1,315 research outputs found

    A customer orientation checklist: a model

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    A brief review of the concept connotations in the area of information services is carried out, trying to stress the implications of being "customer oriented" as the most important component of marketing. A model to measure the level of the library's orientation toward its market - as perceived by its managers - is presented. It was designed taking into account the models that major specialists prepared in order to evaluate marketing activity in companies. It should allow librarians to establish to what extent the library is properly user oriented and, at the same time, what specific marketing-related aspects it is failing in or should improve at.Publicad

    Strategic plans and long-range plans: is there a difference?

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    An analysis of both form and content differences between the plans named “strategic” and those named “long-range”. Planning theory is checked against the planning reports available on the Web pages of 65 public and university libraries. The goal is to see whether the differences that some theorists observe between strategic and long-range planning actually exist on plans published with those names.Publicad

    Management-related information on Spanish university library web pages

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    A typological analysis of the management-related documents that Spanish university libraries show on their Web sites is provided. The paper discusses about the structure and contents of the Web pages; provides some analysis on the location of the documents in the pages; and presents a view of document changes after 1 year, taking into account their presence and currency.Publicad

    The priorities of public libraries at the onset of the third millennium

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    Purpose – This paper aims to show the main action areas to which public libraries are devoting their efforts and resources at the onset of the twenty-first century, despite their own particularities and needs. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology is based on a comparative analysis on a sample of so-called “strategic” and “long-term” plans from US public libraries covering from 1998 through 2010. Of all identified priorities, those appearing in at least 40 per cent of the plans were used for the analysis. Thus, the paper narrowed the list of priorities down to the five most repeated ones in the sample of plans, and their peculiarities are set forth here. Findings – The paper finds that, although the method used is a simple one and the results are limited to the set of libraries whose plans have been analysed, there are coincidences with some predictions in some papers on the role public libraries should play in the twenty-first century. Originality/value – In the long term, this type of research permits comparison of trends among libraries from different countries and the monitoring of how they evolve with time. It can also be useful to library managers as a benchmark.Publicad

    Quantum chemical investigation on iodine oxides and their role in the formation of atmospheric aerosols

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    En esta contribución se presenta un estudio teórico de diferentes reacciones químicas entre óxidos de iodo y agua que pueden contribuir a la formación de partículas en la atmósfera. Mediante el uso de cálculos quimicocuánticos ab initio con tratamiento de la correlación electrónica se han obtenido propiedades termodinámicas para caracterizar esas reaccione

    The impact of consortia purchasing of periodical publications on the document supply service

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    Purpose – This paper aims to show the impact of consortia purchased periodical publications on document supply services. These services have undergone considerable changes over the last five years, first decreasing but now recovering. Design/methodology/approach – First, this paper reviews the most recent specialised literature, focusing mainly on the impact of electronic journals in libraries, their effects, and proposed actions. Second, as an example of this new behaviour, presents the document supply service data, as collected in one hospital’s health-science library in the last four years. Findings – As evidenced by the literature, the users’ acceptance of electronic journals has undoubtedly been excellent. Consortia purchasing projects have become a basic tool that expand collections, support cooperative technological development, and require negotiating skills from librarians. But these mass purchases do not seem to be the ideal solution for libraries, they entail losing freedom when choosing the collection and often make library collections homogeneous by publisher. Originality/value – Reflects on what possible causes have led to the current situation and the current way to manage the collection.Publicad

    La influencia del tratamiento periodontal en la vasodilatación endotelial en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular. Un estudio piloto de tres meses.

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    Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaFALSEunpu

    Clasificación superficial del hormigón visto. Gestión del diseño, construcción y recepción

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    Al abordar aspectos de calidad superficial en hormigones vistos nos encontramos con la carencia de clasificación de calidades de superficies, lo que obliga a establecer patrones propios. Una vez identificados los defectos que van a discriminar entre categorías se plantea el problema de la cuantificación de defectos. La actualidad de esta temática ha generado grupos de trabajo, fib (Aesthetics in concrete) y ACHE (hormigón visto). En estos grupos se ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de la gestión del diseño y construcción de estos elementos, así como el de establecer un procedimiento de control y recepción

    Especificación, control de calidad y calidad superficial del hormigón visto autocompactante

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    Al abordar aspectos de calidad superficial en hormigones vistos nos encontramos con la carencia de clasificación de calidades de superficies que se puedan utilizar como referencia, lo que obliga a establecer patrones propios. Una vez identificados los defectos que van a discriminar entre categorías se plantea el problema de la cuantificación de defectos. Es necesario además establecer si existe relación entre el cumplimiento de las especificaciones de autocompactabilidad y las calidades obtenidas, actividad que se contrastó mediante el control de recepción de hormigón en obra y la tipificación de calidades obtenidas, en una promoción de viviendas. Recientemente la fib (Aesthetics in concrete) y ACHE (hormigón visto) han creado dos grupos de trabajo en esta temática