558 research outputs found

    Evaluation efficiency of severity of angular leaf spot in common bean based on diseased and healthy leaf area.

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    This study compared severity of angular leaf spot in common bean lines, based on the healthy and diseased leaf area, and the graded scale. We used 12 common bean lines in the dry and rainy seasons. Two contiguous experiments were conducted in each season, with and without chemical control of the pathogen. We evaluated the percentage of the healthy and diseased leaf area; severity based on a graded scale and the area under the disease progress curve; and yield. The diseased or healthy leaf area is efficient to evaluate the severity of angular leaf spot with a sample of 20 to 30 leaflets per plot. For all traits, the results of central and border areas did not differ, indicating that the evaluation of border rows is unnecessary and, finally, the severity assessment of the upper plant half can discriminate the lines more efficiently

    Curvas de maturação de cultivares de sorgo sacarino.

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    Nos últimos anos houve um aumento expressivo no interesse pelo sorgo sacarino como cultura alternativa e complementar à cana-de-açúcar na obtenção de etanol como biocombustível. Devido a este fato, existe a necessidade de se analisar as propriedades do sorgo afim de se atender às demandas da agroindustria. No presente trabalho buscou-se desenvolver e analisar curvas de maturação para três cultivares de sorgo sacarino em oito epocas de amostragem. Os resultados mostram que houve diferença significativa para cultivares e épocas de colheita para todas as variáveis analisadas (p≤0,01). Quanto aos teores de açúcares, a cultivar BRS508 apresentou as maiores médias para as variáveis ART, ATR e AT. As cultivares XBSW80147 e Sugargraze apresentaram menor período de utilização industrial e menores teores de açúcares redutores totais e açúcares totais recuperáveis