62 research outputs found


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    The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of feed supplementation with selenite or selenized yeast on eggs quality of laying hens. Hens of laying breed Isabrown were randomly divided at the day of hatching into 4 groups (n=12) and fed ad libitum for 9 months on diets which differed only in amounts or forms of selenium supplemented. Hens were fed from 1st day by standard feed mixture. Control group get only native dose of selenium (0.1 mg/kg) naturally presented in feed mixtures. First experimental group get selenium addition 0.4 mg/kg in a form of sodium selenite, second one the same dose of 0.4 mg/kg but in organic form of Se-yeast. The diet for the fourth group was supplemented with Se-yeast at Se dose 0.9 mg/kg DM. The both doses of organic selenium had significantly (P<0.05) beneficial influence on the egg weight (g±SD) (60.45±3.87a; 60.81±5.63a; 62.41±3.72b; 62.15±3.16b). Significantly lower values of egg shell weight and egg shell ratio were found out in experimental group with sodium selenite only. The significantly lower egg shell strength (N/cm2) was in the experimental groups with supplementation of Se in both forms. Average egg shell thickness (μm) were not significantly affected (P>0.05) by the supplementation of Se into the feed mixture for laying hens


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    At our work we have analysed the organisation of calving in Charolais breed during the years from 1998 to 2001 at selected farm. Our monitoring of calving during winter season (from January to February) shows the percentage of calving was in particular years ranged from 43.2 to 71.1. The most calves were born in February. We found out (total all years) diffi cult calving (value 3) in 2 cases in April (1998 and 1999) and 1 case in February (1998) and 1 in March (1999). Calving marked with value 2 (total of all years) we found out in January (2 cases), February (3 cases), March (4 cases) and from September to December past one case. From 18 cases of diffi cult calving what we found out, 11 calves (61.11 %) come from CHV 529 bull. In calves born by normal calving was found out average weight 34.75 kg, in ones born by calving with level 2 of diffi culty 36.36 kg, and in calves born by calving with diffi culty 3 was recorded average weight 41.5 kg. Recorded weight at 210 days of age in mostly cases was similar like in published breed standard

    Influence of propolis extract in Hubbard JV chickens nutrition on oxidative stabilty of meat

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.02.47–51Received 12. May 2014 ǀ Accepted 3. June 2014 ǀ Available online 23. June 2014In the experiment we evaluated the influence of propolis extract in nutrition of chickens on stability of meat in the most valuable parts of carcass that were stored by freezing at -18 °C. The hybrid combination of tested chickens was Hubbard JV. Propolis extract was added to experimental groups at a dose of 600 mg.kg-1 (group E1) and 800 mg.kg-1 (group E2). Fattening lasted 42 days. Oxidative stability of breast and thigh muscles was evaluated from the 1st day to 6th month of storage in regular month intervals. In the breast muscle, values of malondialdehyde (MDA) were from 0.212 to 0.313 mg.kg-1 in control group, from 0.186 to 0.264 mg.kg-1 in E1 group and from 0.175 to 0.259 mg.kg-1 in E2 group. In the thigh muscle, MDA values were from 0.255 to 0.339 mg.kg-1 (control group), from 0.196 to 0.279 mg.kg-1 (E1 group) and from 0.194 to 0.268 mg.kg-1 (E2 group). Application of propolis extract in Hubbard JV chickens nutrition has significant influence (P≤0.05) on decreasing of oxidative processes in breast and thigh muscles during the whole period of storage.Keywords: chickens, nutrition, feed supplements, propolis, chicken meat, oxidative stability, malondialdehyd


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    At our work we have analysed the organisation of calving in Charolais breed during the years from 1998 to 2001 at selected farm. Our monitoring of calving during winter season (from January to February) shows the percentage of calving was in particular years ranged from 43.2 to 71.1. The most calves were born in February. We found out (total all years) diffi cult calving (value 3) in 2 cases in April (1998 and 1999) and 1 case in February (1998) and 1 in March (1999). Calving marked with value 2 (total of all years) we found out in January (2 cases), February (3 cases), March (4 cases) and from September to December past one case. From 18 cases of diffi cult calving what we found out, 11 calves (61.11 %) come from CHV 529 bull. In calves born by normal calving was found out average weight 34.75 kg, in ones born by calving with level 2 of diffi culty 36.36 kg, and in calves born by calving with diffi culty 3 was recorded average weight 41.5 kg. Recorded weight at 210 days of age in mostly cases was similar like in published breed standard


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    The experiment was designed to investigate the effects of feed supplementation with selenite or selenized yeast on eggs quality of laying hens. Hens of laying breed Isabrown were randomly divided at the day of hatching into 4 groups (n=12) and fed ad libitum for 9 months on diets which differed only in amounts or forms of selenium supplemented. Hens were fed from 1st day by standard feed mixture. Control group get only native dose of selenium (0.1 mg/kg) naturally presented in feed mixtures. First experimental group get selenium addition 0.4 mg/kg in a form of sodium selenite, second one the same dose of 0.4 mg/kg but in organic form of Se-yeast. The diet for the fourth group was supplemented with Se-yeast at Se dose 0.9 mg/kg DM. The both doses of organic selenium had significantly (P<0.05) beneficial influence on the egg weight (g±SD) (60.45±3.87a; 60.81±5.63a; 62.41±3.72b; 62.15±3.16b). Significantly lower values of egg shell weight and egg shell ratio were found out in experimental group with sodium selenite only. The significantly lower egg shell strength (N/cm2) was in the experimental groups with supplementation of Se in both forms. Average egg shell thickness (μm) were not significantly affected (P>0.05) by the supplementation of Se into the feed mixture for laying hens.Pokus bol uskutočnený s cieľom sledovania vplyvu prídavku anorganického selénu (Se) alebo selenizovaných kvasníc na kvalitu vajec znáškových sliepok. Kurčatá znáškového hybrida Isabrown boli náhodne rozdelené do 4 skupín (n = 12) a od 1.dňa života kŕmené po dobu 9 mesiacov kŕmnou zmesou s prídavkami rozdielnych množstiev alebo foriem Se. Sliepky boli kŕmené štandardnými kompletnými kŕmnymi zmesami pre odchov a neskôr v chove zmesou pre vajcia produkujúce nosnice ad libitum. Sliepky v kontrolnej skupine prijímali kompletnú kŕmnu zmes s natívnou dávkou Se, v prvej experimentálnej skupine bol prídavok Se vo forme seleničitanu sodného v množstve 0,4 mg/kg sušiny, v druhej experimentálnej skupine bola zmes obohatená o Se v dávke 0,4 mg/kg sušiny, ale vo forme organickým Se obohateného kvasničného extraktu, v tretej experimentálnej skupine dostávali sliepky zmes obohatenú o selenizované kvasnice v dávke 0,9 mg/kg sušiny, teda nad limit povolený EÚ. V pokuse boli sledované ukazovatele: hmotnosť vajec (g), merná hmotnosť vajec (g/cm3), hmotnosť škrupiny (g), merná hmotnosť škrupiny (g/cm3), percentuálny podiel škrupiny (%), pevnosť škrupiny (N/cm2) a priemerná hrúbka škrupiny (μm). Pri hmotnosti vajca sa štatisticky významne (p<0,05) prejavil priaznivý vplyv oboch dávok organickej formy Se. Štatisticky nižšia pevnosť škrupiny bola v experimentálnych skupinách s prídavkom Se v oboch formách, pri priemernej hrúbke škrupiny boli rozdiely medzi jednotlivými skupinami štatisticky nevýznamné (p>0,05)

    The impact of the humic acid and phytobiotics on performance and carcass parameters of broiler chickens

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    Received: 2018-05-29 | Accepted: 2018-05-29 | Available online: 2018-11-26https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.173-178The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of humic substances, and combination humic substances and selected phytobiotics on production and carcass parameters of broiler chickens. In experiment from total 200 one-day-old ROSS 308 chickens were randomized into four groups (n = 50). The control group was fed with basal diet (BD) without any additives. Group of chickens marked as treatment 1 (T1) was fed a BD containing 2% of humic acid, the group marked as treatment 2 (T2) was fed a BD containing 78% of humic acids, 18% of garlic powder (Allium sativum L.), 1% of milled dried leaves of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), 1% of milled dried leaves of thyme (Thymus vulgaris), 1% of milled dried leaves of oregano (Origanum vulgare) and 1% of milled dried leaves of bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), together 2 kg /100kg complete feed mixture (BD). In the group marked as treatment T3 were chicken fed with BD containing industrially produced coccidiostats. Experiment lasted 42 days. At the end of the experiment was average body weight (values in the order of the groups: 1808.03 ±212.39; 1981.75 ±203.32; 1895.59 ±178.75 and 1955.31 ±237.16 g ±SD) significantly higher (P0.05).Keywords: Allium sativum L., Artemisa absinthium, broiler chicken, carcass parameters, humic acid, Menyanthes trifoliata, Origanum vulgare, performance parameters, Thymus vulgarisReferencesAlipour, F., Hassanabadi, A., Golian, A., Nassiri-Moghaddam, H. (2015) Effect of plant extracts derived from thyme on male broiler performance. Poutry Science, 94 (11), 2630-2634. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pev220Bacler-Żbikowska, B. (2012) Zasoby gatunkowe cennych roślin leczniczych powiatu włoszczowskiego. Część 3 – bobrek trójlistkowy Menyanthes trifoliata L. 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    Chemical composition of chicken meat after application of humic acid and probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum

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    The aim of the present study was analysed and evaluated chemical parameters of chicken breast and thigh muscles after addition of humic acids and probiotic into diet for broiler chicken. A total of 200 pcs Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into 4 groups (n=50). The control group of chickens was fed with complete feed mixtures without any additives. Chickens in experiment groups were fed a diet containing: P1 (1% of humic acid), P2 (1% of humic acid and probiotic supplement Lactobacillus fermentum) and P3 were fed with complete feed mixture containing combination of starter feed mixture (1. - 21. day) with coccidiostaticum Diclazuril and growth feed mixture (21. - 35. day) containing Salinomycinum sodium. Besides, the groups were kept under the same conditions. Fattening period lasted for 42 days. Chicken meat was analyzed for content of water, crude protein, fat and cholesterol. Based on the results, we can state that the application of humic acids or the combination of Humac Natur with probiotic did not affect the chemical composition of the breast muscle. In the breast muscle, the protein content in the experimental group P3 with the coccidiostat (22.98 g.100 g-1) was reduced (p &le;0.05) compared to control group (23.42 g.100 g-1). In the case of thigh muscle was significantly higher content of fat and cholesterol (p &le;0.05) in chickens feeding with addition of Humac Natur (fat - 9.08 g.100g-1; cholesterol - 0.86 mg.100g-1) and similar results were recorded in experimental group with combination of Humac Natur and probiotic (fat - 9.15 g.100g-1; cholesterol - 0.86 mg.100g-1) compared to control group (fat - 7.15 g.100g-1; cholesterol - 0.70 mg.100g-1). From a general point of view, we can recommend the application of Humac Natur, respectively combination Humac Natur with probiotics in feeding of broiler chickens Ross 308.&nbsp; 14.00 Normal 0 21 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE <!--[endif] --

    The antimicrobial effect of thyme and rosemary essential oils against Listeria monocytogenes in sous vide turkey meat during storage

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    The research was aimed to study the impact of sous vide thermal treatment on the microbiological quality of fresh turkey breast meat after treatment with thyme and rosemary EOs and the survival of Listeria monocytogenes on the turkey meat samples. The samples were vacuum-packed and cooked at 55 °C, 60 °C, and 65 °C for 5, 15, 30 and, 60 min. There was an amount of 5 g (5 ±0.2 g) of the sample placed in PA/PE film bags and inoculated with 100 μL of L. monocytogenes inoculum. The sample was incubated at 37 °C for 18 h after bag sealing. The samples were tested on the 1st and 3rd days of experiments. The microbiological quality of fresh turkey breast meat was assessed by the detection of total microbial counts and meat microbiota was identified by mass spectrometry using MALDI-TOF MS Biotyper (Bruker Daltonics, Germany). Microbial counts differed significantly depending on temperature and time and the microbial counts ranged from 2.21 log cfu.g-1 to 8.26 log cfu.g-1 on the 1st and 3rd day of the experiment. The study shows that the sous vide method with essential oils combination is an effective method and it can be used to protect the microbiota of turkey meat and L. monocytogens survival, however, the quality of raw material is crucial

    Identification of the Slovak traditional cheese “Parenica” microflora

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated the higher accuracy, faster time-to-results and lower costs provided by MALDI Biotyper systems compared to classical methods. In this study, the culturable population of total count of bacteria, enterococci, coliforms bacteria, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and microscopic fungi and yeasts from cow’s dairy products was identified using the MALDI-TOF MS Biotyper. Altogether, 50 samples of the Slovak cheese “Parenica” were examined. Total numbers of bacteria were cultured on Plate count agar at 37 °C for 24–48 h, aerobically; enterococci were cultured on Enterococcus selective agar at 37 °C for 24–48 h, aerobically; coliforms bacteria were cultured on Violet Red Bile lactose agar at 37 °C for 24–48 h, aerobically. The LAB were cultured on MRS (Main Rogosa agar), MSE and APT agar at 30 °C in microaerophilic conditions. The microscopic fungi and yeasts were cultured on Malt extract agar at 25 °C for 5 days, aerobically. Isolated strains (total 669) were subjected to identification by the MALDI-TOF MS. Among total count the identified bacteria mostly were Acinetobacter baumannii, Bacillus cereus, Micrococcus luteus and Staphylococcus warneri. Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae were the most abundant coliform bacteria representatives identified. Coliform bacteria included Citrobacter, Hafnia and Klebsiella. Altogether three genera belonged to the LAB – Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Leuconostoc were identified with Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus coryniformis, L. fructivorans and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were considered as the dominated LAB species in dairy products. Among yeasts, Kluyveromyces lactis, Candida zeylanoides and Yarrowia lipolytica were among the most isolated