1,727 research outputs found

    An information theoretic approach to ecological inference in presence of spatial heterogeneity and dependence

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    This paper introduces Information Theoretic – based methods for estimating a target variable in a set of small geographical areas, by exploring spatially heterogeneous relationships at the disaggregate level. Controlling for spatial effects means introducing models whereby the assumption is that values in adjacent geographic locations are linked to each other by means of some form of underlying spatial relationship. This method offers a flexible framework for modeling the underlying variation in sub-group indicators, by addressing the spatial dependency problem. A basic ecological inference problem, which allows for spatial heterogeneity and dependence, is presented with the aim of first estimating the model at the aggregate level, and then of employing the estimated coefficients to obtain the sub-group level indicators. The Information Theoretic-based formulations could be a useful means of including spatial and inter-temporal features in analyses of micro-level behavior, and of providing an effective, flexible way of reconciling micro and macro data. An unique optimum solution may be obtained even if there are more parameters to be estimated than available moment conditions and the problem is ill-posed. Additional non-sample information from theory and/or empirical evidence can be introduced in the form of known probabilities by means of the cross-entropy formalism. Consistent estimates in small samples can be computed in the presence of incomplete micro-level data as well as in the presence of problems of collinearity and endogeneity in the individual local models, without imposing strong distributional assumptions. Keywords: Generalized Cross Entropy Estimation, Ecological Inference, Spatial Heterogeneity

    Well-posedness in vector optimization and scalarization results

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    In this paper, we give a survey on well-posedness notions of Tykhonov's type for vector optimization problems and the links between them with respect to the classification proposed by Miglierina, Molho and Rocca in [33]. We consider also the notions of extended well-posedness introduced by X.X. Huang ([19],[20]) in the nonparametric case to complete the hierchical structure characterizing these concepts. Finally we propose a review of some theoretical results in vector optimization mainly related to different notions of scalarizing functions, linear and nonlinear, introduced in the last decades, to simplify the study of various well-posedness properties.

    Human capital, technological spillovers and development across OECD countries

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    In this paper, we study the relationship between the level of development of an economy and returns to different levels of education for the panel of OECD countries over the 1965-2004 period, in a club convergence framework. The connection between growth and human capital measures of primary, secondary and tertiary education in a multiple-club spatial convergence model with non linearities and spatial dependence is considered. By decomposing total schooling into its three constituent parts, we are able to evaluate their impact on regional growth without imposing homogeneous returns from each level of education. We contribute to the identification of two regimes for OECD countries, each characterized by different returns on physical and human capital accumulation and technological spillovers. We also find that the non-monotonic pattern of convergence is strongly influenced by human capital stocks and technology diffusion process is stronger in the club less close to the technological frontier.

    Migrating Madonnas: The Madonna della Montagna di Polsi in Calabria and in Australia

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    Looks at cultural bereavement as a condition that can severely compromise the psychological health of migrants. The Madonna della Montagna festa in Melbourne, albeit different to its Calabrian epigone, continues to perform a psychologically healing role

    Inspire Consulting, LLC A Worksite Wellness Company

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    Currently our nation is facing skyrocketing healthcare costs, near-epidemic obesity levels, and debilitating chronic disease prevalence. The impact of obesity and affiliated chronic diseases is a major burden on our healthcare system and economy, and are of extreme public health significance. Inspire Consulting, LLC is a Pittsburgh-area health and wellness consulting firm focused on leveraging the worksite to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors. The mission of this company will be to determine the health and wellness needs of a client’s employees and address them through programs and resources necessary to facilitate the establishment and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. In doing so, the company will lessen the prevalence and burden of many chronic diseases, enhancing not only the client’s economic wellbeing but overall public health as well

    An Optimal Partnership Search Model: Theoretical Implications for the Europartenariat Event

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    A theoretical search model applied to collaboration among firms with a public authority as an intermediate is the primary issue of this paper. Specifically, we consider the Europartenariat event since it represents a good opportunity to study a problem of interaction between the decision to search a collaboration and the exchange of information involved in a bargaining process. Search costs play a central role in this framework. We show the optimality of a strategy as to the number of contacts with host companies in a problem of dynamic programming. Precisely, solutions in a search model with the presence of fixed and quadratic costs are derived in terms of an optimal threshold number of contacts and of an optimal interval of the number of contacts, respectively. For the case of fixed costs, we find that the minimum number of contacts for which the firm accepts to participate is negatively related to the expected profit and to the probability of contacting one firm with a common project of collaboration. This is confirmed by a simulation. In the quadratic cost hypothesis we investigate learning phenomena and revelation of private information

    Temporary Services with Carmen Papalia

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    Temporary Services with Carmen Papalia explores the topic of accessibility as it relates to public space, the Art institution, and visual culture through an interview, an essay, and case studies. This book is part of the Reference Points series published through Portland State University Art and Social Practice MFA Program. The series is an evolving pedagogical framework in which graduate students formulate and research a significant topic or practitioner(s) related to socially engaged art. Because the series is designed to shift and respond to the concerns of the program\u27s current students and faculty, mode, structure, and content are open-ended.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/reference_points/1006/thumbnail.jp