42 research outputs found

    Non destructive examination of immersed structures within liquid sodium

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    International audienceThe In Service Inspection of internal structures of future liquid sodium cooled fast reactors implies, among different options, the use of ultrasounds from the outside of sodium circuit. In these conditions, ultrasounds have to propagate through the metallic envelope of main vessel, then other immersed plates. Thus the study aims at mastering ultrasonic propagation in these multilayered structures in order to determine the best conditions allowing NDT of a plate behind some screens. The necessity of propagating a maximum of energy through bounded media orientated the study towards Lamb waves. Those are often employed for singles plates or solid layers but they are less usual for liquid/solid alternations. Theoretical results are obtained using transfer matrix method. They are compared to in water experimental measurements. Cases with one, two and three parallel plates without then with an artificial defect are presented for identical and different thicknesses of plates. Results show that an artificial crack defect is obviously detected in a plate located behind one and two screens. Measured attenuation is compatible with industrial NDT conditions. Thus a promising potential is shown for this inspection technique

    Potentiel du contrôle ultrasonore d’une plaque masquée par des écrans parallèles

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    National audienceThe in-service inspection of internal structures of future liquid sodium-cooled fast reactors isan important issue of the CEA. The ultrasonic methods can overcome the sodium opacity,are insensitive to radiation and are adapted to high temperatures. Moreover, they allow tocontrol from outside the circuit sodium; this communication regards this point. Thepropagation of ultrasounds is studied in a plate masked by n plates immersed in liquidsodium to control it. The need to obtain a maximum of propagating energy directed the studytowards Lamb waves in layered solid-fluid structures. The model developed is based on themethod of transfer matrix and leads to the optimization of the pair (angle, frequency). Anexperimental study validates the model on a set of stainless steel plates immersed in water.The possibilities for the control of a plate behind n screens are then analyzed and discussed.L'inspection en service de structures internes des réacteurs à neutrons rapides refroidis ausodium liquide constitue une problématique importante au CEA. Les méthodes ultrasonorespermettent de s’affranchir du caractère opaque du sodium, sont insensibles au rayonnementet sont adaptées aux hautes températures. De plus, elles permettent des contrôles depuisl’extérieur du circuit sodium ; c’est dans ce cadre que s’insère cette communication. Il s’agitd’étudier la propagation des ultrasons dans une plaque masquée par n plaques immergéesen sodium afin de la contrôler. La nécessité de propager le maximum d'énergie a orientél'étude vers les ondes de Lamb dans des structures multicouches solide-fluide. Lamodélisation repose sur la méthode des matrices de transfert et conduit à l’optimisation ducouple (angle, fréquence). Une étude expérimentale valide ce modèle sur un ensemble deplaques d’acier inoxydable immergées dans l’eau. Les possibilités de contrôle d’une plaquederrière n écrans sont analysées et discutées

    Recommandations de Conception issues du ContrĂ´le Non Destructif (RCC-MRx)

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    National audienceUne réflexion a été initiée en 2008 par les concepteurs de centrales nucléaires RNRrefroidies au sodium, avec l’aide de spécialistes du LCND (Université Aix-Marseille).L’objectif était d’insuffler une culture CND, un réflexe pour les besoinsd’inspectabilité/réparabilité. Le constat qui a motivé cette réflexion était que toutes les règlesrelatives aux CND présentes dans le code RCC-MR (édition 2007) étaient spécifiquementdévolues aux contrôles de fabrication. Un Groupe de Travail Thématique (GTT) a produit fin2012 une révision de l’Annexe A20 «Dispositions constructives associées aux visites desurveillance en exploitation» du code RCC-MRx, résultant de la fusion des codes RCC-MRet RCC-MX dédié aux réacteurs expérimentaux. Cette révision est volontairement peuprescriptive car le GTT a montré que, vis-à-vis de la complexité des problèmes posés, ledialogue entre concepteur, fabricant et contrôleur semble être le meilleur moyen pour trouverun compromis entre conception, fabrication et besoin d’inspection en service. Le GTT aconsidéré indispensable d’accompagner cette Annexe d’un document qui fournisse lesfondements des recommandations (criteria), et qui permette de comprendre et justifier lessolutions apportées avec les moyens techniques de contrôles actuels. Certaines mises enperspective sont également indiquées. La présente communication montre le principe de larévision retenue, et présente quelques exemples extraits des criteria

    Théorie des possibilités appliquée à l'END du béton

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    L’apport de la fusion de données à l’estimation des propriétés du béton

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    Data Fusion to Improve the Concrete Diagnosis

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    Condition assessment and characterization of materials and structures by means of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods is a priority need around the world to meet the challenges associated with the durability, maintenance, rehabilitation, retrofitting, renewal and health monitoring of new and existing infrastructures including historic monuments. Numerous NDT methods that make use of certain components of the electromagnetic and acoustic spectrum are currently in use to this effect with various levels of success and there is an intensive worldwide research effort aimed at improving the existing methods and developing new ones. The knowledge and information compiled in this book captures the current state of the art in NDT methods and their application to civil and other engineering materials and structures. Critical reviews and advanced interdisciplinary discussions by world-renowned researchers point to the capabilities and limitations of the currently used NDT methods and shed light on current and future research directions to overcome the challenges in their development and practical use. In this respect, the contents of this book will equally benefit practicing engineers and researchers who take part in characterization, assessment and health monitoring of materials and structures

    Evaluation of an intrinsic error estimator for the data fusion of NDT techniques used to identify the material and damage properties of concrete structures

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose an intrinsic error estimator for the data fusion of NDT techniques used to identify the material and damage properties of concrete structures. This error estimator is chosen based on the global distribution of the data fusion in the space of the identified material properties. The main idea is to evaluate the accuracy of the result in estimating the gap between the most and the worst likely solutions. This error estimator is applied to synthetic data depending on the parameters of the data fusion such as the regression laws that linked the material properties to the NDT measurements. This work is part of the C2D2-ACDC project that aims at methodology transfer from five research laboratories, LMA, LMDC, IFFSTAR, GhyMaC and IEMN to industrial partners, EDF and SETRA

    Validation of predicted path of thermally deflected ultrasonic waves

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