nucleation of the Ti {\omega}-phase for thicknesses greater than 260 and 330 nm, respectively. The formation of these unusual Ti phases is discussed considering the different deposition conditions.Comment: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ENSURE grant agreement No. 647554
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