6 research outputs found

    Knowledge, Attitude, and Implementation of Cold Chain Management in Boalemo District, Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Background: Children's health is a priority in health development with the goal of reducing child mortality. So far, high immunization coverage does not guarantee the emergence of diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PD3I). Cold Chain Management is a system used to store vaccines in good condition which refers to the vaccine supply chain for the immunization procurement chain. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation­ship of knowledge, attitude, and implementation of cold chain management.Subjects and Method: This was a cross sec­tional study conducted at 11 health centers in Boa­­lemo District, Gorontalo, Indonesia, in Sep­tem­ber 2018. A sample of 34 health officers was selected purposively. The dependent variable was cold chain management. The independent variables were knowledge and attitude. The data were collected by questionnaire and observation sheets. The data were analyzed by Chi square.Results: High knowledge increased positive atti­tude toward implementation of cold chain mana­ge­ment (OR= 5.87; p= 0.061). High knowledge (OR= 2.17; p= 0.448) and positive attitude (OR= 2.69; p= 0.405) increased implementation of cold chain management, but they were statistically non-significant.Conclusion: High knowledge and positive atti­tude increase implementation of cold chain managementKeywords: cold chain management, vaccine, knowledge, attitudeCorrespondence: Zulfiayu Sapiun. Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnics, Ministry of Health Gorontalo.Jl. Taman Pendidikan 36, Gorontalo 96123, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 081244521639Journal of Health Policy and Management (2020), 05(02): 139-145https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2020.05.02.0


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    Tujuan Kegiatan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap siswa/siswi sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dilaksanakan dan memastikan bahwa jajanan di sekitar sekolah aman dari cemaran kimia. Kegiatan ini adalah quasi eksperiment. Alat ukur adalah kuesioner berisi pernyataan pengetahuan dan sikap. Pengetahuan dan sikap dinyatakan baik bila nilai ?75. Data dianalis dengan univariat dan perubahan diuji dengan wilcoxon. Kegiatan berupa penyuluhan keamanan pangan dan pengujian sampel makanan jajanan di sekitar sekolah. Pengetahuan siswa tentang jajanan aman adalah sebelum penyuluhan adalah 3,79 dan setelah sebesar 4,65. Sikap siswa tentang jajanan aman adalah sebelum penyuluhan adalah 4,90 dan setelah sebesar 5,75. Tingkat pengetahuan siswa MIN 1 Kota Gorontalo 35% kurang baik dan 65% baik. Sedangkan setelah kegiatan menjadi 10% kurang baik dan 95% baik. Sikap siswa MIN 1 Kota Gorontalo sebelum kegiatan adalah 37% kurang baik dan 63% baik, sedangkan setelah kegiatan 5% kurang baik dan 95% baik. Hasil pengujian Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan tentang jajanan aman telah mampu mengubah pengetahuan secara signifikan dengan nilai P=0,000, dimana P0,05. Hasil pengujian Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan tentang jajanan aman telah mampu mengubah sikap secara signifikan dengan nilai P=0,000. dimana P0,05. Hasil pengujian jajanan didapatkan 10 sampel uji negatif mengandung metanil yellow, rhodamin B, borax, dan formalin

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Covid-19 Bagi Warga Serta Tenaga Kesehatan Di Kelurahan Wonggaditi Timur Gorontalo

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    ABSTRAK Pandemi (Corona Virus Disease) COVID 19 telah tersebar di 210 Negara dan tercatat sebanyak 1.786.769 pasien yang dinyatakan positif(WHO, April 2020). Indonesia pada 12 April 2020 mencapai 4.241 kasus yang telah terkonfirmasi. Provinsi Gorontalo terdapat 1 pasien terkonfirmasi positif menderita Covid 19, Pasien dalam Pengawasan (PDP) sejumlah 64 orang dan Orang Dalam Pengawasan (ODP) sejumlah 3093 orang. Sebaran PDP tertinggi berada di Kota Gorontalo. Tujuan pelatihan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan kader kesehatan dalam melakukan pencegahan penularan covid 19 bagi warga masyarakat di kelurahan Wonggaditi Timur Kota Gorontalo. Adapun kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat meliputi pelatihan kader kesehatan, pembagian buku pedoman Penyemprotan menggunakan desinfektandi rumah warga, pembagian masker kain sebanyak 500 buah dan pemberian APD sebanyak 40 paket bagi petugas kesehatan di RS Rujukan yang wilayahnya berada di Wilayah Kerja Kelurahan Wonggaditi Barat. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pencegahan penularan Covid 19 oleh kader kesehatan. Masyarakat memberikan respon yang sangat baik dengan indikator capaian yaitu selalu memakai masker sesuai tujuan dan fungsinya. Kata Kunci : COVID 19, Desinfectan, Alat Pelindung Diri. ABSTRACT The pandemic (Corona Virus Disease) COVID 19 has spread in 210 countries and recorded 1,786,769 patients who tested positive (WHO, April 2020). Indonesia on April 12, 2020, reached 4,241 confirmed cases. Gorontalo Province there was 1 patient confirmed positive for Covid 19, 64 patients under surveillance (PDP) and 3093 people under surveillance (ODP). The highest distribution of PDP was in Gorontalo City. The aim of the training was expected to increase the knowledge and ability of health cadres in preventing the transmission of Covid 19 for community members in Wonggaditi Timur village, Gorontalo City. The community service activities include training for health cadres, distributing spraying manuals using disinfectant in residents' homes, distributing 500 cloth masks and giving 40 packages of PPE for health workers at the Referral Hospital whose area is in the Wonggaditi Barat Village Work Area. There was an increase in knowledge about preventing the transmission of Covid 19 by health cadres. The community responded very well with performance indicators, namely always wearing a mask according to its purpose and function. Keywords: COVID 19,  Desinfectant, Personal Protective Equipment


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    Objective: The present study aims to investigate the effect of using DMSO as an enhancer on the ex vivo penetration of an emulgel from sesewanua leaf extracts. Methods: The sesewanua emulgel was prepared into four formulas, SWE1-SWE4, with different DMSO concentrations: 0%, 3%, 5%, 7%, and compared with QCE, quercetin without DMSO. Further, the penetration test of the sesewanua leaf ethanol extract emulgel was performed by determining the rate and cumulative penetration of quercetin within the skin of the mice by employing the Franz diffusion cell approach. Results: The SWE4 emulgel containing 7% of DMSO was the best formula that enhanced the penetration of the emulgel, with a cumulative penetration at 331.423 mg/cm2, the penetration rate at 2.762 µg/cm2/minute, and better dispersibility of 4.6 cm and the results of the one-way ANOVA suggested a significant influence (p<0.05). DMSO with a concentration of 7% of the sesewanua emulgel was proven to increase 2,4-fold the rate and cumulative amount penetration. DMSO can be considered as a penetration enhancer of natural compounds for anti-inflammatory treatment. Conclusion: The use of natural ingredients as topical anti-inflammatory continues to be developed to avoid the first-pass effects. The used of DMSO in topical emulgel preparation become a simple way to enhance the penetrant of active inggredient