57 research outputs found

    An exploration of the use of simple statistics to measure consensus and stability in Delphi studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The criteria for stopping Delphi studies are often subjective. This study aimed to examine whether consensus and stability in the Delphi process can be ascertained by descriptive evaluation of trends in participants' views.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A three round email-based Delphi required participants (n = 12) to verify their level of agreement with 8 statements, write comments on each if they considered it necessary and rank the statements for importance. Each statement was analysed quantitatively by the percentage of agreement ratings, importance rankings and the amount of comments made for each statement, and qualitatively using thematic analysis. Importance rankings between rounds were compared by calculating Kappa values to observe trends in how the process impacts on subject's views.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Evolution of consensus was shown by increase in agreement percentages, convergence of range with standard deviations of importance ratings, and a decrease in the number of comments made. Stability was demonstrated by a trend of increasing Kappa values.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Following the original use of Delphi in social sciences, Delphi is suggested to be an effective way to gain and measure group consensus in healthcare. However, the proposed analytical process should be followed to ensure maximum validity of results in Delphi methodology for improved evidence of consensual decision-making.</p

    The role of primary cilia in the development and disease of the retina

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    The normal development and function of photoreceptors is essential for eye health and visual acuity in vertebrates. Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in photoreceptor development and function are associated with a suite of inherited retinal dystrophies, often as part of complex multiorgan syndromic conditions. In this review, we focus on the role of the photoreceptor outer segment, a highly modified and specialized primary cilium, in retinal health and disease. We discuss the many defects in the structure and function of the photoreceptor primary cilium that can cause a class of inherited conditions known as ciliopathies, often characterized by retinal dystrophy and degeneration, and highlight the recent insights into disease mechanisms. © 2014 Landes Bioscience

    Development of the flagellar apparatus during the cell cycle in unicellular algae

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    Recent evidence has shown that algal cells acquire different flagella and a heterogeneous basal apparatus through the prolonged development of these structures over more than one cell cycle. A system for numbering algal flagella and basal bodies, which is based on developmental studies, is discussed along with the various means by which the flagellar/basal body developmental cycle can be determined. We review the information now available on development of the separate components of the flagellar apparatus-this comes particulary from the Chlorophyta and the Chromophyta-and attempt to elucidate any information which may help in phylogenetic comparisons. New data is provided on developmental changes in the cartwheel part of the basal body and basal body-associated connecting fibrils in green algae
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