3,506 research outputs found

    Women, gender and the informal economy: An assessment of ILO research and suggested ways forward

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    This discussion paper provides an overview of ILO research on women, gender and the informal economy which was undertaken during the last two decades. It examines methodological and analytical frameworks used in various studies, identifies research gaps and proposes directions for future work. It ultimately aims to enhance ILO's work in developing consistent, coherent and coordinated policy advice to constituents across the four pillars of the ILO Decent Work Agenda: standards and fundamental principles and rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue

    Thoughts of Leaving: An Exploration of Why New York City Middle School Teachers Consider Leaving Their Classrooms

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    This report explores the conditions under which middle-school teachers in New York City leave their schools, and the consequences of this turnover. The focus on middle schools stems from the widely-held view that the middle grades are a critical turning point in the lives of children, and that many New York City school children lose academic momentum in these grades, setting them on trajectories of failure as they move towards high school and life beyond it. This report is based on a survey of more than 4,000 full-time middle school teachers working in 125 of the nearly 200 middle schools in New York City serving children in grades six through eight in the 2009-10 school year. The participating teachers reported whether they had considered leaving their current school or leaving teaching during that school year, and the reasons that they considered leaving. The report links their responses to teachers' reports about their own backgrounds and experiences, to the demographic characteristics of the schools in which they teach, and to the collective perceptions of all of the teachers in a school about that school as a workplace. This report is part of a three-year, mixed-methods study of teacher turnover in New York City middle schools

    Überlegungen zur Logik des Code der Pflanzensoziologischen Nomenklatur

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    In dieser Arbeit werden einige Überlegungen zu einer in sich schlüssigen Logik des Code der Pflanzensoziologischen Nomenklatur vorgestellt. Sie betreffen die unterschiedlichen gedanklichen Ansätze von Syntaxonomie und Nomenklatur, die Notwendigkeit des Vorhandenseins der namengebenden Sippen in den nomenklatorischen Typen der Syntaxa, Typusaufnahmen von Subassoziationen, die vollständige Namensform der Syntaxa und die Bedeutung der nomenklatorischen Typen für die Bildung der Namen der Syntaxa, Neotypisierungen von Assoziationen nach Art. 21, die Identität von Syntaxa ohne Autorzitate in älteren Arbeiten und die Verknüpfung von syntaxonomischer und nomenklatorischer Arbeitsweise durch den nomenklatorischen Typus.This paper presents some reflections about a conclusive logic of the code of the phytosociological nomenclature. It deals with the different approaches of syntaxonomy and nornenclature, the necessity of the presence of the name-giving taxa in the name-bearing types of syntaxa, type reliefs of subassociations, the complete form of the names of syntaxa, the significance of the nomenclatural types on forming the names of syntaxa, neotypifications of associations according to art. 21, the identity of syntaxa without author citations in older publications, and the link of syntaxonomical and nomenclatural approach by the nomenclatural type

    Typisierung und Verbreitung einiger Assoziationen der bodensauren Buchenwälder

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    Die nomenklatorischen Typen einiger Assoziationsnamen von bodensauren Buchenwäldern werden publiziert. Die pflanzengeographische Stellung dieser Syntaxa wird kurz erörtert.The nomenclatural types of the names of some beechwood associations on acid soils are published. The synchorological position of these syntaxa is briefly discussed

    Analysis of udder health and raw milk quality in an automated milking system

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    Titelblatt,2. Seite, Widmung, Abkürzungsverzeichnis, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Literaturverzeichnis, Danksagung, Lebenslauf, Selbständigkeitserklärung 1\. Einleitung und Aufgabenstellung 2\. Literaturübersicht 3\. Eigene Untersuchungen Material und Methoden 4\. Ergebnisse eigener Untersuchungen 5\. Diskussion 6\. Schlußfolgerungen und Programm 7\. Zusammenfassung 8\. Summary 9\. AnhangDurch die vorliegende Arbeit sollte überprüft werden, ob und wie die Eutergesundheit einer Milchkuhherde im AMS fortlaufend gesichert werden kann, um dauerhaft eine hohe Milchqualität und wirtschaftliche Milchproduktion mit dem AMS zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurde die Entwicklung der Eutergesundheit von zwei Milchkuhherden, die von einem Lely-Astronaut gemolken wurden, untersucht. Weiterhin wurden die Leistungsfähigkeit der mit diesem Roboter angebotenen Mastitisdiagnostik sowie die integrierten Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung der Eutergesundheit auf ihre Effektivität hin überprüft. Als Ergebnis wurde ein Programm zur Sicherung der Eutergesundheit einer Milchkuhherde im automatischen Melksystem erstellt. Bei den Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Eutergesundheit konnte in einer Herde festgestellt werden, dass es unter optimierten Voraussetzungen möglich ist, die Eutergesundheit einer Herde im AMS dauerhaft zu sichern. Hingegen wurde anhand der anderen Herde gezeigt, dass unter den Gegebenheiten eines Problembestandes, bei Ausbleiben von effektiven Hygienemaßnahmen mit einer stetigen Verschlechterung der Eutergesundheitssituation gerechnet werden muss. Als spezifischer Risikobereich für die Eutergesundheit konnte die mangelhafte Melkhygiene der Roboter beider Betriebe dargestellt werden. Die aus hygienischer Sicht kritische Situation, dass bis zu 180 Melkungen pro Tag mit einem Melkzeug durchgeführt werden müssen, wird dadurch verschärft, dass robotereigene Hygienemaßnahmen im Melkbereich unzulänglich sind. Dieses betrifft die Desinfektion von Bürsten, Antriebsblock und Zitzengummis zwischen zwei Melkungen und die Hauptreinigung. Eine Erregerübertragung von Kuh zu Kuh kann nicht verhindert werden. Das Mastitisrisiko ist hoch. Die prädisponierenden Faktoren Haltung und Fütterung sind besonders wichtig, um Kühe/Euter sauber zu halten. Auch wegen den von den Tieren geforderten Höchstleistungen müssen diese Faktoren bedarfsgerecht gestaltet werden, um das Mastitisrisiko zu minimieren. Reinigung und Desinfektion müssen im Haltungsbereich für dauerhafte Keimarmut sorgen. Ein weiterer Schwachpunkt des Roboters liegt in der Diagnostik von Mastitiden. Weder die Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit noch die Daten des MQC konnten in der vorliegenden Untersuchung sichere Aussagen über das Vorliegen von Mastitiden machen. Wird dieser Aspekt nicht ausgeglichen, muss mit großen finanziellen Einbußen gerechnet werden. Auch im Hinblick auf den Verbraucherschutz kann dies nicht hingenommen werden. Deshalb ist es unbedingt erforderlich, tierärztliche Untersuchungen der Herdeneutergesundheit mit herkömmlichen, aussagesicheren Diagnostikverfahren (klinisch, bakteriologisch, zytologisch) in regelmäßigen Abständen durchzuführen. Die Auswertung der Daten und die tierärztliche Beratung mit dem Betriebsleiter und dem Personal sind anzuschließen. Weiterhin wird die Nutzung der Zellzahldaten der Einzeltiere aus der MLP und der Tankmilchzellzahl empfohlen. Hinsichtlich der Verwendung des Vorgemelks zur Diagnostik wurde festgestellt, dass das Vorgemelk ungesperrter Kühe (Gemelk vollständig verworfen) nicht separiert wurde, sondern mit in die Tankmilch gelangte. Der Mastitisschnelltest wurde als Stalltest nur für geeignet befunden, wenn Einzeltiere zu ihrer normalen, individuellen Melkzeit vor der Melkung getestet werden (ZMZ > 5 Stunden). In Hinsicht auf die Gewährleistung eines sicheren Nahrungsmittels wurde das Verbleiben von antibiotikabehandelten Tieren in der Herde und der Einfluß der Melkfrequenz auf den Jodgehalt der Milch untersucht. In 27,3 % der Fälle wies das Gemelk der folgegemolkenen Kuh eine nachweisbare Verschleppung des Antibiotikums von der antibiotisch behandelten Kuh auf. Ein Tankeintrag von Antibiotika kann durch das Nachspülen des Roboters nicht sicher verhindert werden. Zwischen der Melkfrequenz und dem Jodgehalt der Gemelke konnte kein Zusammenhang festgestellt werden. Die Höhe der ermittelten Jodgehalte zeigte diesbezüglich die Unbedenklichkeit der AMS-Milch für den Verbraucher. Bei Untersuchungen zum Einfluß der ZMZ auf die Eutergesundheit konnten ein erheblicher Einfluß der Laktationsnummer und bezüglich der Viertelgemelkszellzahl ein Zusammenhang mit der Erregerbelastung des Viertels aufgezeigt werden. Eine ZMZ von mindestens 5 aber höchsten 12 Stunden ist hinsichtlich einer angestrebten geringen Zellzahl und einer hohen Milchleistung notwendig. Durch diese Arbeit wird deutlich, dass das Betreiben eines AMS zur Produktion eines unbedenklichen Lebensmittels hoher Qualität eine Verlagerung der Tätigkeit des Landwirtes hin zu strategisch-prophylaktischen Maßnahmen in allen Haltungsbereichen verlangt. Tierärztliche Unterstützung, charakterisiert durch Sachkunde bezüglich AMS, ist hier erforderlich.The present thesis examines whether and how udder health of a dairy herd in an automated milking system (AMS) could be continuously conserved, in order to enable lastingly economic milk production and high milk quality. To achieve this, the udder health of two dairy herds milked on a Lely-Astronaut, were studied over a longer period. Furthermore the performance of the diagnostic methods of the milking robot, and the effectiveness of the robots measures for conserving udder health were examined. As a result, a programme for safeguarding udder health of a dairy herd in an automated milking system was developed. Under good, concrete pre-conditions it was observed that it was possible to safeguard udder health of a herd milked in an AMS. The pre-condition of a problem herd and the absence of effective hygiene measures, on the other hand, led to a continuous decreasing of udder health. The insufficient milking hygiene of the robots on both farms pointed to a specific risk area for udder health. The fact that 180 milkings per day are done with one module, already presents a critical hygiene problem. Insufficient milking hygiene of the robots, creates an even greater problem. (This insufficient hygiene being the bad disinfection of the cleaning brushes, the brush driving block and the teat cup rubbers, between two milkings, and the main rinsing of the robots.) Due to this situation the transfer of pathogens from cow to cow could not be prevented, therefore increasing the risk of mastitis. It is due to this that the two external influences, husbandry and feeding, are very important in keeping cows udders clean. These factors are also important with regard to producing the highest milk yields. The appropriate requirements of the cows, with regard to husbandry and feeding, have to be met to minimise the risk of mastitis. Cleaning and disinfection of the barn ensures a long- lasting low number of pathogens in the cows environment. A further weak point of the milking robot is its inaccuracy in diagnosing mastitis. Neither the electrical conductivity, nor the data of the MQC, were able to give definite diagnosis on the existence or non-existence of mastitis. If there will be no more accurate additional examinations of udder health, big financial losses have to be expected and with a view to consumer protection it is not acceptable. It is therefore necessary that veterinary examinations of herd udder health should be carried out at regular intervals with the help of regular diagnostic methods (clinical, bacteriological, cytological), for accurate diagnosis of mastitis. Analysis of data and veterinary advice to the farmer and staff have to follow. Furthermore the somatic cell count from the monthly milk recording of individual animals, as well as the somatic cell count from the bulk tank should be used for analysis. With regard to the utilization of foremilk for diagnosis, it was detected that the foremilk was not separated, and therefore was always added to the bulk milk, apart from the foremilk of treated cows, of which milk were separated. The California Mastitis Test, is a suitable test for use in the AMS, but only if the cows were tested directly before their normal milking time (milking interval > 5 hrs.) With regard to food production, the continued usage of antibiotic treated cows in the robot-herd, and the influence of the milking frequency on iodine concentration in milk was examined. In 27,3 % of the cases, the milk of the following milked cow, contained residues of the antibiotic from the previous milked cow. The contamination of the bulk milk with antibiotics could not be prevented by the rinsing after milking of a treated cow. No correlation between iodine concentration and milking frequency could be detected. All data regarding iodine concentration in AMS milk shows, that it is safe for human consumption. It was also noted that the connection between milking interval and udder health, was greatly influenced by the lactation number. It was detected that the connection between milking interval and quarter somatic cell count was influenced by the existence of pathogens in the quarter. Because low somatic cell counts and high milk yields are required, milking intervals of minimal 5 and maximal 12 hours have to be met. The results of the studies show, that the production of high quality milk with an AMS, needs a change of farmers work to strategic prophylactic measures in all husbandry areas. Veterinary support characterised by expertise regarding AMS is therefore necessary

    “You Can’t Stand With Us”: The Fashion Industry’s Effect of the Body of People with Disabilities

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    This is a summary of a student research project

    Evaluating the Role of Community Advisory Boards: with Persons Who Inject Drugs in Photovoice Research

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    Background: The use of community advisory boards (CABs) is a source of leadership in community-based participatory research (CBPR); however, not all researchers have incorporated CABs, and others have restricted CAB involvement for feasibility purposes. Although there is literature about utilizing CABs in a variety of CBPR studies, less is known about the challenges and successes of working with persons who inject drugs (PWIDs) as CAB members in photovoice methodology, as well as their perceptions throughout the process. Objectives: The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the role CABs play in photovoice research while determining PWIDs’ capacity to fulfill this role, and explore their feelings about being given a voice in the research partnership. Methods: This study involved a CAB made of 6 PWIDs who completed participation in a photovoice study. Participants were recruited, consented, enrolled, and trained. A semi-structured interview guide was developed in collaboration with key informants and pilot tested with the community. Interviews aimed to: (1) engage the CAB in thematic evaluation of the photo-based data, (2) elicit ideas for dissemination of results, and (3) evaluate participant feelings about the researcher-participant dynamic. Interviews were held in private mobile spaces, audio recorded, and transcribed. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed for common themes using an open-coding system. Findings: All 6 CAB members (100%) were (1) capable of data analysis; and (2) able to articulate ideas for dissemination of the findings; (3) enjoyed their roles and desired ongoing involvement; and (4) brought meaningfulness to the participant-researcher partnership by representing the unique perspectives of the PWIDs community. Conclusions: It is evident through this study that PWIDs are not only fully capable of data analysis and generating ideas for dissemination of findings, but also empowered enough by CAB roles to desire ongoing involvement. Study findings reveal critical implications for inclusion of PWIDs in the research partnership because of the meaningfulness they bring and gaps they fill. Themes also highlight that researcher alignment with harm reduction and ongoing community involvement facilitates trust and motivation of PWID to play a vital role in advocating for positive change. Keywords: community advisory boards; community-based participatory research; persons who inject drugs; photovoice; meaningfulness; purpos

    Perceptions of foster care workers on birth parenting times

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    Birth parenting time between children in foster care and their biological parents are often thought of as a standard path toward achieving reunification (Browne & Moloney, 2002; Haight et al., 2003). The overall goal of parenting time is to create space for both the parent and child to have positive parent-child interactions and either work towards or maintain a healthy parentchild relationship. However, birth parenting times can be stressful for the parent, child, foster parent, and the foster care caseworker. To facilitate optimal parenting times, evidenced-based practices recommended foster care workers utilize a relationship-based approach when supervising parenting time. However, there is limited research on what relationship-based strategies are used or effective during the birth parenting times. Therefore, this mixed-method study aims to explore the perceptions of foster care caseworkers on birth parents with children in foster care, the relationships between birth parents and caseworkers, and the supports that caseworkers have when working with birth parents. A total of five foster care caseworkers at a Midwest foster care agency participated in this study and completed both an interview and a survey. Results from interviews highlighted the acknowledgement of the barriers birth parents face along with their strengths. Results emphasized the importance of caseworkers developing relationships with birth parents and tailoring services to meet their needs. Additionally, caseworkers reported being open and honest when communicating, which helps the birth parents feel supported and more comfortable. A majority of caseworkers reported finding their caseload somewhat manageable, and all caseworkers reported feeling confident in facilitating birth parenting times. Finally, a variety of inner agency supports were identified by caseworkers that helped support their work with birth parents. Further research along with practice implications will also be discussed