12 research outputs found

    Selection of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing’s Program Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Case Study in Electronic Company

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    Nowadays, green purchasing, stop global warming, love the mother earth, and others that related to environment become hot issues. Manufactures industries tend to more active and responsive to those issues by adopting green strategies or program like Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (ECM). In this article, an electronic company had applied 12 ECM Program and tries to choose one of those programs using 6 criteria, such as total cost involved, quality, recyclable material, process waste reduction, packaging waste reduction, and regulation compliance. By using multi-criteria decision making model, i.e. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Modified TOPSIS methods, the ECM Program 9 (Open pit) is the best option. Keywords: Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (ECM), Electronic Company, AHP, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Modified TOPSI

    Perhitungan Carbon Footprint pada Perusahaan Peleburan Logam di Surabaya

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    Abstract: Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases generated from production activities. PT. X is a company which engaged in the melting industry and it aims to export. This research aims to determine carbon footprint of Bronze and PB products that divide into 3 scopes. The 3 scopes are materials, energy, and transportation. The results of this research show the carbon footprint of Bronze products are 13.898,16 kgsCO2e, while the carbon footprints of PB products are 113.393,322 kgsCO2e. Average emissions from Bronze and PB products are higher than average emissions of several countries so it can be said that currently the company needs to reduce the emissions before exporting the product. Some improvements can be made to improve the emmisions by replacing the energy from electricity to gas and changing the delivery system

    Measuring the Usage Level of the IE Tools in SMEs Using Malcolm Baldrige Scoring System

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    The amount of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia is larger than large industries but possessed very low competitiveness. In many countries, SMEs have a vital role in supporting the economy so should receive more attention in order to sustain and support the economy of a country. SMEs need to implement the Industrial Engineering (IE) tools from an early stage or planning, process, and marketing that can improve customer satisfaction. Previous researches already done to develop innovative management model to improve SMEs performance using Malcolm Baldrige model but only measured some determinant factors that have the effect on performance and not measured the usage level. This study was done to get measurement models of the usage level of Industrial Engineering Tools and Methods in SMEs. Measurement is to design a scoring system of usage level at Planning and Design, Operation and Control, and Quality and Productivity Improvement. Design method was done by determining the tools in each stage and proceed with setting the usage level and score by using the Malcolm Baldrige concep Measuring the Usage Level of the IE Tools in SMEs Using Malcolm Baldrige Scoring System

    Selection of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing’s Program Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making

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    Nowadays, green purchasing, stop global warming, love the mother earth, and others that related to environment become hot issues. Manufactures industries tend to more active and responsive to those issues by adopting green strategies or program like Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (ECM). In this article, an electronic company had applied 12 ECM Program and tries to choose one of those programs using 6 criteria, such as total cost involved, quality, recyclable material, process waste reduction, packaging waste reduction, and regulation compliance. By using multi-criteria decision making model, i.e. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Modified TOPSIS methods, the ECM Program 9 (Open pit) is the best option

    Analysis of Green Product Knowledge, Green Behavior and Green Consumers of Indonesian Student (Case study for Universities in Surabaya)

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    Nowadays, environmental damages become hardly to be solved. It happened by many factors like lack of information about green products, human lifestyle that unaware or even don’t care about the environment, and there’ still paradigms that green product or green consumerism aligned with high cost. This study shows that students have sufficient knowledge related to green products. Green behavior of students is tends to improve by start from a simple things in their daily activities. In other hands, whenever decide to buy products; not all those students aware with green products in order to make them adopt green lifestyle. The students with high financial capability are more aware buy green products than others

    Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di PT X

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    PT X is a vegetable oils company that produces coconut oil and palm oil. PT X has not have Occupational Safety and Health Management System, so the numbers of accidents tends to increase. This thesis was conducted to design Occupational Safety and Health Management System for production area. The design includes fire and flood prevention, health service, personal protective equipment (PPE), safety signs, and B3 spills. Firstly, hazard identification and risk assessment were conducted to determine the level of danger based on Risk Priority Number (RPN). The greater the RPN, the more dangerous. Hazard identification and risk assessment were carried out in the production area namely Plant-1, Plant-2, and Plant-3. Source of the greatest danger at Plant-1 (RPN=108) is the open conveyor. Source of the greatest danger at Plant-2 (RPN=84) is loud noise produced by vacuum forming machine. Source of the greatest danger at Plant-3 extraction (RPN=64) is hexane tank. Source of the greatest danger at Plant-3 pelletizing (RPN=96) is dusty work area and workers negligent in use of PPE. The risk assessment also accompanied by precautions so that accidents do not happen again

    Penyusunan Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control pada Perusahaan Pipa Baja

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    PT. X, is a local company that manufacturer of wide range of steel pipes/tubes and other related products to meet specifications. PT. X wanted to compose Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) to fulfill one clause of the application of OHSAS 18001:2007. In Preparation of HIRARC, consist of 3 stages: hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control. Hazard identification performed based on interviews with the workers, the observations at the site, and the historical data of accidents of PT. X. The result of the risk assessment shows that there are some activities with potential hazards. There are 61% moderate risk and 5% high risk. Risk control will be performed on activities with moderate risk, high risk, and extreme risk category

    Choosing Bio Ethanol Fermentation Process Combination with Two Levels Full Factorial Design Method

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    The reduction of oil energy reserve makes fuel increased in price. Therefore, alternative energy as a substitute to save fuel is needed. One of the alternative energy is bio fuel, and one of the bio fuel types is bio ethanol. The purpose of this research is to determine the best factors and level combination on bio ethanol fermentation process, in order to made bio ethanol with higher content. Cassava is used as the raw material of bio ethanol making process. This research was conducted using Two Levels Full Factorial Design method. Factors which are studied are the amount of urea fertilizer NPK (fertilizer) type, the amount of NPK, the amount of yeast, the amount of alpha amylase enzyme, and the amount of glucoamylase enzyme. Data was analyzed using ANOVA test, main effect plot, and interaction effect plot. As a result, type of NPK, amount of NPK, amount of alpha amylase enzyme, and amount of glucoamylase enzyme are factors that have a significant effect on the bio ethanol fermentation process. The best combination for this experiment is the amount of urea: 4.88 grams, type of NPK: 20/9/15, the amount of NPK: 1.4 gram, the amount of yeast 10 grams, the amount of alpha-amylase enzyme: 1.5 milliliter, and the amount of glucoamylase enzyme: 1.35 milliliter. Keywords: Bio ethanol, fermentation, NPK, two levels full factorial design

    Minimalisasi Kekurangan Material melalui Implementasi Quality Control Circle

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    The revolution of traditional quality management concept into total quality management (TQM) inspired industry for establishing and implementing quality control circle (QCC). Before starting a project as the implementation of the QCC, the training was held for supporting the knowledge of the QCC team. As the pilot project of the QCC, this research will try to minimize the percentage of the lack material in the production process of 8340 type by working together with the QCC team. The result of QCC implementation could reach the target set by the team, the percentage of the lack material reached less than 3%. The percentage of the lack material kontaktarm reduced from 3.09% to 0.00%, flachdrahtspule reduced from 9.20% to 0.40%, and niet reduced from 7.71% to 2.73%. Besides, the implementation of QCC also resulted in positive impact for all the members of the team about the benefits and experiences gained