164 research outputs found

    Chapter Alberi monumentali e giardini storici: un processo virtuoso di disseminazione e fruizione

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Interoperability for building process. Model and Method.

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    In this paper we intend to analyze the chances about the implementation of a Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a method in the construction process, investigating in particular the role that, in it, takes the concept of interoperability and how this can be developed according to the most appropriate approach case by case. Moreover, the aim is to define a critical examination of how the chances offered by new technologies are related closely with the management of the 3D model and its use for management purposes. BIM is an interactive and clear tool organization of building processes, functionally worth in order to perform at all times punctual and strict controls through the parametric virtual model of a building. To lead from idea to realization and to the management, the approach to the methods and processes of BIM are configured as appropriate for the business realities that aspire to qualify as organized structures of integrated design, ready to compare with an increasingly aggressive marketplace. If we consider the existing, to get benefits by BIM approaches oriented to manage the building, it becomes a strategic objective. Remarking the two main meanings of BIM as a model and as a method at the same time, we aim to study how it can be used in the management of the existing built and how the more established Anglo-Saxon procedures could be characterized the actions aimed to interventions in retrofit and functional requalification

    The thermal bath complex in Via Terracina, Naples survey and fruition

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    [EN] Evolution in the technology and communication potential of the digital images used by survey techniques opens up extremely interesting opportunities in the field of knowledge and enhancement of cultural heritage. The research presented here used the ruins of the old thermal baths in an urbanised area of Naples to investigate this aspect. The dual objective of the study created a close link between didactics and research: the ancient site was used as an open-air laboratory for the on-site activities while cognitive research was an opportunity to critically compare the indirect survey techniques used in this study and assess the results and communication potential, bearing in mind that digital visualisation undoubtedly represents a fundamental change in the cognitive model of Cultural Heritage.[ES] Dentro del ámbito del conocimiento y de la valorización del patrimonio cultural, las técnicas destinadas al levantamiento ofrecen grandes oportunidades en virtud de la evolución tecnológica, que subyacen en el potencial comunicativo de las imágenes digitales. En esa dirección, la investigación aquí presentada ha sido desarrollada sobre los restos de una antigua terma ubicada en un área urbanizada de la ciudad de Nápoles. El estudio tiene una doble connotación, siendo capaz de crear un estrecho vínculo entre didáctica e investigación. De hecho, el sitio ha sido utilizado como taller didáctico al aire libre para trabajo de campo y al mismo tiempo la investigación puesta en marcha ha sido propicia para comparar críticamente las diferentes técnicas de levantamiento indirecto utilizadas, evaluando resultados y potencial comunicativo, allí donde la visualización digital constituye sin duda un cambio fundamental en el modelo cognitivo del patrimonio cultural.Papa, LM.; D'agostino, P.; Antuono, G. (2019). El complejo termal de Via Terracina en Nápoles entre levantamiento y uso. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 24(36):116-127. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.10565SWORD116127243

    International consensus on sleep problems in pediatric palliative care: paving the way

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    Schegge di percorsi. Rampe e scale urbane

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    Un percorso urbano non è una "promenade architectural" (Le Corbusier, perchè non si esaurisce entro una sola unità architettonica, sia pur vasta e articolata, ma ne lambisce e ne attraversa una molteplicità eterogenea, pur se per tratti brevi o morfologicamente uniformi. Un percorso urbano non può venire simulato senza fraintendimenti... Quali requisiti di un percorso urbano valgono meglio di altri ad identificarlo, a descriverlo, a qualificarlo? E di tali requisiti quali si offrono ad una adeguata rappresentazione per immagini? Sono queste alcune delle domande che hanno determinato il fertile confronto di esperienze e contributi raccolti nel libro

    Il paesaggio urbano tra percezione e rappresentazione

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    La complessità urbana si racconta attraverso l’interazione continua di elementi e di segni che sottendono anche un esame analitico del lessico spaziale o la raffigurazione sintetica, l’esplorazione della sintassi che lega condizioni eterogenee. Il contriuto documenta una attività di ricerca che affronta con particolare impegnoil tema della lettura della città e dei suoi invasi, caratterizzata da uno specifico approccio ai percorsi intesi come stimolo per rappresentare, documentare e interpretare; insomma per un più esteso, approfondito, fantasioso e pur rigoroso uso del “rilievo urbano”. I percorsi vengono letti come attraversamento nello spazio e nel tempo di un tratto di città linearmente determinato e univocamente orientato fra due luoghi che possono essere individuati e caratterizzati anche attraverso una descrizione verbale che si concilia con il coinvolgimento di tutte le capacità sensoriali

    Segni e tecniche nella rappresentazione del progetto di architettura

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    In occasione del centenario della nascita di Luigi Cosenza, il libro rappresenta un momento di riflessione sull'importanza della sua critica costruttiva in seno al Razionalismo italiano e sull'eredità concreta del suo contributo nello sviluppare una cultura del progetto sia a scala architettonica che urbana

    Metodiche conoscitive finalizzate alla valutazione dei danni nelle costruzioni

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    Il lavoro mira ad evidenziare la corrispondenza diretta esistente tra buone pratiche operative messe in campo per la conoscenza delle opere civili e la valutazione delle loro compromissioni morfologiche Le procedure di rilievo, opportunamente individuate in relazione agli obiettivi, possono consentire la ricostruzione di geometrie formali e dare luogo a modelli descrittivi delle problematiche che affliggono le costruzioni analizzate, indirizzando i successivi approfondimenti di studio o gli interventi risolutivi. I livelli di conoscenza, storica, documentaria e metrica, declinano le tappe fondamentali di una corretta metodologia ed una prassi operativa che, integrata dalle idonee tecnologie, rappresenta un supporto ineludibile nella valutazione dello stato di degrado e di controllo comportamentale delle costruzioni.

    Il colore nella trasformazione dell'immagine urbana

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    The color, though regarded differently in different age, have always played a key role in creating the urban image, with perceptive and constructive implications, related to type and quality of materials, their processing, the type of light, to the environment. It highlights those elements so connotative, becoming linked to the urban organism and its architecture, whose understanding is prerequisite for the conservation and design. “ Buildings in historic areas may also have a high architectural value in themselves, but must be safeguarded for their organic unity, their dimensional connotations, structural, spatial, decorative and chromatic characteristics as connective in irreplaceable organic unity consisting of the city"(Carta di Cracovia, 2000). In 2002 the Campania Region has adopted a law to launch a comprehensive program aimed at the "... enhancement of the historic centers ...." Specifically identified was the color of the Plan as a useful tool to promote the enhancement and protection of the built environment through the historical analysis of competitors to the knowledge of the goods, in the broadest cultural property, and operational direction for the maintenance and preservation of architectural heritage, not wanting to seek such drastic action but the application of best practices knowledge in place to configure the image of the city of the future while respecting its history and its identity. This approach has provided the opportunity to actualize a framework of urban analysis also consolidated, with a methodology that relates important landscape features, materials and colors, mediterranean connotations , the dynamics derived in the joints, the urban transformation, with a focus on operational potential inherent in some legal instruments that promote the use and protection of historical sites through analysis of competitors to the knowledge of their environmental characteristic. Workshop is an opportunity to document the recent activities aimed at preparing the Colour Plan of city Naples, with specific reference to one partition urban architecture which make explicit the changes that occurred between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in relation to changing requirements of the settlement, but also of architectural languages, with material color and taste associated with them