42 research outputs found


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    Free  trade  zone  established  under  international  treaty  instrument  provides  the  facility  specifically applies  only to member States. Main facilities  provided under such agreement covering reduction or even  elimination  of  tariff barriers  aimed  to  increase  trade  between  members,  yet  it  is  vulnerable  to trade  crimes  committed  by  third  parties  in  order  to  take  benefits.  Origin  fraud  known  as  one  of international trade crime that causes an injury for beneficiary countries. Regulatory instruments under international, regional, national, and regional dimensions, which aimed to prevent or to minimize the trade crimes become indispensable tools to avoid the losses of local producers


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    Keberagaman Indonesia merupakan anugerah bagi bangsa ini dengan hadirnya Pancasila sebagai pedoman hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Akan tetapi keberagaman tersebut dapat terganggu dengan munculnya berbagai ancaman radikalisme dan paham ekstrimis di masyarakat. Kegiatan sosialisasi pencerahan kehidupan Bergama yang pancasilais merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk membendung ancaman radikalisme di masyarakat Indonesia umumnya, di masyarakat Temanggung khususnya. Kegiatan ini juga diharapkan dapat menciptakan kehidupan beragama yang baik sehingga terhindar dari konflik agama dan memelihara keanekargaman kegamaan Indoensia. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini diawali dengan melakukan mapping stakeholder untuk menyasar kelompok-kelompok yang rentan, sehingga diperoleh kelompok pengajian minggu pagi di dusun pakisan, kedu, Temanggung. Kemudian dilaksanakan sosialisasi guna mendukung internalisasi kehidupan masyarakat di Pakisan untuk mendukung perwujudan kehidupan yang pancasilais dan agamis. Kegiatan ini memperoleh hasil yang cukup baik karena masyarakat mampu memahami penerapan kehidupan beragama yang Pancasila dibuktikan dengan implementasi nilai-nilai Pancasila dikehidupan sehari-hari

    Implementasi Kerjasama Indonesia Dengan as Dalam Penanganan Aksi Terorisme Di Indonesia

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    In 2002, Indonesia was shocked by bomb explosion in Bali which causedmore than 200 casualties. Indonesian Government started to be aware withthe lethal danger of terrorism, establishing Government Regulations in Lieuof Law No. 1 Year 2002 on Combating Criminal Acts of Terrorism(Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2002tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme) and establishing Counter-Terrorism Coordinating Desk (DKPT) which is now BNPT (Badan NasionalPemberantasan Terorisme). The Bali Bombing case also received the UnitedStates's attention and so they offered Indonesia cooperation in combatingterrorism. The cooperation between Indonesia and the United States isactualized with the implementation of counter terrorism. This research willexplain the process of the implementation of Indonesia-United Statescooperation on counter terrorism in Indonesia. On the process of thecooperation, there are supporting and inhibiting factors that affect theconsummation of Indonesia-United States cooperation on counter terrorism.This research uses qualitative method with explanative analysis. The researchshows that the cooperation between Indonesia-United States helps Indonesiapreventing terrorism acts. The prevention form on terrorism mostly done bythe Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88), which successfully combat theterrorists and raid the terrorists's quarters. The reliable investigation andraid skills came from United States' training provided by the FBI to the bestIndonesian police forces

    Dinamika Hubungan Indonesia Dan Jepang Dalam Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Studi Kasus: Evaluasi Kebijakan Terhadap Eksploitasi Ikan Tuna Di Wilayah Perairan Indonesia

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    Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) is one ofthe economic cooperation agreed by Indonesia and Japan, regulatingabout tariff reduction. The study reveals that the economiccooperation conducted by both countries has certain implications forefforts in doing environmental reforms in Indonesia especially in thecase of tuna exploitation where these implications are believed to beable impact the relationship between Indonesia and Japan. Thisresearch is aimed to evaluate said impact on the environment as wellto take a closer look at the IJEPA bilateral relations of both countries.The results of this research indicate that the strategy of Indonesia'sperformance in such cooperation is moderately weak

    Kinerja ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) Dalam Menangani Perdagangan Seks Anak Di Kamboja

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    This research aims to find out the factors that influence ECPAT\u27s performance in dealing with child sex trafficking issues in Cambodia. Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia and child sex industry is a growing business in Cambodia. Cambodia is well-known as one of the destinations for child sex tourist from Asia and Western countries. Cambodia\u27s popularity as a child sex tourism destination can be linked by several factors such as, historical, cultural, poverty, corruption and weak law enforcement factors. Although prohibited by law, the child sex industry is still rampant across Cambodia, especially in tourist attractions. To address this issue, Cambodia government take actions by cooperating with ECPAT, which is a non-governmental organization whose focus is to eliminate Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. However, the number of trafficked children to fulfill demand of sex tourism industry are still growing. This problem will be analyzed by using liberalism perspective, concept of International organization and organizational performance. The research method is descriptive which used to describing the child sex trafficking issues which is aimed to fulfill demand of Cambodia\u27s sex tourism industry. The result of this research shows that child sex trafficking in Cambodia is still growing despite the efforts of Cambodian Government and ECPAT, because of external factors that hinder ECPAT\u27s performance, which is the growing corruption in Cambodia. It causes ECPAT\u27s efforts to combat child sex trafficking in Cambodia cannot work effectively

    Peran Unicef dalam Proses Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration Prajurit Anak Pasca Perang Sipil di Chad

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    This research is inspired by the civil war that took place in Chad in 2005 until 2010. This war caused humanitarian impacts, one of which is the recruitment of child soldiers. The child soldiers were recruited by both the government and the opposition armed forces. The recruitment of child soldiers is listed as a war crime as explained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which clearly explains that children under 18 years of age are not allowed to be involved directly in wars as soldiers or combatants. To mitigate and prevent this issue from happening again, the children who are already in the armed forces have to be released through Disarmament Demobilization Reintegration (DDR) process. Unfortunately, Chadian government was unable to handle this by itself since the conflict was still ongoing in that country, and needed help from an organization or institution to go through the DDR process. To explain this situation, neoliberal institutionalism is best suited since its main paradigm is that a country can solve its problem by seeking help from a certain institution, be it old or new. UNICEF, as the only UN body that focuses on children, helped the government of Chad with the DDR process by making an agreement upon this issue. Through this process, UNICEF was able to help advocating the release of more than 1000 child soldiers, help them through the transition and adaptation phase, provide them with accessible healthcare as well as education, and identify the children before they were reintegrated with their families

    Pengadopsian Kebijakan Dekriminalisasi Illicit Drugs for Personal Use Di Portugal Oleh UNODC

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    Drugs abuse is a criminal act which cause harm to state\u27s health,social and economy circumstances. So far, United Nation on Drugsand Crime (UNODC) drugs policy tend to do law enforcement andoperations to stifle drug supply. Portugal raise a different policy in2001 where drug use is no longer a crime act and only consider asadministrative offences. It show positive result and they try to promoteit into the Commission in Narcotic Drugs (CND). Using liberalinstitutionalism and global public policy theory, this research tries toanalyze the process of global policy adoption to challenge drugsabuse. It seeks to describe what kind of global policy adoption happenin CND is and the process in adopting national policy into globalpolicy. As the result, UNODC did not fully adopting Portugal\u27s drugsdecriminalization policy. But, Portugal and European Union\u27s role inpolitical process in CND earn policy adoption to the importance ofaccess to rehabilitation and treatment for drug users as a strategy tochallenge drug abuse