6 research outputs found

    Regional Portal FVG: Effective Interoperability Trough DSpace-CRIS and Open Standards

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    Friuli-VeneziaGiulia (FVG) Regional Scientific System includes three Public Research Institutions, three Universities, four International Institutions, four Technological Parks in FVG region in North-East Italy. In 2014 the three Universities started to cooperate for a common research output inside a project named UnityFVG: United Universities-FVG. They already have 10 years experience in OA with four Institutional Repositories (DSpace/DSpace-CRIS based) and more than 100,000 Research Publications. So they decided to provide a single point of access under a new Regional Research Portal based on DSpace-CRIS. The project, with the technical support of Cineca consortium, offers a great opportunity to improve the interoperability of DSpace-CRIS based solutions. The European standard for the research domain, CERIF, is the best option to drive rich information to the portal in a standard and reusable way. A plugin/patch for DSpace will be freely available to enable data export using CERIF-XML over OAI-PMH. CERIF-XML will be available for all the main entities (People, Projects, Organizations, Journals, Conferences, Dataset, Publications and metrics). The DSpace OAI-PMH harvester will be extended to support ingestion of complex, interconnected information as provided by the CERIF-XML format. This will enable content replication between DSpace-CRIS instances and easy setup of public OA oriented portal

    Regional Portal UnityFVG: interoperability through DSpace-CRIS and open standards

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    Friuli-VeneziaGiulia (FVG) "Regional Scientific System" includes three Public Research Institutions, three Universities, four International Institutions, four Technological parks in FVG region in North-East Italy. In 2014 the three Universities started to cooperate for a common research output inside a project named UnityFVG: UnitedUniversities-FVG. They already have 10 years experience in OA with four Institutional Repositories (DSpace/DSpace-CRIS based) and more than 100,000 Research Publications. So they decided to provide a single point of access under a new Regional Research Portal based on DSpace-CRIS. The project, with the technical support of Cineca consortium, offers a great opportunity to improve the interoperability of DSpace-CRIS based solutions. The European standard for the research domain, CERIF, is the best option to drive rich information to the portal in a standard and reusable way. A plugin/patch for DSpace will be freely available to enable data export using CERIF-XML over OAI-PMH. CERIF-XML will be available for all the main entities (People, Projects, Organizations, Journals, Conferences, Dataset, Publications and metrics). The DSpace OAI-PMH harvester will be extended to support ingestion of complex, interconnected information as provided by the CERIF-XML format. This will enable content replication between DSpace-CRIS instances and easy setup of public OA oriented portals

    DSpace e System Integration: soluzioni innovative per le tesi di dottorato

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    Doctoral theses often represent the upper edge of academic research activities. As such, they deserve the highest visibility and dissemination opportunities, for the benefit of their authors and the supporting institutions. Their impact would also contribute to prevent the marginalization of Italian research in the European and world-wide context. Changes in norms and rules are also driving universities towards automation of processes and adoption of digital formats. In this situation universities look for software solutions that can be integrated in their information environment, contribute to the automation of the archiving process and provide theses with high visibility on the net. CILEA fulfills these needs with the OA module of the SURplus suite, customized for the specific treatment of dissertations.Le tesi di dottorato rappresentano spesso la frontiera delle attività di ricerca di un ateneo e, in quanto tali, meritano la massima visibilità e diffusione, a beneficio degli autori e delle istituzioni che li sostengono, anche per evitare la marginalizzazione della ricerca italiana nel contesto europeo e mondiale. L'evoluzione della situazione normativa spinge inoltre nella direzione dell'automazione delle procedure e della disponibilità dei formati digitali. E’ in quest'ottica che sta maturando una crescente richiesta da parte degli atenei italiani di soluzioni software che possano integrarsi nel tessuto informativo istituzionale, contribuiscano all'automazione del processo di deposito delle tesi di dottorato e forniscano nel contempo alle stesse una maggiore visibilità in rete. A tale esigenze il CILEA risponde estendendo il modulo OA della suite SURplus alla gestione delle problematiche specifiche delle tesi

    DSpace 2014: JSPUI reborn and research management

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    Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014DSpace Interest Group PresentationsThe presentation introduces DSpace 4 and focuses on the new JSPUI look & feel, showing the benefits and the implementation guidelines that have driven the work, and discussing future directions. In the second part we present the new version of DSpace-CRIS compatible with DSpace 4. A showcase of the first adoptions of this new version in Italian universities will be presented, sharing the lessons learned from the management of over 50 installations.Bollini, Andrea (Cineca, Italy)Luglio, Fabrizio (Cineca, Italy)Mornati, Susanna (Cineca, Italy)Pascarelli, Luigi Andrea (Cineca, Italy

    DSpace-CRIS tutorial

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    Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014DSpace Interest Group PresentationsThe 50-minute workshop will introduce attendees to the latest version of the DSpace-CRIS module, covering its functional and technical aspects. DSpace-CRIS is an additional open-source module for the DSpace platform. It extends the DSpace data model providing the ability to manage, collect and expose data about any entities of the research domain, such as people, organizational units, projects, grants, awards, patents, publications, and so on. The DSpace-CRIS extensible data model will be explained in depth, through examples and discussion with participants. Other main topics are DSpace-CRIS "components", management of relationships and network analysis functionalities. At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: - understand the DSpace-CRIS data model - evaluate if DSpace-CRIS fits the requirements of their institution - use the DSpace-CRIS User Interface - change the default configuration, adapting it to a specific data model.Bollini, Andrea (Cineca, Italy)Luglio, Fabrizio (Cineca, Italy)Mornati, Susanna (Cineca, Italy)Palmer, David T (The University of Hong Kong)Pascarelli, Luigi Andrea (Cineca, Italy