15 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Performance of a Centrifugal Pump Impeller Design with the Addition of a Junction Disc Plate

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    This research analyzes the impeller design performance that has been modified based on previous impeller designs. The previous impeller design used high engine power consumption due to the total head, so the modification of the impeller design is expected to reduce the engine power consumption. The existing design and the modified impeller design with the addition of the junction disc plate are used by this research. This research used experiment methods and theoretical methods to compare both of impeller design performances. The experiment method measures total head, fluid capacity, engine speed, and engine power consumption. The theoretical method analyzes actual fluid velocity, specific velocity, total suction head, NPSH, and pump efficiency. The results showed that the fluid flow rate was able to increase the efficiency of the centrifugal pump by 2.8%. The conclusion explains that the addition of a junction disc plate produces energy from a steady fluid flow rate to reduce the engine power consumption and escalation of pump efficiency

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    Analisis Pemanfaatan Energi Panas Menjadi Energi Listrik Pada Proses Pengereman Rem Cakram Pada Kendaraan Roda Empat

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    This research was conducted to determine the electrical energy generated from friction heat in the braking process of disc brakes on four-wheeled vehicles with a calculation analysis of heat flow rates at speeds of 10 km/h and 15 km/h at 519 rpm, 748 rpm, and 1.234 rpm.  The testing time is 20 minutes to get a measure of the heat generated from braking friction.  The heat produced is converted into electrical energy using a thermoelectric device.  Based on the calculation of the heat flow rate caused by friction on braking, a heat flow rate of 141.61 Watt is obtained and the voltage result is 317.2 mV.  These results indicate the longer the braking is done, the heat generated from the friction force, the rate of heat flow flowing from the disk to the thermoelectric device, and the voltage result will be greater

    Optimization Twist Angle of Darrius Wind Turbine with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation for Highway Area Application

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    The research conducted to analyze and optimization of Darrius wind turbine based on air velocity and twist angle blade which can influence of turbine torque, turbine rotation speed and turbine power capacity. The method of research uses three steps that is the air velocity observation, wind turbine design, and simulation of wind turbine design. The twist angle as a variable parameter has degree angle of 0° and 30°. The result showed that the Darrius wind turbine with the twist angle of 30° which has chosen has the torque value is 0.285 N m that capable to increase the rotation speed is 6.42 rpm, and generate the turbine power capacity is 0.221 W. The research will be continuing to data validation with the result of pilot scale experiment

    Pengaruh Jarak dan Posisi Nozzle Terhadap Daya Turbin Pelton

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    AbstractPelton Turbine is a turbine which use nozzle as officers the direction of a stream water in order to move around of blade turbine. The rotating of turbine blade efected by some parameters such as the distance of the nozzle, position of nozzle, diameter of nozzle, number of nozzle, and the geometry shape of the blade turbine. An experimental study to analyze the affect of distance and position nozzle to Pelton Turbine of performance. The research method used experiment parameter was position of nozzle with three variations, first position is the right side horizontal of bottom shaft turbine, second position is vertical to down direction, and third position is the left side horizontal of upper shaft turbine. The parameter of nozzle distance used five variations was 24 cm, 23 cm, 22 cm, 21 cm, dan 20 cm, which measured from the end of position nozzle to blade turbine. The result shows that the right side horizontal of bottom shaft turbine with distance of nozzle 23 cm had the maximum performance to produce a power 125 Watt with the rotation of shaft turbine 263 rpm. Abstrak Turbin Pelton adalah sebuah turbin yang menggunakan nozzle sebagai pengatur arah aliran air ke sudu turbin yang berputar. Putaran sudu turbin dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter antara lain jarak nozzle, posisi nozzle, diameter nozzle, jumlah nozzle, dan bentuk geometri sudu turbin. Studi eksperimen yang dilakukan pada turbin pelton dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis pengaruh posisi dan jarak nozzle terhadap pergerakkan sudu yang menentukan performa turbin pelton guna mendapatkan daya listrik yang optimum. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan parameter pengujian yaitu posisi nozzle dengan tiga variasi yaitu pada posisi pertama adalah horizontal sebelah kanan sisi bawah poros turbin, posisi kedua adalah vertikal ke bawah, dan posisi ketiga pada horizontal sebelah kiri sisi atas poros turbin. Parameter jarak nozzle menggunakan lima variasi yaitu 24 cm, 23 cm, 22 cm, 21 cm, dan 20 cm, yang diukur dari posisi ujung nozzle terhadap sudu turbin pelton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi horizontal sebelah kanan sisi bawah dari poros turbin dengan jarak nozzle sebesar 23 cm merupakan hasil yang maksimum untuk menghasilkan putaran poros turbin sebesar 263 rpm dan mampu menghasilkan daya sebesar 125 Watt

    The utilization of solid waste treatment for charcoal making and water heating by continuous incineration

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    The utilization of solid waste incineration still has the low percentage, whereas the incineration can add the value of solid waste. This research conducted to analyse of solid waste incineration with methods that classified into two steps that are the analyse of requirement between solid waste and air supply to determine of mass and energy balance, and the pilot scale experiment to analyse the utilization of heat energy from solid waste incineration for charcoal making and water heating. The results show that the 12.5 kg solid waste mass request the 5.78 kg/h combustion rate to produce heat energy up to 134.4 kJ, where can transform 1 kg coconut shell to 500 g charcoal and increase the water temperature from 32°C to 62°C. The research will be continued with analyse of air supply for incineration process temperature increasing, which can determine the combustion rate that influences the heat energy product

    The utilization of solid waste treatment for charcoal making and water heating by continuous incineration

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    The utilization of solid waste incineration still has the low percentage, whereas the incineration can add the value of solid waste. This research conducted to analyse of solid waste incineration with methods that classified into two steps that are the analyse of requirement between solid waste and air supply to determine of mass and energy balance, and the pilot scale experiment to analyse the utilization of heat energy from solid waste incineration for charcoal making and water heating. The results show that the 12.5 kg solid waste mass request the 5.78 kg/h combustion rate to produce heat energy up to 134.4 kJ, where can transform 1 kg coconut shell to 500 g charcoal and increase the water temperature from 32°C to 62°C. The research will be continued with analyse of air supply for incineration process temperature increasing, which can determine the combustion rate that influences the heat energy product