93 research outputs found

    Nomenclatural and taxonomic acts and remarks for the revision of Jurassic corals

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    Description of a new species of Subepona Dolin et Lozouet, 2004 (Mollusca: Cypraeoidea) from the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Hungary

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    The fossil gastropods from the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Hungary which have been attributed so far to Eopustularia balinka Fehse, 2010 are not consistent with this Bartonian (Middle Eocene) species for which this name has been introduced by Fehse, but they represent a different species. Until now they were considered as Eopustularia; however, these two species are here discussed in the genus Subepona. The new species Subepona hungarica n. sp. is introduced. With 15 figures

    Upper and Lower Bounds for Large Scale Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems: Application to Microgrid Management

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    We consider a microgrid where different prosumers exchange energy altogether by the edges of a given network. Each prosumer is located to a node of the network and encompasses energy consumption, energy production and storage capacities (battery, electrical hot water tank). The problem is coupled both in time and in space, so that a direct resolution of the problem for large microgrids is out of reach (curse of dimensionality). By affecting price or resources to each node in the network and resolving each nodal sub-problem independently by Dynamic Programming, we provide decomposition algorithms that allow to compute a set of decomposed local value functions in a parallel manner. By summing the local value functions together, we are able, on the one hand, to obtain upper and lower bounds for the optimal value of the problem, and, on the other hand, to design global admissible policies for the original system. Numerical experiments are conducted on microgrids of different size, derived from data given by the research and development centre Efficacity, dedicated to urban energy transition. These experiments show that the decomposition algorithms give better results than the standard SDDP method, both in terms of bounds and policy values. Moreover, the decomposition methods are much faster than the SDDP method in terms of computation time, thus allowing to tackle problem instances incorporating more than 60 state variables in a Dynamic Programming framework

    Upper and Lower Bounds for Large Scale Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems: Decomposition Methods

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    We consider a large scale multistage stochastic optimization problem involving multiple units. Each unit is a (small) control system. Static constraints couple units at each stage. To tackle such large scale problems, we propose two decomposition methods, whether handling the coupling constraints by prices or by resources. We introduce the sequence (one per stage) of global Bellman functions, depending on the collection of local states of all units. We show that every Bellman function is bounded above by a sum of local resource-decomposed value functions, and below by a sum of local price-decomposed value functions-each local decomposed function having for arguments the corresponding local unit state variables. We provide conditions under which these local value functions can be computed by Dynamic Programming. These conditions are established assuming a centralized information structure, that is, when the information available for each unit consists of the collection of noises affecting all the units. We finally study the case where each unit only observes its own local noise (decentralized information structure)

    Anomiidae Rafinesque 1815

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    ANOMIIDAE Anomya sublaevigata d’Orbigny, 1850b: 395, n° 1149 [= Anomia sublaevigata (d’Orbigny, 1850)]. Correction pour homonymie primaire, pro Anomia laevigata Nyst, 1845 non Sowerby, 1836. Anomya substriata d’Orbigny, 1850b: 395, n° 1150 [= Anomia anomialis (Lamarck, 1819)]. Correction pour homonymie primaire, pro Anomya striata Sowerby, 1823 non Brocchi, 1814. Remarque: Anomia tenuistriata Deshayes, 1832 est un synonyme subjectif plus récent.Published as part of Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2007, Nouveautés nomenclaturales et taxinomiques introduites par Alcide d'Orbigny dans le Prodrome (1850, 1852) pour les espèces du Paléocène et de l'Éocène, pp. 17-85 in Geodiversitas 29 (1) on page 56, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.537488

    Dreissenidae Gray 1840

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    DREISSENIDAE Dreissena sowerbyi d’Orbigny, 1850b: 425, n° 1637 [= Dreissena sowerbyi d’Orbigny, 1850]. Nom fondé sur Mytilus brardii sensu Sowerby, 1826 (p. 59, pl. 532, fig. 2) non Faujas de Saint-Fond, 1806. Localité type: Hordwell (Angleterre).Published as part of Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2007, Nouveautés nomenclaturales et taxinomiques introduites par Alcide d'Orbigny dans le Prodrome (1850, 1852) pour les espèces du Paléocène et de l'Éocène, pp. 17-85 in Geodiversitas 29 (1) on page 64, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.537488

    Tonnidae Suter 1913

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    TONNIDAE Morio substriatus d’Orbigny, 1850b: 320, n° 427 [= Galeodea (Mambrinia) substriata (d’Orbigny, 1850) n. comb.]. Nom fondé sur Cassis striata sensu Brongniart, 1823 (p. 66, pl. 3, fig. 9) non Sowerby, 1812. Localité type: Roncà (Italie). Syntype: 1 spécimen (MNHN R64075, coll. Brongniart).Published as part of Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2007, Nouveautés nomenclaturales et taxinomiques introduites par Alcide d'Orbigny dans le Prodrome (1850, 1852) pour les espèces du Paléocène et de l'Éocène, pp. 17-85 in Geodiversitas 29 (1) on page 42, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.537488

    Phasianellidae Swainson 1840

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    PHASIANELLIDAE Phasianella parisiensis d’Orbigny, 1850b: 349, n° 214 [= Tricolia (Steganomphalus) laevis (Defrance, 1826)]. Correction pour homonymie primaire, pro Turbo pullus Lamarck, 1822 non Linnaeus, 1758. Remarques: Defrance (1826: 140) décrit cette espèce sous le nom Phasianella laevis (Defrance, 1826) en ces termes: «Les coquilles de cette espèce n’ont que quatre tours de spire, et que deux lignes de longueur [1 ligne = 2,25 mm]; elles sont très luisantes, et portent des taches blanches sur un fond brun-clair ». La correction proposée par d’Orbigny est inutile et le nom Tricolia (Steganomphalus) laevis (Defrance, 1826) a été restitué à cette espèce par Le Renard & Pacaud (1995: 89). Phasianella pulla Grateloup, 1846 non Sowerby, 1825 devient Phasianella subpullus d’Orbigny, 1852.Published as part of Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2007, Nouveautés nomenclaturales et taxinomiques introduites par Alcide d'Orbigny dans le Prodrome (1850, 1852) pour les espèces du Paléocène et de l'Éocène, pp. 17-85 in Geodiversitas 29 (1) on page 30, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.537488
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