21 research outputs found

    Clinical Study An Evaluation of Effects of Different Mydriatics on Choroidal Thickness by Examining Anterior Chamber Parameters: The Scheimpflug Imaging and Enhanced Depth Imaging-OCT Study

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    Aim. To assess the effects of mydriatics commonly used in clinical practice on choroidal thickness and anterior chamber change. Methods. This was a prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blinded study including a single eye of the participants. The subjects were assigned into 4 groups to receive tropicamide 1%, phenylephrine 2.5%, cyclopentolate 1%, and artificial tears. At the baseline, anterior chamber parameters were assessed using a Pentacam Scheimpflug camera system, and choroidal thickness (CT) was measured using a spectral-domain OCT with Enhanced Depth Imaging (EDI) modality. All measurements were repeated again after drug administration. Results. Increases in pupil diameter, volume, and depth of anterior chamber were found to be significant ( = 0.000, = 0.000, and = 0.000, resp.), while decreases in the choroidal thickness were found to be significant in subjects receiving mydriatics ( < 0.05). Conclusions. The study has shown that while cyclopentolate, tropicamide, and phenylephrine cause a decrease in choroidal thickness, they also lead to an increase in the volume and depth of anterior chamber. However, no correlation was detected between anterior chamber parameters and choroidal changes after drug administration. These findings suggest that the mydriatics may affect the choroidal thickness regardless of anterior chamber parameters. This study was registered with trial registration number 2014/357

    Effects of moxifloxacin exposure on the conjunctival flora and antibiotic resistance profile following repeated intravitreal injections

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    AIM: To evaluate the effects of moxifloxacin exposure on the conjunctival flora and antibiotic resistance profile following repeated intravitreal injections

    Effect of pupillary size on ocular aberrations

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    Amaç: Pupilla büyüklüğünün oküler aberasyonlara etkisini değerlendirmek . Yöntem : Çalışmaya 30 erkek, 30 kadın olmak üzere 60 sağlıklı (yaş aralığı 20 -50) olgu alındı. Oküler aberasyonlar 60 sağlıklı olgunun 60 gözünde ölçüldü. Olgular tropikamid damlatılmadan önce ve sonra olmak üzere iki gruba ayrı ldı. Yaş ve cinsiyetin yüksek sıralı ve sferik aberasyon d eğerlerine etkisi incelendi. Olguların oküler aberasyon ve pupil çapı ölçümleri Nidek OPD SCAN cihazı ile yapıldı. Bulgular: Dilatasyon sonrası yüksek sıralı aberasyon değe rleri dilatasyon öncesi değerlere göre anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu (p0.05). Yirmi beş yaş altı (n=28) ve üstü (n=32) olguların dilatasyon öncesi ve sonrası sferik ve yüksek sıralı abera syon değerleri karşılaştı rıldığında anlamlı fark tespit edi lmedi (p>0.05). Sonuç : Pupil büyüklüğü yüksek sıralı ve sferik aberasyonl arı artırır.Objective : To investigate the effect of pupil size on ocular aberrations . Method : Sixty healthy subjects (30 male and 30 female) were enrolled the study. Age range varies 20 to 50 years. The subjects were given tropicamide drops for mydriasis. Aberrations were measured before and after the mydriasis. The effect of age and gender on spherical aberration values was investigated. Ocular abe rrations and pupil size meas urements of the subjects were performed by Nidek OPD scan . Results : High order aberrations values after the dilatation were significantly higher than the values obtained before the dilatation (p<0.001). Spherical aberration values before the dilatation were lower than the values obtained after the dilatation (p<0.05). High order and spherical aberrat ions obtained before and after the dilatation were not significant in terms of gender (p>0.05). When high order and spherical ab errations of the subjects who were below and older than 25 years old compared, there was no significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusion : Dilatation of the pupil cause an increase in high order and spherical aberration