51 research outputs found

    Digital Competence Framework for Educators «DigCompEdu»: Translation and adaptation of «DigCompEdu Check-In» questionnaire

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    La tecnología, como ingrediente fundamental para el avance de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, ha asumido un papel fundamental en el entorno educativo. En esta línea, diferentes instituciones y estudios científicos respaldan la importancia de la competencia digital docente dentro de los nuevos contextos de alfabetización. Este artículo persigue brindar un análisis objetivo y riguroso del concepto, estudiando el principal marco europeo de competencia digital docente «DigCompEdu». Además, también se presenta la traducción y adaptación al español del cuestionario «DigCompEdu Check-In». Todo ello puede resultar de interés para vertebrar y evaluar planes formativos personalizados y para la mejora del nivel de competencia digital del profesorado. Así mismo, se propone abrir diferentes líneas de investigación relacionadas con las necesidades formativas en TIC, avaladas por herramientas fiables y válidas de evaluación competencialTechnology, as a fundamental ingredient for the advancement of the Knowledge Society, has assumed a fundamental role in the educational environment. At the same time, different institutions and scientific studies support the importance of digital teaching competence in new literacy contexts. This article, provide an objective and rigorous analysis of the concept, studying the Digital Competence Framework for Educators «DigCompEdu». In addition, it is presented the Spanish translation and adaptation of the «DigCompEdu Check-In» questionnaire. All of this may be of interest to support and evaluate personalized training plans and to improve the level of digital competence of educators. Likewise, it is proposed to open different lines of research related to training needs in ICT, backed by reliable and valid tools for competence assessment

    Producción de polimedia por el profesorado universitario y su grado de aceptación en República Dominicana

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    The use of video in distance education contexts and in virtual training is essential. This study presents the results of an experience with 114 university professors from two universities in the Dominican Republic who carried out training activities on the pedagogical bases of the Polimedia systems. The degree of acceptance of the Polimedia system was measured through an adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis in 1989, and the significance of different sociodemographic variables in the model was analyzed. The results demonstrate the high degree of teacher acceptance of the Polimedia system and its relationship with variables such as experience with ICT, as well as the robustness of the TAM. This strengthens the need to establish training plans that focus less on technological aspects and more on the pedagogical dimensionEl uso del video en contextos de formación a distancia y en actividades de formación virtuales se hace imprescindible. El presente estudio expone los resultados de una experiencia llevada a cabo con 114 profesores universitarios de dos universidades de República Dominicana, quienes realizaron actividades formativas sobre las bases pedagógicas de los sistemas Polimedia. Se mide el grado de aceptación del sistema Polimedia a través de una adaptación del Modelo de Aceptación Tecnológica (TAM) formulado por Davis en 1989 y se analiza la significación de diferentes variables sociodemográficas en el modelo. Los resultados demuestran el alto grado de aceptación entre los docentes hacia el sistema Polimedia y su relación con variables como la experiencia con las TIC, así como la robustez del TAM. De esta manera, se afianza la necesidad de establecer planes de formación que no se centran tanto en aspectos tecnológicos, sino en la dimensión pedagógica

    Informe Global del Test de Competencia Digital Docente. Análisis datos septiembre 2020

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    Este trabajo presenta un estudio del primer Informe Global del curso 2020/21, derivado de los resultados correspondientes a la realización del Test CDD del profesorado de los centros docentes no universitarios de Andalucía durante el mes de septiembre. Para ello, se ofrece una comparativa de participación docente y un análisis descriptivo de los resultados: globales, por áreas y por provincias

    Teaching Innovation in the Development of Professional Practices: Use of the Collaborative Blog

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    The development of professional practices during the university stage is a fundamental factor for quality skills development. For many students, it is the first real experience in a professional context, so continuous monitoring by teachers is necessary. This article presents an innovative proposal to develop the follow-up of the professional practices of the degree in Primary Education, and two Masters’ in Psychopedagogy and Special Educational Needs using a learning management system (LMS) (Blackboard). The experience was developed by a team of teachers from the departments of Didactics and Educational Organization and Research Methods and Educational Diagnosis of the University of Seville (Spain). The aspects to be studied are the development of communication, reflection, and collaborative learning processes during the internship period. After an explicit agreement, 24 students (10 from the course “Professional Practices I” in undergraduate students; and the others from the Master’s) committed to periodically using the blog designed ad hoc for this experience. A content analysis of the speeches posted on the blog was carried out, examining the changes, the advantages, and the disadvantages that this model entailed. It allowed observing similarities and differences between both groups of students. As the main conclusion, there were some differences between the two groups of students, regarding the number, type, and contents of interventions; there were no differences in the assessment of the methodology, all the students thought that it was a very positive assessment of the experience for generating information exchange networks among colleagues and teachers. Finally, the relevance of constant monitoring of the academic tutor was highlighted

    Design and Validation of t-MOOC for the Development of the Digital Competence of Non-University Teachers

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    MOOCs are configured as one of the technologies that have been gaining ground in the educational field as a new approach in virtual education. In the past few years, its presence in educational institutions has increased. In addition, the level of research and publications that revolve around these technological developments is increasing. In this sense, this research focuses on the design and validation of the structure, content and tasks of a t-MOOC for the development of the Digital Competence of non-university teachers based on the DigCompEdu Framework of the European Union. For this, a Delphi-type validation design is established using an expert coefficient that has the participation of 191 people. The results demonstrate the validity of the training proposal, as well as the uniformity of criteria of the experts. In this sense, the application and benefits of t-MOOCs as tools for competence development are discussed

    Habits, norms and use of technologies at home from a gender perspective in early childhood

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    The use of technologies at home directly influences how children perceive them for their learning at school. Numerous studies have focused on the different ways in which digital technologies are used at home and in schools. These studies attempt to explain how previous experience and knowledge can be linked to the use of technologies at school, the differences between home and school literacies, or how socio-economic status influences the availability of technology in these socio-educational institutions. All of them show that technology has become part of children's lives. Consequently, the aim of this study was to obtain information about the habits, norms and use of technology by children aged 2-6 years in their homes and the differences between genders. To this end, a validated questionnaire was created. A total of 1016 parents completed the questionnaire. The results show the most used technologies, the time of use and whom they are used with, as well as the rules imposed and their opinion about this use. Likewise, there are significant differences that lead to carry out and discuss proposals for STEAM work in Early Childhood Education classrooms in order to empower students

    Percepciones del alumnado universitario sobre el uso de tecnologías en actividades educativas y esfuerzo mental invertido

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    Las diferentes generaciones (nativos digitales, estudiantes residentes, generación Y, X o Z) muestran una preferencia hacia las tecnologías y el mundo digital. Este estudio “ex post-facto” se presenta bajo el objetivo de conocer las preferencias que estudiantes universitarios tienen respecto a o la utilización de diferentes recursos para diversas actividades educativas, así como la inversión de esfuerzo mental y percepción de facilidad que tienen para aprender respecto a diferentes medios y recursos tecnológicos. El muestreo empleado es no probabilístico, convencional e intencional. En én participan 2.148 estudiantes universitarios de diferentes ramas científicas de doce universidades públicas españolas. Para ello, se diseña un instrumento “ad hoc” cuyos datos arrojan altos índices de fiabilidad y vigencia. Los resultados apuntan que los estudiantes tienden a tener percepciones distintas respecto a los diversos medios y recursos presentados, en lo que se refiere al nivel de esfuerzo mental, así como la facilidad para aprender mediante ellos. En ese sentido, se discute la casuística de los resultados y comparar con la teoría del esfuerzo mental propuesta por Salomón(1981). Los hallazgo pueden ser explicados por el resultado de la interacción de tres elementos: los sistemas simbólicos movilizados para elaborar mensajes, el mensaje y la tecnología que los empaqueta, formaliza y transmite. De la misma forma, se concluye debatiendo la la aplicabilidad de los resultados para la mejora de la competencia digital del alumnadoDifferent generations (digital natives, resident students, generation Y, X, or Z) show a preference towards technologies and the digital world. This "ex-post-facto" study is presented to learn the preferences that university students have regarding the use of different resources for various educational activities, as well as the investment of mental effort and perceived ease of learning concerning different means and technological resources. The sampling used is non-probabilistic, conventional, and intentional. 2,148 university students from different scientific fields of twelve Spanish public universities participate in it. To do this, an "ad hoc" instrument is designed whose data show high reliability and validity indices. The results indicate that students tend to have different perceptions regarding the various means and resources presented, in terms of the level of mental effort needed, along with the degree of easiness to learn through them. In this sense, the casuistry of the results is discussed and compared with the theory of mental effort proposed by Salomon (1981). The findings can be explained by the result of the interaction of three elements: the symbolic systems mobilized to elaborate messages, the message, and the technology that packages, formalizes, and transmits them. In the same way, it concludes by discussing the applicability of the results for the improvement of the digital competence of the student