45,638 research outputs found

    The impact of a wave farm on large scale sediment transport

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    This study investigates the interactions of waves and tides at a wave farm in the southwest of England, in particular their effects on radiation stress, bottom stress, and consequently on the sediment transport and the coast adjacent to the wave-farm (the Wave Hub). In this study, an integrated complex numerical modelling system is setup at the Wave Hub site and is used to compute the wave and current fields by taking into account the wave-current interaction, as well as the sediment transport. Results show that tidal elevation and tidal currents have a significant effect on the wave height and direction predictions; tidal forcing and wind waves have a significant effect on the bed shear-stress, relevant to sediment transport; waves via radiation stresses have an important effect on the longshore and cross-shore velocity components, particularly during the spring tides. Waves can impact on bottom boundary layer and mixing in the water column. The results highlight the importance of the interactions between waves and tides when modelling coastal morphology with presence of wave energy devices

    Embedding impedance approximations in the analysis of SIS mixers

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    Future millimeter-wave radio astronomy instruments will use arrays of many SIS receivers, either as focal plane arrays on individual radio telescopes, or as individual receivers on the many antennas of radio interferometers. Such applications will require broadband integrated mixers without mechanical tuners. To produce such mixers, it will be necessary to improve present mixer design techniques, most of which use the three-frequency approximation to Tucker's quantum mixer theory. This paper examines the adequacy of three approximations to Tucker's theory: (1) the usual three-frequency approximation which assumes a sinusoidal LO voltage at the junction, and a short-circuit at all frequencies above the upper sideband; (2) a five-frequency approximation which allows two LO voltage harmonics and five small-signal sidebands; and (3) a quasi five-frequency approximation in which five small-signal sidebands are allowed, but the LO voltage is assumed sinusoidal. These are compared with a full harmonic-Newton solution of Tucker's equations, including eight LO harmonics and their corresponding sidebands, for realistic SIS mixer circuits. It is shown that the accuracy of the three approximations depends strongly on the value of omega R(sub N)C for the SIS junctions used. For large omega R(sub N)C, all three approximations approach the eight-harmonic solution. For omega R(sub N)C values in the range 0.5 to 10, the range of most practical interest, the quasi five-frequency approximation is a considerable improvement over the three-frequency approximation, and should be suitable for much design work. For the realistic SIS mixers considered here, the five-frequency approximation gives results very close to those of the eight-harmonic solution. Use of these approximations, where appropriate, considerably reduces the computational effort needed to analyze an SIS mixer, and allows the design and optimization of mixers using a personal computer

    Properties of superconducting MgB_2 wires: "in-situ" versus "ex-situ" reaction technique

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    We have fabricated a series of iron-sheathed superconducting wires prepared by the powder-in-tube technique from (MgB_2)_{1-x}:(Mg+2B)_x initial powder mixtures taken with different proportions, so that x varies from 0 to 1. It turned out that "ex-situ" prepared wire (x = 0) has considerable disadvantages compared to all the other wires in which "in-situ" assisted (0 < x < 1) or pure "in-situ" (x = 1) preparation was used due to weaker inter-grain connectivity. As a result, higher critical current densities J_c were measured over the entire range of applied magnetic fields B_a for all the samples with x > 0. Pinning of vortices in MgB_2 wires is shown to be due to grain boundaries. J_c(B_a) behavior is governed by an interplay between the transparency of grain boundaries and the amount of "pinning" grain boundaries. Differences between thermo-magnetic flux-jump instabilities in the samples and a possible threat to practical applications are also discussed.Comment: To be published in Supercond. Sci. Technol. (2003), in pres

    Density Variations over Subparsec Scales in Diffuse Molecular Gas

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    We present high-resolution observations of interstellar CN, CH, CH^{+}, \ion{Ca}{1}, and \ion{Ca}{2} absorption lines toward the multiple star systems HD206267 and HD217035. Substantial variations in CN absorption are observed among three sight lines of HD206267, which are separated by distances of order 10,000 AU; smaller differences are seen for CH, CH^{+}, and \ion{Ca}{1}. Gas densities for individual velocity components are inferred from a chemical model, independent of assumptions about cloud shape. While the component densities can differ by factors of 5.0 between adjacent sightlines, the densities are always less than 5000 cm^{-3}. Calculations show that the derived density contrasts are not sensitive to the temperature or reaction rates used in the chemical model. A large difference in the CH^{+} profiles (a factor of 2 in column density) is seen in the lower density gas toward HD217035.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Photoemission Spectroscopy of Magnetic and Non-magnetic Impurities on the Surface of the Bi2_2Se3_3 Topological Insulator

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    Dirac-like surface states on surfaces of topological insulators have a chiral spin structure that suppresses back-scattering and protects the coherence of these states in the presence of non-magnetic scatterers. In contrast, magnetic scatterers should open the back- scattering channel via the spin-flip processes and degrade the state's coherence. We present angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies of the electronic structure and the scattering rates upon adsorption of various magnetic and non-magnetic impurities on the surface of Bi2_2Se3_3, a model topological insulator. We reveal a remarkable insensitivity of the topological surface state to both non-magnetic and magnetic impurities in the low impurity concentration regime. Scattering channels open up with the emergence of hexagonal warping in the high-doping regime, irrespective of the impurity's magnetic moment.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Josephson Effect in Pb/I/NbSe2 Scanning Tunneling Microscope Junctions

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    We have developed a method for the reproducible fabrication of superconducting scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tips. We use these tips to form superconductor/insulator/superconductor tunnel junctions with the STM tip as one of the electrodes. We show that such junctions exhibit fluctuation dominated Josephson effects, and describe how the Josephson product IcRn can be inferred from the junctions' tunneling characteristics in this regime. This is first demonstrated for tunneling into Pb films, and then applied in studies of single crystals of NbSe2. We find that in NbSe2, IcRn is lower than expected, which could be attributed to the interplay between superconductivity and the coexisting charge density wave in this material.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the New3SC-4 meeting, San Diego, Jan. 16-21 200

    Temperature determination from the lattice gas model

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    Determination of temperature from experimental data has become important in searches for critical phenomena in heavy ion collisions. Widely used methods are ratios of isotopes (which rely on chemical and thermal equilibrium), population ratios of excited states etc. Using the lattice gas model we propose a new observable: nch/Zn_{ch}/Z where nchn_{ch} is the charge multiplicity and ZZ is the charge of the fragmenting system. We show that the reduced multiplicity is a good measure of the average temperature of the fragmenting system.Comment: 11 pages, 2 ps file

    The induced representations of Brauer algebra and the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of SO(n)

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    Induced representations of Brauer algebra Df(n)D_{f}(n) from Sf1×Sf2S_{f_{1}}\times S_{f_{2}} with f1+f2=ff_{1}+f_{2}=f are discussed. The induction coefficients (IDCs) or the outer-product reduction coefficients (ORCs) of Sf1×Sf2↑Df(n)S_{f_{1}}\times S_{f_{2}}\uparrow D_{f}(n) with f≀4f\leq 4 up to a normalization factor are derived by using the linear equation method. Weyl tableaus for the corresponding Gel'fand basis of SO(n) are defined. The assimilation method for obtaining CG coefficients of SO(n) in the Gel'fand basis for no modification rule involved couplings from IDCs of Brauer algebra are proposed. Some isoscalar factors of SO(n)⊃SO(n−1)SO(n)\supset SO(n-1) for the resulting irrep [λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4,0˙][\lambda_{1},~\lambda_{2},~ \lambda_{3},~\lambda_{4},\dot{0}] with $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{4}\lambda_{i}\leq .Comment: 48 pages latex, submitted to Journal of Phys.

    Inferring effective interactions from the local density of states: application to STM data from Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+ÎŽ_{8+\delta}

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    While the influence of impurities on the local density of states (LDOS) in a metal is notoriously non-local due to interference effects, low order moments of the LDOS in general can be shown to depend only on the local structure of the Hamiltonian. Specifically, we show that an analysis of the spatial variations of these moments permits one to ``work backwards'' from scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) data to infer the local structure of the underlying effective Hamiltonian. Applying this analysis to STM data from the high temperature superconductor, Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+ÎŽ_{8+\delta}, we find that the variations of the electro-chemical potential are remarkably small (i.e., the disorder is, in a sense, weak) but that there are large variations in the local magnitude of the d-wave gap parameter.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Josephson scanning tunneling microscopy

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    We propose a set of scanning tunneling microscopy experiments in which the surface of superconductor is scanned by a superconducting tip. Potential capabilities of such experimental setup are discussed. Most important anticipated results of such an experiment include the position-resolved measurement of the superconducting order parameter and the possibility to determine the nature of the secondary component of the order parameter at the surface. The theoretical description based on the tunneling Hamiltonian formalism is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
