74 research outputs found

    The evolution and distribution of recycled oceanic crust in the Earth's mantle: Insight from geodynamic models

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    A better understanding of the Earth's compositional structure is needed to place the geochemical record of surface rocks into the context of Earth accretion and evolution. Cosmochemical constraints imply that lower-mantle rocks may be enriched in silica relative to upper-mantle pyrolite, whereas geophysical observations support whole-mantle convection and mixing. To resolve this discrepancy, it has been suggested that subducted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) segregates from subducted harzburgite to accumulate in the mantle transition zone (MTZ) and/or the lower mantle. However, the key parameters that control basalt segregation and accumulation remain poorly constrained. Here, we use global-scale 2D thermochemical convection models to investigate the influence of mantle-viscosity profile, planetary-tectonic style and bulk composition on the evolution and distribution of mantle heterogeneity. Our models robustly predict that, for all cases with Earth-like tectonics, a basalt-enriched reservoir is formed in the MTZ, and a harzburgite-enriched reservoir is sustained at 660∼800 km depth, despite ongoing whole-mantle circulation. The enhancement of basalt and harzburgite in and beneath the MTZ, respectively, are laterally variable, ranging from ∼30% to 50% basalt fraction, and from ∼40% to 80% harzburgite enrichment relative to pyrolite. Models also predict an accumulation of basalt near the core mantle boundary (CMB) as thermochemical piles, as well as moderate enhancement of most of the lower mantle by basalt. While the accumulation of basalt in the MTZ does not strongly depend on the mantle-viscosity profile (explained by a balance between basalt delivery by plumes and removal by slabs at the given MTZ capacity), that of the lowermost mantle does: lower-mantle viscosity directly controls the efficiency of basalt segregation (and entrainment) near the CMB; upper-mantle viscosity has an indirect effect through controlling slab thickness. Finally, the composition of the bulk-silicate Earth may be shifted relative to that of upper-mantle pyrolite, if indeed significant reservoirs of basalt exist in the MTZ and lower mantle

    Plutonic‐Squishy Lid: A New Global Tectonic Regime Generated by Intrusive Magmatism on Earth‐Like Planets

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    The thermal and chemical evolution of rocky planets is controlled by their surface tectonics and magmatic processes. On Earth, magmatism is dominated by plutonism/intrusion versus volcanism/extrusion. However, the role of plutonism on planetary tectonics and long‐term evolution of rocky planets has not been systematically studied. We use numerical simulations to systematically investigate the effect of plutonism combined with eruptive volcanism. At low‐to‐intermediate intrusion efficiencies, results reproduce the three common tectonic/convective regimes as are usually obtained in simulations using a viscoplastic rheology: stagnant‐lid (a one‐plate planet), episodic (where the lithosphere is usually stagnant and sometimes overturns into the mantle), and mobile‐lid (similar to plate tectonics). At high intrusion efficiencies, we observe a new additional regime called “plutonic‐squishy lid.” This regime is characterized by a set of small, strong plates separated by warm and weak regions generated by plutonism. Eclogitic drippings and lithospheric delaminations often occur close to these weak regions, which leads to significant surface velocities toward the focus of delamination, even if subduction is not active. The location of the plate boundaries is strongly time dependent and mainly occurs in regions of magma intrusion, leading to small, ephemeral plates. The plutonic‐squishy‐lid regime is also distinctive from other regimes because it generates a thin lithosphere, which results in high conductive heat fluxes and lower internal mantle temperatures when compared to a stagnant lid. This regime has the potential to be applicable to the Early Archean Earth and present‐day Venus, as it combines elements of both protoplate tectonic and vertical tectonic models

    Variable dynamic styles of primordial heterogeneity preservation in the Earth's lower mantle

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    The evolution of the system Earth is critically influenced by the long-term dynamics, composition and structure of the mantle. While cosmochemical and geochemical constraints indicate that the lower mantle hosts an ancient primordial reservoir that may be enriched in SiO2 with respect to the upper mantle, geophysical observations and models point to efficient mass transfer and convective mixing across the entire mantle. Recent hypotheses of primordial-material preservation in a convecting mantle involve delayed mixing of intrinsically dense and/or intrinsically strong heterogeneity. Yet, the effects of composition-dependent rheology and density upon heterogeneity preservation and the dynamics of mantle mixing remain poorly understood. Here, we present two-dimensional numerical models in spherical geometry, investigating the preservation styles of primordial material as a function of its physical properties (i.e., viscosity and density contrasts). We establish multiple regimes of primordial-material preservation that can occur in terrestrial planets. These include (1) efficient mixing, (2) double-layered convection with or without topography, and (3) variable styles of partial heterogeneity preservation (e.g., as diffuse domains, piles or viscous blobs in the lower mantle). Some of these regimes are here characterised for the first time, and all regimes are put into context with each other as a function of model parameters. The viscous-blobs and diffuse-domains regimes can reconcile the preservation of primordial domains in a convecting mantle, potentially resolving the discrepancy between geochemical and geophysical constraints for planet Earth. Several, if not all, regimes characterised here may be relevant to understand the long-term evolution of terrestrial planets in general

    The influence of bulk composition on the long-term interior-atmosphere evolution of terrestrial exoplanets

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    Aims: The secondary atmospheres of terrestrial planets form and evolve as a consequence of interaction with the interior over geological time. We aim to quantify the influence of planetary bulk composition on the interior–atmosphere evolution for Earth-sized terrestrial planets to aid in the interpretation of future observations of terrestrial exoplanet atmospheres. Methods: We used a geochemical model to determine the major-element composition of planetary interiors (MgO, FeO, and SiO2) following the crystallization of a magma ocean after planet formation, predicting a compositional profile of the interior as an initial condition for our long-term thermal evolution model. Our 1D evolution model predicts the pressure–temperature structure of the interior, which we used to evaluate near-surface melt production and subsequent volatile outgassing. Volatiles are exchanged between the interior and atmosphere according to mass conservation. Results: Based on stellar compositions reported in the Hypatia catalog, we predict that about half of rocky exoplanets have a mantle that convects as a single layer (whole-mantle convection), and the other half exhibit double-layered convection due to the presence of a mid-mantle compositional boundary. Double-layered convection is more likely for planets with high bulk planetary Fe-content and low Mg/Si-ratio. We find that planets with low Mg/Si-ratio tend to cool slowly because their mantle viscosity is high. Accordingly, low-Mg/Si planets also tend to lose volatiles swiftly through extensive melting. Moreover, the dynamic regime of the lithosphere (plate tectonics vs. stagnant lid) has a first-order influence on the thermal evolution and volatile cycling. These results suggest that the composition of terrestrial exoplanetary atmospheres can provide information on the dynamic regime of the lithosphere and the thermo-chemical evolution of the interior

    Narrow, Fast, and "Cool" Mantle Plumes Caused by Strain-Weakening Rheology in Earth's Lower Mantle

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    The rheological properties of Earth's lower mantle are key for mantle dynamics and planetary evolution. The main rock-forming minerals in the lower mantle are bridgmanite (Br) and smaller amounts of ferropericlase (Fp). Previous work has suggested that the large differences in viscosity between these minerals greatly affect the bulk rock rheology. The resulting effective rheology becomes highly strain-dependent as weaker Fp minerals become elongated and eventually interconnected. This implies that strain localization may occur in Earth's lower mantle. So far, there have been no studies on global-scale mantle convection in the presence of such strain-weakening (SW) rheology. Here, we present 2D numerical models of thermo-chemical convection in spherical annulus geometry including a new strain-dependent rheology formulation for lower mantle materials, combining rheological weakening and healing terms. We find that SW rheology has several direct and indirect effects on mantle convection. The most notable direct effect is the changing dynamics of weakened plume channels as well as the formation of larger thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle. The weakened plume conduits act as lubrication channels in the mantle and exhibit a lower thermal anomaly. SW rheology also reduces the overall viscosity, notable in terms of increasing convective vigor and core-mantle boundary heat flux. Finally, we put our results into context with existing hypotheses on the style of mantle convection and mixing. Most importantly, we suggest that the new kind of plume dynamics may explain the discrepancy between expected and observed thermal anomalies of deep-seated mantle plumes on Earth

    Timescales of chemical equilibrium between the convecting solid mantle and over- and underlying magma oceans

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    After accretion and formation, terrestrial planets go through at least one magma ocean episode. As the magma ocean crystallises, it creates the first layer of solid rocky mantle. Two different scenarios of magma ocean crystallisation involve that the solid mantle either (1) first appears at the core–mantle boundary and grows upwards or (2) appears at mid-mantle depth and grows in both directions. Regardless of the magma ocean freezing scenario, the composition of the solid mantle and liquid reservoirs continuously change due to fractional crystallisation. This chemical fractionation has important implications for the long-term thermo-chemical evolution of the mantle as well as its present-day dynamics and composition. In this work, we use numerical models to study convection in a solid mantle bounded at one or both boundaries by magma ocean(s) and, in particular, the related consequences for large-scale chemical fractionation. We use a parameterisation of fractional crystallisation of the magma ocean(s) and (re)melting of solid material at the interface between these reservoirs. When these crystallisation and remelting processes are taken into account, convection in the solid mantle occurs readily and is dominated by large wavelengths. Related material transfer across the mantle–magma ocean boundaries promotes chemical equilibrium and prevents extreme enrichment of the last-stage magma ocean (as would otherwise occur due to pure fractional crystallisation). The timescale of equilibration depends on the convective vigour of mantle convection and on the efficiency of material transfer between the solid mantle and magma ocean(s). For Earth, this timescale is comparable to that of magma ocean crystallisation suggested in previous studies (Lebrun et al., 2013), which may explain why the Earth's mantle is rather homogeneous in composition, as supported by geophysical constraints

    Ariel planetary interiors White Paper

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    The recently adopted Ariel ESA mission will measure the atmospheric composition of a large number of exoplanets. This information will then be used to better constrain planetary bulk compositions. While the connection between the composition of a planetary atmosphere and the bulk interior is still being investigated, the combination of the atmospheric composition with the measured mass and radius of exoplanets will push the field of exoplanet characterisation to the next level, and provide new insights of the nature of planets in our galaxy. In this white paper, we outline the ongoing activities of the interior working group of the Ariel mission, and list the desirable theoretical developments as well as the challenges in linking planetary atmospheres, bulk composition and interior structure

    Subduction controls the distribution and fragmentation of Earth’s tectonic plates

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    International audienceThe theory of plate tectonics describes how the surface of the Earth is split into an organized jigsaw of seven large plates 1 of similar sizes and a population of smaller plates, whose areas follow a fractal distribution 2,3. The reconstruction of global tectonics during the past 200 My 4 suggests that this layout is probably a long-term feature of our planet, but the forces governing it are unknown. Previous studies 3,5,6 , primarily based on statistical properties of plate distributions, were unable to resolve how the size of plates is determined by lithosphere properties and/or underlying mantle convection. Here, we demonstrate that the plate layout of the Earth is produced by a dynamic feedback between mantle convection and the strength of the lithosphere. Using 3D spherical models of mantle convection with plate-like behaviour that match the plate size-frequency distribution observed for Earth, we show that subduction geometry drives the tectonic fragmentation that generates plates. The spacing between slabs controls the layout of large plates, and the stresses caused by the bending of trenches, break plates into smaller fragments. Our results explain why the fast evolution in small back-arc plates 7,8 reflects the dramatic changes in plate motions during times of major reorganizations. Our study opens the way to use convection simulations with plate-like behaviour to unravel how global tectonics and mantle convection are dynamically connected