254 research outputs found

    REDIportal: a comprehensive database of A-to-I RNA editing events in humans

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    RNA editing by A-to-I deamination is the prominent co-/post-transcriptional modification in humans. It is carried out by ADAR enzymes and contributes to both transcriptomic and proteomic expansion. RNA editing has pivotal cellular effects and its deregulation has been linked to a variety of human disorders including neurological and neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Despite its biological relevance, many physiological and functional aspects of RNA editing are yet elusive. Here, we present REDIportal, available online at http://srv00.recas.ba.infn.it/atlas/, the largest and comprehensive collection of RNA editing in humans including more than 4.5 millions of A-to-I events detected in 55 body sites from thousands of RNAseq experiments. REDIportal embeds RADAR database and represents the first editing resource designed to answer functional questions, enabling the inspection and browsing of editing levels in a variety of human samples, tissues and body sites. In contrast with previous RNA editing databases, REDIportal comprises its own browser (JBrowse) that allows users to explore A-to-I changes in their genomic context, empathizing repetitive elements in which RNA editing is prominent

    Profiling RNA editing in human tissues: towards the inosinome Atlas

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    Adenine to Inosine RNA editing is a widespread co- and post-transcriptional mechanism mediated by ADAR enzymes acting on double stranded RNA. It has a plethora of biological effects, appears to be particularly pervasive in humans with respect to other mammals, and is implicated in a number of diverse human pathologies. Here we present the first human inosinome atlas comprising 3,041,422 A-to-I events identified in six tissues from three healthy individuals. Matched directional total-RNA-Seq and whole genome sequence datasets were generated and analysed within a dedicated computational framework, also capable of detecting hyper-edited reads. Inosinome profiles are tissue specific and edited gene sets consistently show enrichment of genes involved in neurological disorders and cancer. Overall frequency of editing also varies, but is strongly correlated with ADAR expression levels. The inosinome database is available at: http://srv00.ibbe.cnr.it/editing/

    Safety and comfort of domestic bortezomib injection in real-life experience

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    Despite novel agents, multiple myeloma is still an incurable disease, especially for elderly and frail patients, who are difficult to manage for concomitant comorbidities as the therapeutic options are limited and the response to chemotherapy is often short. We report our evaluations upon safety and efficacy of domestic subcutaneous bortezomib in elderly and frail patients candidate to bortezomib-melphalan-prednisone (VMP) regimen. We confirmed that overall incidence of adverse events, including peripheral neuropathy, was low, and in no case required admission to emergency service, contributing to reduce the rate of therapy discontinuation. These results confirm the effectiveness and safety of subcutaneous bortezomib, in a real-life-experience, and define a new possibility of safe auto-administration in a comfortable domestic setting. We suggest that domestic treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of the patients, avoiding unnecessary transfer to the hospital without reducing treatment efficacy

    Serum Metabolic Profile in Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive demyelinating process considered as an autoimmune disease, although the causes of this pathology have not been yet fully established. Similarly to other neurodegenerations, MS is characterized by a series of biochemical changes affecting to different extent neuronal functions; great attention has been given to oxidative/nitrosative stress and to alterations in mitochondrial functions. According to previous data, MS patients show significant changes in the circulating concentrations of different metabolites, although it is still unclear whether uric acid undergoes to decrease, increase, or no change under this pathological condition. In this study, we report the serum metabolic profile in terms of purines, pyrimidines, creatinine, malondialdehyde, ascorbic acid, nitrite, and nitrate in a group of 170 MS patients. The results show increase in circulating uric acid and other oxypurines (hypoxanthine and xanthine), as well as in uridine and β-pseudouridine. The concomitant increase in circulating creatinine, malondialdehyde, nitrite, and nitrate, and decrease in ascorbic acid, demonstrates that MS induces alteration in energy metabolism and in oxidants/antioxidants balance that can be monitored in serum of MS patients

    Frontal lobe metabolic alterations in autism spectrum disorder: a 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.

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    Recently, neuroimaging studies were performed using 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), revealing a quantitative alteration of neurochemicals (such as neurotransmitters and metabolites) in several brain regions of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The involvement of the frontal lobe in the neurobiology of ASD has long been documented in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the alterations of N-acetylaspartate/creatine (NAA/Cr) and choline/Cr (Cho/Cr) ratios in the frontal lobe subcortical white matter (WM) in ASD patients, in order to reveal any alteration of metabolites that might be the expression of specific clinical features of the disorder

    A platform independent RNA-Seq protocol for the detection of transcriptome complexity

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    Background: Recent studies have demonstrated an unexpected complexity of transcription in eukaryotes. The majority of the genome is transcribed and only a little fraction of these transcripts is annotated as protein coding genes and their splice variants. Indeed, most transcripts are the result of antisense, overlapping and non-coding RNA expression. In this frame, one of the key aims of high throughput transcriptome sequencing is the detection of all RNA species present in the cell and the first crucial step for RNA-seq users is represented by the choice of the strategy for cDNA library construction. The protocols developed so far provide the utilization of the entire library for a single sequencing run with a specific platform. Results: We set up a unique protocol to generate and amplify a strand-specific cDNA library representative of all RNA species that may be implemented with all major platforms currently available on the market (Roche 454, Illumina, ABI/SOLiD). Our method is reproducible, fast, easy-to-perform and even allows to start from low input total RNA. Furthermore, we provide a suitable bioinformatics tool for the analysis of the sequences produced following this protocol. Conclusion: We tested the efficiency of our strategy, showing that our method is platform-independent, thus allowing the simultaneous analysis of the same sample with different NGS technologies, and providing an accurate quantitative and qualitative portrait of complex whole transcriptomes

    Whole transcriptome profiling of Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease patients provides insights into the molecular changes involved in the disease

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia affecting the elderly population worldwide. We have performed a comprehensive transcriptome profiling of Late-Onset AD (LOAD) patients using second generation sequencing technologies, identifying 2,064 genes, 47 lncRNAs and 4 miRNAs whose expression is specifically deregulated in the hippocampal region of LOAD patients. Moreover, analyzing the hippocampal, temporal and frontal regions from the same LOAD patients, we identify specific sets of deregulated miRNAs for each region, and we confirm that the miR-132/212 cluster is deregulated in each of these regions in LOAD patients, consistent with these miRNAs playing a role in AD pathogenesis. Notably, a luciferase assay indicates that miR-184 is able to target the 3'UTR NR4A2 - which is known to be involved in cognitive functions and long-term memory and whose expression levels are inversely correlated with those of miR-184 in the hippocampus. Finally, RNA editing analysis  reveals a general RNA editing decrease in LOAD hippocampus, with 14 recoding sites significantly and differentially edited in 11 genes. Our data underline specific transcriptional changes in LOAD brain and provide an important source of information for understanding the molecular changes characterizing LOAD progression