25 research outputs found


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    LectureAccurate modeling of complicated dynamic phenomena characterizing rotating machineries represents a critical aspect in the rotor dynamic field. A correct prediction of rotor behavior is fundamental to identify safe operating conditions avoiding unstable operating range that may lead to erroneous project solution or possible unwanted consequences for the plant. Considering generic rotating machineries as mainly partitioned in four components (rotors, bearings, stator and supporting structure), most research activities have been addressed so far with strong focus more on the single components rather than on the whole system assembly. The importance of a combined analysis of rotors and elastic supporting structure (Kruger 2013) arises with the continuous development of turbo machinery applications, in particular in the Oil & Gas field, where a wide variety of solutions, such as off-shore installations or modularized turbo compression and turbo generator trains, lead to the need of a more complete study not only limited to the rotor-bearing system

    Numerical Prediction And Experimental Validation Of Rotor Thermal Instability

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    LectureThe increasing demand of higher efficiency and increased equipment compactness is pushing the modern rotordynamic design towards higher and higher bearing peripheral speeds. Due to the increased viscous dissipation, fluid film bearings are prone to the development of rotor asymmetrical heating (de Jongh 1994) and hence thermal rotor bowing, rotor thermal imbalance and consequent synchronous vibration increase. Differential heating and synchronous rotor vibrations are directly linked leading to a complex feedback loop which can cause thermal rotor instability often referred as Morton effect (de Jongh 1994). In the present work, the stability of a rotor bearing system is numerically simulated following two different approaches: a classical linear stability approach suggested by Murphy et al. (Murphy 2009) and an iterative FEM thermo-structural-dynamic analysis. Results are compared with measurements obtained during an experimental campaign carried out at the GE oil & Gas facility in Florence on a real scale between-bearing dummy rotor. During the experiments, the rotor differential temperature at the journal bearing section has been continuously monitored via telemetry as well as rotor vibration at bearing, mid span and overhung location. For the linear stability approach, the rotor differential temperature is estimated by making use of a steady thin-film tilting pad journal bearing (TPJB) code developed at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Florence while the iterative method takes advantage of an experimentally fit correlation between rotor vibration and differential rotor temperature used to couple the dynamic and thermo-structural rotor simulations


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    LectureAccurate modeling of complicated dynamic phenomena characterizing rotating machineries represents a critical aspect in the rotor dynamic field. A correct prediction of rotor behavior is fundamental to identify safe operating conditions avoiding unstable operating range that may lead to erroneous project solution or possible unwanted consequences for the plant. Considering generic rotating machineries as mainly partitioned in four components (rotors, bearings, stator and supporting structure), most research activities have been addressed so far with strong focus more on the single components rather than on the whole system assembly. The importance of a combined analysis of rotors and elastic supporting structure (Kruger 2013) arises with the continuous development of turbo machinery applications, in particular in the Oil & Gas field, where a wide variety of solutions, such as off-shore installations or modularized turbo compression and turbo generator trains, lead to the need of a more complete study not only limited to the rotor-bearing system

    Grenzschichtverhalten und zugehöriger Wärmetransport beim Auftreten von Verbrennungsinstabilitäten

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    The development of efficient and environmental sustainable combustion systems is critical in the nowadays economy. The efficiency of an energy cycle is proportional to the highest cycle temperature but unfortunately, due to the major mechanism of nitric oxide formation, there is a temperature trade off between improved cycle efficiency, material constraints and low emissions. This considerations have pushed combustion chamber technology towards lean premixed flames where the tendency is to reduce local temperature peaks making use of a well studied air management. Unfortunately this kind of innovative systems have shown to be prone to combustion instabilities and higher wall heat load. In the present work, making use of numerical simulations, the wall boundary layer response to combustion instabilities has been studied in order to asses the effect of flow pulsations on heat transfer. In Chapter 2 the status of the art of combustor simulation has been presented. A full scale burner has been simulated with a commercial CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) code. The results have shown that in such complex simulations and in the presence of combustion instabilities, the correct predictions of wall heat load rely not only on the correct modeling of air-fuel turbulent mixing, chemical reactions and heat radiation, but also depend strongly on the near wall turbulence treatment and on the correct solution of the conjugate solid-fluid heat transfer problem at the wall (which details are discussed in Chapter 3). The main interest of the work is however the study of the near wall turbulence and the associated heat transfer in the presence of flow unsteadiness. In Chapter 4 the fundamental equations for the solution of the thermo-Fluid dynamic problem in turbulent unsteady flows have been introduced. Moreover, in Chapter 5 some unsteady analytical solutions in simple channel and pipe configurations as well as turbulent channel and pipe flow heat transfer and viscous loss correlations have been presented. In Chapter 6 and 7, making use of simplified but well defined academic test cases, the accuracy of different turbulence models for the prediction of the wall heat transfer response in presence of thermo-acoustic instabilities has been discussed. The results have shown the clear limitation of the use of wall functions both in URANS and LES applications and discrepancies with some experimental results. The most interesting results are however presented In Chapter 8 where the turbulent near wall structures and the associated heat transfer were in detail investigated by means of pulsating channel flow DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) simulations. The response of the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and fluctuating temperature variance (k_theta) as well as their dissipation rates (epsilon and epsilon_theta) were reported at different flow pulsations and amplitudes. In order to highlight the most critical (for the turbulence models) flow conditions, the pulsation amplitudes and frequencies were chosen so to span different pulsating flow regimes. The DNS results have shown very complex turbulence unbalance phenomena depending on the flow pulsation and amplitude. Each term on the budget equation of k, k_theta and epsilon_theta have shown different answer to pulsation frequency and amplitude. The mean and phase locked averaged turbulent Prandtl number seems to be affected by flow pulsation as well as the unsteady heat transfer. The pulsation frequency increase determines an unsteady heat transfer amplitude decrease. The flow pulsation amplitude seems to affect the overall mean heat transfer value increasing up to two times its steady value with the increasing of pulsation amplitude. The present DNS database represents a highly valuable and unique work which can serve as a reference for the development of innovative unsteady turbulent heat transfer models. Finally, in Chapter 9, starting from the DNS data, a new turbulent heat transfer closure has been proposed. The new model was capable, in all the flow condition studied, to correctly predict the unsteady heat transfer mean value and pulsating amplitude showing the added value of the present DNS database for the understanding of the near wall turbulence behavior and the associated heat transfer in presence of flow unsteadiness.Die Entwicklung effizienter, nachhaltiger Verbrennungssysteme stellt im heutigen Umfeld einer stark wettbewerbsorientierten Wirtschaft eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe dar. Durch die starke Temperaturabhaengigkeit der Stickstoffoxidbildung muss hierbei ein Temperaturoptimum gefunden werden, das den maximal moeglichen Wirkungsgrad des Kreisprozesses bei gleichzeitig minimalen Emissionen, in den Grenzen der Materialfestigkeit, gewaehrleistet. Diese Anforderungen fuehrten in der Brennkammerentwicklung zur Einfuehrung magerer Vormischflammen, bei denen lokale Temperaturspitzen durch exakte Lufteinblasung verringert werden. Ein bedeutender Nachteil dieser innovativen Systeme ist ihre Anfaelligkeit fuer Verbrennungsinstabilitaeten sowie groessere Wandwaermebelastungen. In der vorliegende Arbeit wird, unter Verwendung numerischer Simulationen, das Verhalten der wandnahen Grenzschicht gegenueber auftretender Verbrennungsinstabilitaeten untersucht, um den Einfluss von Stroemungspulsationen auf den Waermeuebergang zu charakterisieren. In Kapitel 2 wird die Simulation einer Brennkammer in technisch relevantem Massstab vorgestellt. Die Simulation wurde mit einem kommerziellen CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) Code durchgefuehrt dessen Methoden dem aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in komplexen Simulationen, in denen Verbrennungsinstabilitaeten auftreten, die Wandwaermebelastung nicht nur von der korrekten Modellierung der Brennstoff-Luft Mischung, der chemischen Reaktionen, der Waermeleitung im Festkoerper und der Waermestrahlung abhaengt, sondern auch stark von der Modellierung der Turbulenz im wandnahen Bereich beeinflusst wird. Des Weiteren spielt auch die korrekte Loesung des gekoppelten Festkoerper/Fluid Waermeuebergangs eine massgebliche Rolle (siehe genaue Ausfuerungen in Kapitel 3). Das Hauptinteresse dieser Arbeit liegt jedoch auf der Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen wandnaher Turbulenz und dem Wandwaermeuebergang bei instationaeren Stroemungskonfigurationen. Kapitel 4 konzentriert sich auf die Interaktion zwischen Waermefreisetzung und Fluidmechanik in turbulenten, instationaeren Stroemungen und stellt die beschreibenden, mathematischen Gleichungen vor. Anschliessend praesentiert Kapitel 5 analytische Loesungen dieser Gleichungen fuer einfache Kanal- und Rohrstroemungen. Des Weiteren werden die grundlegenden Korrelationen zwischen turbulenten Kanal- und Rohrstroemungen und den dort auftretenden viskosen Verlusttermen erlaeutert. Kapitel 6 und 7 widmen sich der Analyse verschiedener Turbulenzmodelle bei der Modellierung des Wandwaermeuebergangs unter dem Einfluss thermo-akustischen Schwingungen. Die Genauigkeit der Modelle wird anhand vereinfachter, aber gut definierter akademischer Testfaelle bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Abweichungen gegenueber experimenteller Daten und veranschaulichen so deutlich die Grenzen von Wandfunktionen, sowohl bei der Verwendung in URANS als auch in LES Simulationen. Die interessantesten Ergebnisse sind in Kapitel 8 zu finden, in dem eine detaillierte Untersuchung der turbulenten Strukturen im wandnahen Bereich bei Waermeuebergang anhand von DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) Simulationen von pulsierenden Stroemungen vorgestellt wird. Das Verhalten der turbulenten kinetischen Energie, der Temperaturfluktuationen sowie deren Dissipationsraten werden fuer verschiedene Schwingungsfrequenzen und -amplituden analysiert. Die DNS Ergebnisse zeigen eine starke Abhaengigkeit der turbulenten Groessen von der Stroemungspulsation und deren Amplitude. Jeder Term in den Erhaltungsgleichungen von k, k_theta und epsilon_theta antwortet mit einer unterschiedlichen Phasenverschiebung auf die anliegende Schwigungsfrequenz und -amplitude. Sowohl die phasengemittelte als auch die gemittelte turbulente Prandtl Zahl wird von der Stroemungspulsation sowie dem instationaeren Waermeuebergang beeinflusst. Eine Erhoehung der Schwingungsfrequenz bewirkt eine Verringerung der Amplitude des instationaeren Waermeuebergangs. Der globale Gesamtwaermeuebergang wird von der Schwingungsamplitude beeinflusst. Mit zunehmender Amplitude vergroessert sich der globale Waermeuebergang bis zum doppelten Wert des stationaeren Stroemungsfalls. Die DNS Datenbank stellte eine wertvolle und einzigartige Arbeit dar, die zum Verbessern und/oder Entwickeln neuer Modelle fuer den instationaeren, turbulenten Waermeuebergang verwendet werden kann. Abschliessend wird in Kapitel 9, von den DNS Daten ausgehend eine neues Schliessungsmodell fuer den instationaeren, turbulenten Waermeuebergang hergeleitet. Fuer alle untersuchten Stroemungszustaende gibt das Modell die Mittelwerte des instationaeren Waermeuebergangs sowie die Schwingungsamplitude sehr gut wieder. Die DNS Datenbank konnte hier direkt fuer ein vertieftes Verstaendnis der Wechselwirkung zwischen wandnaher Turbulenz und dem Wandwaermeuebergang bei instationaeren Stroemungskonfigurationen verwendet werden