4,900 research outputs found

    Can Synergy in Triple-Helix Relations be Quantified? A Review of the Development of the Triple-Helix Indicator

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    Triple-Helix arrangements of bi- and trilateral relations can be considered as adaptive eco-systems. During the last decade, we have further developed a Triple-Helix indicator of synergy as reduction of uncertainty in niches that can be shaped among three or more distributions. Reduction of uncertainty can be generated in correlations among distributions of relations, but this (next-order) effect can be counterbalanced by uncertainty generated in the relations. We first explain the indicator, and then review possible results when this indicator is applied to (i) co-author networks of academic, industrial, and governmental authors and (ii) synergies in the distributions of firms over geographical addresses, technological classes, and industrial-size classes for a number of nations. Co-variation is then considered as a measure of relationship. The balance between globalizing and localizing dynamics can be quantified. Too much synergy locally can also be considered as lock-in. Tendencies are different for the globalizing knowledge dynamics versus locally retaining wealth from knowledge in industrial innovations

    Upotreba YouTube videozapisa o Sjevernoj Koreji u Južnoj Koreji: studija slučaja o kanalu VideoMug

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    South Koreans have been producing social media content that sharply divided between conservative and progressive perspectives. This study analyzes a YouTube video clip during a South-North summit and then expands its scope to include the entire set of North Korea-related videos. The video was accused on the presidential petition website of violating South Korea\u27s National Security Law. Despite sparking a debate on the suitability of the video\u27s content among YouTube viewers, the petition did not attract much attention from the general public. Using this clip as a basis, we examine how YouTubers show interest in, reactions to, and engagement with North Korea-related media content using several network metrics and visualizations. Our analysis includes extensive background on South Korea\u27s information policy toward North Korea. Based on our findings, we recommend that the South Korean government use cognitive and communication-oriented profiling-based input when formulating their information policy toward North Korea.Južnokorejci proizvode sadržaje na društvenim mrežama koji su oštro podijelili korisnike konzervativnih i progresivnih pogleda. Ova studija analizira videoisječak na YouTubeu tijekom sastanka na vrhu Juga i Sjevera, a zatim proširuje svoj doseg kako bi uključila niz videozapisa koji se odnose na Sjevernu Koreju. Video je na predsjedničkoj web stranici, koja objavljuje peticije optuženih za kršenje južnokorejskoga Zakona o nacionalnoj sigurnosti. Unatoč tome što je izazvala raspravu o prikladnosti sadržaja videa među gledateljima YouTubea, peticija nije privukla veliku pozornost šire javnosti. Na temelju ovog videoisječka ispitujemo mrežnim mjerenjima i vizualizacijama kako korisnici YouTubea iskazuju svoj interes i angažman te kakve su im reakcije na medijske sadržaje o Sjevernoj Koreji. Naša analiza uključuje opsežnu pozadinu informacijske politike Južne Koreje prema Sjevernoj Koreji. Oslanjajući se na dobivene nalaze, preporučujemo južnokorejskoj vladi da se posluži spoznajama koje se temelje na kognitivnom i komunikacijski orijentiranom profiliranju u stvaranju njihove informacijske politike prema Sjevernoj Koreji

    The Korean presidential election of 2007: 5 years on from the "Internet election"

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    Analytical framework for evaluating digital diplomacy using network analysis and topic modeling: Comparing South Korea and Japan

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    This study introduces a data-driven approach for assessing the practices and effectiveness of digital diplomacy, using the cases of South Korea and Japan. The study compared the networking power of public diplomacy organizations based on social media use, engagement with the public, interaction patterns among the public, and public perceptions and attitudes toward organizations. This was accomplished through a three-step method employing social network analysis and topic modeling. The network analysis found that the Korean public diplomacy organization generated a larger, more loosely connected, and decentralized comment network than the Japanese organization, which presented a “small-world” connectivity pattern with highly interconnected actors. The findings also suggest that, compared to the Japanese organization, the Korean organization was successful in not only enhancing its soft power through social media but also building international networks among the foreign public

    Kako su aktivnosti na Twitteru povezane s ponašanjem najpoznatijih kriptovaluta? Dokazi iz analize društvenih mreža i analize sentimenta

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    Cryptocurrencies have embraced Twitter as a major channel of communication. Employing social network analysis and sentiment analysis, this study investigates the Twitter-mediated communication behaviors among cryptocurrencies. This study determines whether a significant association exists between cryptocurrencies\u27 Twitter networks and their credit scores. Data were drawn from the Twitter pages of several top cryptocurrencies. The results indicate that reply–mention networks had the densest structure, that the following–follower network structure was correlated with the reply–mention structure, and that the reply–mention and co–tweet networks were positively correlated. The results also indicate that cryptocurrencies\u27 active networking strategies affected their credit scores and more importantly, that cryptocurrencies frequently linked with fellow currencies tended to have high credit scores.Kriptovalute su prigrlile Twitter kao glavni kanal komunikacije kojim prenose novosti i grade odnose s (potencijalnim) ulagačima i kupcima. Služeći se analizom društvenih mreža i analizom sentimenta, rad istražuje Twitterom posredovano komunikacijsko ponašanje kriptovaluta proučavanjem učestalosti tvitova te njihovih struktura: following-follower, reply-mention i co-tweet. Ocjene tržišta često znatno utječu i na proizvođače (tj. programere) i na potrošače (tj. vlasnike kriptovaluta). Stoga ovo istraživanje utvrđuje postoji li povezanost između Twitterovih mreža kriptovaluta i njihovih kreditnih ocjena. Podaci su prikupljeni na Twitterovim stranicama niza najpoznatijih kriptovaluta. Rezultati pokazuju da su reply-mention mreže imale najgušću strukturu, da je mrežna struktura following-follower povezana sa strukturom reply-mention i da su reply-mention i co-tweet mreže pozitivno povezane. Rezultati također upućuju na to da su aktivne mrežne strategije kriptovaluta utjecale na njihove kreditne ocjene i, što je još važnije, da kriptovalute koje se češće povezuju sa srodnim valutama obično imaju visoke kreditne ocjene