4,436 research outputs found

    Estudo da divergência genética em castanha-do-Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H. B. K.) utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD (Random Amplied Polymorphic DNA).

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    A devastação de castanhais nativos na Amazônia, devido à implantação de programas de colonizaçã::; e/ou de atividades comerciais, está provocando a diminuição da variabilidade genética de castanha-do-bras (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.), imprescindível na manutenção da diversidade genética da cultura e como base de trabalho para programas de melhoramento, essenciais para a expansão das áreas de cultivo. O presente trabalho te e por objetivo estudar a divergênda genética da castanha-do-brasil, utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD. Trin;a e quatro indivíduos foram avaliados, sendo dezessete provenientes do Banco de Germoplasma do Centro de Pes-quisa Agroflorestal da Amazônia Oriental (EMBRAPNAmazônia Oriental), localizado na cidade de Belém-PA e outros 17 indivíduos, de um reflorestamento na cidade de Cláudia-MT. O DNA destes indivíduos foi extraído, pur""'- cado e quantificado. Nas análises foram utilizados 51 iniciadores de reação (primers), que geraram 144 bandas pc - mórficas. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento do coeficiente de similaridade de Sorensen-Dice. Os resultados indicaram a presença de divergência genética entre e dentro das populações estudadas. Três grupos de indivíduos foram formados no gráfico de agrupamento: o primeiro grupo constituiu-se de indivíduos dos dois estados, o segundo apresentou apenas indivíduos do Estado do Mato Grosso e o terceiro, apenas indivíduos do Estado do Pará. Os marcadores RAPD mostraram-se eficientes na separação dos indivíduos de acordo com os centros de origem

    Indução e análise bioquimica de calos obtidos de segmentos foliares de Coffea arabica L., cultivar Rubi.

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    Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de 2,4-D e BAP na indução da formação de calos originados de segmentos foliares de plântulas de Coffea arabica L., cv Rubi, obtidas in vitro, a partir da cultura de embriões, determinar sua curva de crescimento e analisar bioquimicamente, mediante determinação dos teores de proteínas totais, açúcares redutores e padrão proteíco. Segmentos foliares inoculados em meio desprovido de reguladores ou na presença de BAP em condições isoladas não apresentaram formação de calos. A produção máxima de calos é obtida utilizando-se 1,0 mg L-1 de 2,4-D. A curva de crescimento de calos apresenta crescimento tipo sigmóide, com três fases distintas: lag (entre 0 - 42 dias de inoculação), exponencial (42 ? 77 dias) e linear (77 ? 84 dias). Não foi observado acúmulo de proteínas em nenhuma fase de crescimento dos calos, sendo o teor máximo de açúcar redutor observado no dia de inoculação do explante. O padrão proteíco observado no período de desenvolvimento de calos apresenta diferenças quantitativas (intensidade das bandas) e qualitativas (presença ou ausência de bandas)

    Human-robot interaction in groups: Methodological and research practices

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    Understanding the behavioral dynamics that underline human-robot interactions in groups remains one of the core challenges in social robotics research. However, despite a growing interest in this topic, there is still a lack of established and validated measures that allow researchers to analyze human-robot interactions in group scenarios; and very few that have been developed and tested specifically for research conducted in the wild. This is a problem because it hinders the development of general models of human-robot interaction, and makes the comprehension of the inner workings of the relational dynamics between humans and robots, in group contexts, significantly more difficult. In this paper, we aim to provide a reflection on the current state of research on human-robot interaction in small groups, as well as to outline directions for future research with an emphasis on methodological and transversal issues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ground state and finite temperature signatures of quantum phase transitions in the half-filled Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice

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    We investigate ground state and finite temperature properties of the half-filled Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice using quantum monte carlo and series expansion techniques. Unlike the square lattice, for which magnetic order exists at T=0 for any non-zero UU, the honeycomb lattice is known to have a semi-metal phase at small UU and an antiferromagnetic one at large UU. We investigate the phase transition at T=0 by studying the magnetic structureandcompressibilityusingquantummontecarlosimulationsandbycalculatingthesublatticemagnetization,uniformsusceptibility,spin−waveandsingleholeorderedphase.Ourresultsareconsistentwithasinglecontinuoustransitionatand compressibility using quantum monte carlo simulations and by calculating the sublattice magnetization, uniform susceptibility, spin-wave and single hole %single-particle dispersion using series expansions around the ordered phase. Our results are consistent with a single continuous transition at U_c/tintherange4−5.Finitetemperaturesignaturesofthisphasetransitionareseeninthebehaviorofthespecificheat, in the range 4-5. Finite temperature signatures of this phase transition are seen in the behavior of the specific heat, C(T),whichchangesfromatwo−peakedstructurefor, which changes from a two-peaked structure for U>U_ctoaone−peakedstructurefor to a one-peaked structure for U < U_c.Furthermore,the. Furthermore, the Udependenceofthelowtemperaturecoefficientof dependence of the low temperature coefficient of C(T)exhibitsananomalyat exhibits an anomaly at U \approx U_c$.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figure

    Análise do comportamento in vitro de explantes foliares de pequizeiro (Caryocar brasiliense camb.) através de RAPD.

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    xEdição de resumos do 7º Congresso Brasileiro de Fisiologia Vegetal, Brasília, 1999

    AI trust: Can explainable AI enhance warranted trust?

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    Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), known to produce explanations so that predictions from AI models can be understood, is commonly used to mitigate possible AI mistrust. The underlying premise is that the explanations of the XAI models enhance AI trust. However, such an increase may depend on many factors. This article examined how trust in an AI recommendation system is affected by the presence of explanations, the performance of the system, and the level of risk. Our experimental study, conducted with 215 participants, has shown that the presence of explanations increases AI trust, but only in certain conditions. AI trust was higher when explanations with feature importance were provided than with counterfactual explanations. Moreover, when the system performance is not guaranteed, the use of explanations seems to lead to an overreliance on the system. Lastly, system performance had a stronger impact on trust, compared to the effects of other factors (explanation and risk).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Making robot’s attitudes predictable: a stereotype content model for human-robot interaction in groups

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    Stereotypes play a key role both in human and in robot perception. As such, these may play an important role in predicting behavior towards the targets of said stereotypes. In this paper, we argue for the usefulness of exploring how stable dimensions of stereotype content, more specific?ally warmth and competence, apply to HRI. We propose to do so by examining the impact of these characteristics, displayed by robots, on the emotions, behaviors and future intention of participants to interact and work with robots. We chose these two stereotypical dimensions given that research has demonstrated their underlying and ubiquitous influence on people perception and responses. Moreover, we decided to explore this issue in the context of small group interactions due to the ever-common nature of this type of social arrangements in people’s everyday life.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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