12 research outputs found
Архівні колекції Української бібліотеки імені Симона Петлюри в Парижі: історія формування, склад, сучасний стан опрацювання (Archive Collections of Symon Petliura Ukrainian Library in Paris: Founding History, Division and Current Research Activity)
Розглянуто феномен існування та діяльності Української бібліотеки імені Симона Петлюри в Парижі, її роль у збереженні архівних матеріалів української еміграції. Автором подано загальний аналіз документальних колекцій бібліотеки. Він представлених численними книжковими та періодичними еміграційними виданнями, архівними матеріалами, що стосуються життя та діяльності С. Петлюри, Уряду УНР, Судової комісії у справі Шварцбарда, архівами окремих осіб та ін. Простежено історію функціонування установи протягом тривалого періоду – від часу заснування у 1926 р. до наших днів.
(The article deals with the activity of Symon Petliura Ukrainian Library in Paris, its role in presenting the archive data and materials of the Ukrainian emigration. The author provides general analysis of the library’s documents collections, which include numerous books and periodicals published by immigrants, as well as of the archive materials concerning the life and activity of Symon Petliura, the UNR government, archival data of some people and Schwartzbard’s Trial in the Public Court Commission. The article traces the history of institution’s functioning throughout the period from 1926 until nowadays.
Forecast of COVID-19 progress considering the seasonal fluctuations
This study aims to analyze the course of the COVID-19 disease and forecast its progress. Systematization of scientific background concerning the issues under investigation indicated the snowballing growth of scientific publications devoted to COVID-19. The urgency of the research rests on the negative influence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on all spheres that deepen the global economic crisis
Еfficiency of marketing communications in banks
The paper deals with analysing the main approaches to evaluate the quality and efficiency of the bank’s marketing
communications. The approaches to define the bank’s marketing communications were analysed and
systematized by the authors. Besides, the authors allocated the main features of the bank’s marketing communications
in the ongoing Ukrainian economic situation. Moreover, they proposed to use the mathematical
method, to identify the efficiency of the bank’s marketing communications. According to that method the
efficiency of the bank’s marketing communications could be determined through the evaluation of the increasing
volume of the services rendered by the bank. This method gives an opportunity to account the time
lag between implementation of the bank’s marketing communications and starting of its action. With purpose
to verify abovementioned approach, the authors calculated the efficiency of the bank’s marketing communications of the JSC “Oschadbank” (Sumy, Ukraine)
Recommendations for improving the hospital’s marketing policy
This article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on improving the marketing policy of the clinic. The purpose of the study is to improve the marketing policy of the clinic. The urgency of solving the scientific problem lies in need to promote medical services, where marketing activities contribute to establishing relations between providers and consumers of medical services
The study is devoted to analysis of microflora spectrum in various biological materials in patients after renal transplantation. The character of the flora is strongly dependent on the infectious process localization. Gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria are found in approximately equal proportions with a slight predominance of gram-positive flora. Isolated bacteria in most cases had pronounced polyvalent antibiotic resistance. The performed analysis substantiated recommendations for rational antibiotic therapy of various bacterial infections. Исследована бактериальная флора в различных биологических средах при инфекционных осложнениях у реципиентов почечного трансплантата. Установлено, что характер флоры сильно зависит от локали- зации процесса. Грамположительные и грамотрицательные бактерии встречаются примерно в равных соотношениях с незначительным преобладанием грамположительной флоры. Выделенные бактерии в большинстве случаев обладали выраженной поливалентной резистентностью к антибиотикам. В резуль- тате проведенного анализа предложены рекомендации по рациональной антибиотикотерапии различных бактериальных инфекций.
Environmental Taxes Impact on the Population Health Protection: Cross-Country Analysis
With each passing year, solving the demographic problem and the problem of population health is becoming more urgent, posing new challenges to politicians, producers and society. It has been proven that a person who cares about the quality of food, monitors the daily needs of vitamins and trace elements, consumes clean water, lives in an environmentally friendly area (away from industrial enterprises) is healthier than those who are unscrupulous in these aspects. The consequences of carelessness in health are the emergence of chronic diseases, the development of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and more. In some places, the lack of a balanced diet and living in industrial regions also increases the mortality rate. The systematization of scientific background showed that both domestic and international scientists explore the role of environmental policy in public health. Existing theoretical and empirical research shows that the effective use of environmental tools could positively impact public health and life expectancy. However, the theoretical findings showed that foreign scholars have a more extensive interest in issues of environmental disasters and crises spreading in their countries. This article aims to confirm or refuse the hypothesis on the impact of environmental taxes and the environmental pollution level on people’s lives and health. The correlation-regression analysis allowed identifying a list of indicators that directly and inversely affect health and life expectancy. In the study, the dependent variable is the environmental tax revenues, which in most cases had a significant impact on health and life indicators (including the incidence of tuberculosis, cancer, diabetes, unintentional poisoning mortality, and life expectancy). It should be noted that environmental taxation should be considered in terms of ensuring the compensatory function and the amount of environmental damage which currently affects the living conditions. The obtained results could be provided as a scientific basis for further research on key determinants of improving public health and lives using the environmental taxation tools (environmental tax payments, additional financing of entrepreneurial activities that imitate green production, promotion of healthy eating, etc.)
Эффективность налоговой политики: опыт и экономические последствия для Украины
В статті досліджуються особливості формування та реалізації податкової політики в країні. Проведено аналіз динаміки зміни обсягів податкових надходжень до державного та місцевого бюджетів. Визначено роль податкових платежів в економічному розвитку країни. Проаналізовано ефективність реалізації державної податкової політики в Україні, визначено її переваги та недоліки. Обгрунтовано вагому роль податкових платежів в стимулюванні економічного та соціального розвитку. Проведено аналіз еластичності зміни індикаторів економічного розвитку країни від зміни обсягу податкових надходжень до бюджету. Зроблено висновок про доцільність удосконалення існуючої політики встановлення, нарахування, сплати та розподілу податкових надходжень як одного із найбільш перспективних напрямів стимулювання економічного зростання.В статье исследуются особенности формирования и реализации налоговой политики в стране. Проведен анализ динамики изменения объемов налоговых поступлений в государственный и местные бюджеты. Определена роль налоговых платежей в экономическом развитии страны. Проанализирована эффективность реализации государственной налоговой политики в Украине, определены ее преимущества и недостатки. Обоснованно весомую роль налоговых платежей в стимулировании экономического и социального развития. Проведен анализ эластичности изменения индикаторов экономического развития страны от изменения объема налоговых поступлений в бюджет. Сделан вывод о целесообразности совершенствования существующей политики установления, начисления, уплаты и распределения налоговых поступлений как одного из наиболее перспективных направлений стимулирования экономического роста.The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of tax policy in the country. The analysis of change of tax receipts to the state and local budgets is carried out. The role of tax payments in the economic development of the country is determined. The efficiency of the state tax policy in Ukraine is analyzed, its advantages and disadvantages are determined. The important role of tax payments in stimulating economic and social development is substantiated. The analysis of the elasticity of change of indicators of economic development of the country from the change of volume of tax receipts to the budget is carried out. The necessity of improving the existing policy of establishing, accrual, payment, and distribution of tax revenues as one of the most promising areas to stimulate economic growth is concluded
Влияние социальных факторов на макроэкономическую стабильность: эмпирические данные для Украины и стран Европейского союза
Основна мета роботи - вивчити роль та силу впливу соціальних факторів на макроекономічну стабільність. Запропоновано інтегральний показник людського капіталу, який дозволяє розглянути соціальні чинники, що потребують термінової уваги з позиції потенційного джерела посилення макроекономічної стабільності в контексті майбутнього європейського вектора розвитку України.Основная цель работы - изучить роль и силу влияния социальных факторов на макроэкономическую стабильность. Предлагается интегральный показатель человеческого капитала, позволяющий учитывать социальные факторы, которые требуют неотложного внимания с позиции потенциального источника повышения макроэкономической стабильности в контексте будущего европейского вектора развития Украины.The main objective of the paper is to study the role and power of the influence of social factors on macroeconomic stability. The integral indicator of human capital is suggested that allows to consider social factors that need urgent attention from the position of a potential source of increasing macroe-conomic stability in the context of the future of the European vector of development of Ukraine
Health Care Provision in State Institutions in the Context Of COVID-19
The main purpose of the research is to analyse the financial provision of health care in public institutions on the example of the State Emergency Service and to develop proposals for improving the medical system of the SES, taking into account the challenges of COVID-19. The paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of the amount of funding for health care facilities outside the structure of the Ministry of Health, on the example of the medical system of the State Emergency Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during 2017-2022. At a separate stage of the study, the volume and target of additional funding for health care from the Fund for Combating COVID-19 in 2020 were analysed. The analysis showed a lower level of remuneration of specialists and a worse financial situation of health care facilities subordinated to the Department of Medical and Biological Protection and Occupational Safety of the SES of Ukraine. In order to improve the health protection system of the SES, a number of proposals have been developed, namely: formation of a subdivision for analysis of problematic issues of the SES and legislative work to eliminate the identified shortcomings; digitalization and automation of reporting within the medical system of the SES of Ukraine; coverage of the activities of health care institutions of the SES in the media and social networks; advising and conducting licensing and accreditation of health care institutions of the SES; justification for increasing funding for the medical sector of the SES and increasing the salaries of medical workers; expanding the provision of paid services to the population; search for funding outside the budget of the SES within the national budget and outside the state budget from sources not prohibited by law, involvement of humanitarian and charitable organizations, patrons; maintaining and improving the level of qualification of medical staff, improving information and communication work with staff; conducting training and preparation of medical and support specialists for emergency response activities, conducting interdepartmental and local training with the involvement of specialists from local and international humanitarian organizations. The results of the study can be useful in the development of regulations and legislation in the field of medical care of the SES of Ukraine
The study is devoted to analysis of microflora spectrum in various biological materials in patients after renal transplantation. The character of the flora is strongly dependent on the infectious process localization. Gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria are found in approximately equal proportions with a slight predominance of gram-positive flora. Isolated bacteria in most cases had pronounced polyvalent antibiotic resistance. The performed analysis substantiated recommendations for rational antibiotic therapy of various bacterial infections