3 research outputs found

    Product Competitiveness and Market Penetration in South Sulawesi: Mapping of Leading Export Commodities

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    This study analyzes the competitiveness and market penetration of the leading export commodities of South Sulawesi. The Klassen typology and Export Product Dynamic method used to map the leading export commodities based on the competitiveness, market penetration power, and export dynamic of each commodity. This study focuses on measuring competitiveness and market penetration of each leading export commodity by using the "Revealed Comparative Advantage" and "Index of Export Market Penetration" indicators.This study also aims to analyze the determinants of competitiveness and market penetration of these leading export commodities, as well as their ability to encourage increased economic prosperity and create an effective and harmonious business environment in South Sulawesi.This study found that are Nickel, Lac, Fish, and Cocoa are leading export commodities of South Sulawesi which have very strong competitiveness and high market penetration. Meanwhile, the leading export commodities of South Sulawesi which have very strong competitiveness but moderate market penetration are Salt, then commodities have strong competitiveness and moderate market penetration are Coffee, Preparations of Meat and Fish, and Residues from food industries. Furthermore, Fruits; Oil Seeds; and Sugars are commodity that have strong competitiveness but low market penetration. There are six commodities in rising star position and five commodities in a loss opportunity position

    Pengaruh Inflasi dan Pengangguran terhadap Kesenjangan Output: Pendekatan VECM

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    Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) untuk mengestimasi efek jangka pendek dan jangka panjang antar variabel dari data deret waktu. Variabel inflasi dan pengangguran sebagai variabel independen dan variabel output gap sebagai variabel dependen. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel dan untuk mengetahui respon dari variabel independen terhadap shock dari variabel lain yang ada didalam model VECM. Hasil kointegrasi menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kointegrasi antar variabel. Estimasi jangka pendek menunjukkan bahwa variabel inflasi dan pengangguran pada lag ke 2 berpengaruh positif pada taraf lima persen yaitu masing-masing sebesar 0.009295 persen dan 0.051819 persen. Dari analisis kausalitas Granger terdapat hubungan kausalitas searah antara variabel output gap (OGAP) dan inflasi (INF), sementara variabel output gap (OGAP) dan pengangguran (UN) juga memiliki hubungan kausalitas searah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Impulse Response Function (IRF) memperlihatkan semua variabel bergerak fluktuatif dan diamati bahwa butuh waktu 16 bulan bagi output gap bisa kembali mencapai nilai keseimbangannya ketika terjadi peningkatan angka inflasi yang disertai dengan pergerakan variabel pengangguran yang relatif stagnan. Hasil analisis Variance Decomposite (VD) menunjukkan bahwa respon pergerakan output gap lebih dipengaruhi oleh shock inflasi dari pada shock pengangguran. Kata Kunci: Output Gap, Inflasi, Pengangguran, Model Koreksi, VEC

    Impact of Government Spending and Corruption on Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

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    Investment is a critical macroeconomic variable for economic growth and development in any country. As a developing country with the fourth largest population in the world, Indonesia is also dependent on investment coming in from both home and abroad. A good investment climate is one of the solutions in overcoming economic problems so that foreign investors can invest in Indonesia. Obviously, various factors influence investors' willingness to invest in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of government spending, corruption, economic growth and wages on foreign direct investment in Indonesia. The study uses Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple linear regression analysis for the research period 2000-2020. The results show that the variables of government spending, corruption and economic growth have positive and significant impact on foreign direct investment, while the variable of salary has negative and significant impact on foreign direct investment. The Indonesian government needs to reduce the level of corruption and wage level to attract investors