9 research outputs found

    Lemorzsolódás csökkentésére irányuló felmérés : a tanulási problémákkal küszködő hallgatók körében

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    Kutatásunk során fel kívántuk mérni, hogy a Mérnöki Kar hallgatóinak esetében milyen tényezők okozhatják a hallgatói létszám csökkenését. A felmérés során a korábban készült EFOP3.4.3-16-2016-0001 számú alprojektre építve szerettünk volna további vizsgálatokat lefolytatni. A kérdőíves megkérdezés során célul tűztük ki, hogy kiderítsük, a fenti felmérésben kimutatott fizika, illetve biológia kurzusok mely hallgatói réteg számára jelentenek különösen nagy nehézséget. Elsősorban, kiemelkedő arányban, az élelmiszermérnökök között találtunk tanulási problémával küszködő hallgatókat. A megoldást – véleményünk szerint – egy olyan jegyzet jelenthetné, amelyben az oktató az előadásokon elmondottakat/elhangzottakat érthetően összefoglalja. Abstract: During our research, we wanted to investigate the reasons behind the drop-out of the students of the Faculty of Engineering. Doing so, based on the former EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-0001 subproject, we wanted to broaden our research with further studies. Our main goal with the questionnaires was to find out that the biology and physics courses being set forth with the survey mentioned above represent great difficulties to which class of students. It was shown that primarily – in significant proportion – amongst Food Science Engineering classes can be found students who have learning difficulties. In our point of view the solution would be to create a lecture note that summarizes the information the lecturer says and what is shown during the course in an understandable way

    The mechanical properties of biodegradable modified polymer packaging: A nanoindentation study

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    In this research, a lactic acid-based biodegradable polymer (polylactic acid, PLA) was chemically modified and the mechanical material property changes were studied. The hardness and elastic modulus were determined with a nanoindentation instrument. The modified PLA was compared to the unmodified control group. Each group contained 5 different samples and t-test was performed to compare the mean difference of the hardness and elastic modulus between the two groups. A statistically significant result was obtained both in the hardness and elastic modulus due to the modification. The treated sample structure has become more inhomogeneous as well. The elastic modulus of the modified PLA reduced in its hardness and elastic modulus compared to the control PLA

    Lemorzsolódás csökkentésére irányuló felmérés – a tanulási problémákkal küszködő hallgatók körében

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    During our research, we wanted to investigate the reasons behind the drop-out of the students of the Faculty of Engineering. Doing so, based on the former EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-0001 subproject, we wanted to broaden our research with further studies. Our main goal with the questionnaires was to find out that the biology and physics courses being set forth with the survey mentioned above represent great difficulties to which class of students. It was shown that primarily – in significant proportion – amongst Food Science Engineering classes can be found students who have learning difficulties. In our point of view the solution would be to create a lecture note that summarizes the information the lecturer says and what is shown during the course in an understandable way.Kutatásunk során fel kívántuk mérni, hogy a Mérnöki Kar hallgatóinak esetében milyen tényezők okozhatják a hallgatói létszám csökkenését. A felmérés során a korábban készült EFOP3.4.3-16-2016-0001 számú alprojektre építve szerettünk volna további vizsgálatokat lefolytatni. A kérdőíves megkérdezés során célul tűztük ki, hogy kiderítsük, a fenti felmérésben kimutatott fizika, illetve biológia kurzusok mely hallgatói réteg számára jelentenek különösen nagy nehézséget. Elsősorban, kiemelkedő arányban, az élelmiszermérnökök között találtunk tanulási problémával küszködő hallgatókat. A megoldást – véleményünk szerint – egy olyan jegyzet jelenthetné, amelyben az oktató az előadásokon elmondottakat/elhangzottakat érthetően összefoglalja

    Detection of biodegradation degree of sludge using dielectric measurement

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    Pre-treatments applied before biological sludge utilization technologies aim to modify the sludge structure for enhanced disintegration degree and biodegradability. Among the thermal pre-treatments methods, microwave irradiation is suitable to degrade the polymeric structure of sludge, and to increase the solubility of organic matters. Energetic efficiency of microwave heating is mainly determined by the dielectric properties, such as dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor. Dielectric properties are influenced by the frequency, temperature; composition and consistency of irradiated material, state and bond of water etc. Therefore, physicochemical changes of sludge structure; e.g. hydrolysis of macromolecules, degradation of cell wall of microorganisms, aggregation of particles; contribute to the change of dielectric parameters, as well. In our work we investigated the correlation between the dielectric parameters and structural change and biodegradability indicators. In the case of municipal wastewater, the change of organic matter removal efficiency during wastewater purification technology at a wastewater treatment plant can be detected by the change of dielectric constant. Results related to sludge processing show, that change of organic matter solubility and aerobic biodegradability correlate the change of dielectric loss factor and dielectric constant. With the degradation of polymeric structure of sludge matrix and decomposition of macromolecules caused by thermal effects or chemical pre-treatments led to increased mobility of ions and enhanced polarization of molecules. These effects led to increased dielectric constant and loss factor, what make possible to pre-indicate the efficiency of sludge pre-treatment processes by an in line and real time measurement method