12,511 research outputs found

    Source Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections

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    Observations of the solar corona with the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronograph (LASCO) and Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) instruments on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) provide an unprecedented opportunity to study coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from their initiation through their evolution out to 30 \rsun. The objective of this study is to gain an understanding of the source regions from which the CMEs emanate. To this end, we have developed a list of 32 CMEs whose source regions are located on the solar disk and are well observed in EIT 195 {\AA} data during the period from so lar minimum in January 1996 through the rising part of the cycle in May 1998. We compare the EIT source regions with photospheric magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) instrument on SOHO and the NSO/Kitt Peak Observatory and also with Hα\alpha data from various sources. The overall results of our study show that 41% of the CME related transients observed are associated with active regions and have no prominence eruptions, 44% are associated with eruptions of prominences embedded in active regions and 15% are associated with eruptions of prominences outside active regions. Those CMEs that do not involve prominence eruptions originate in active regions both with and without prominences. We describe 6 especially well observed events. These case studies suggest that active region CMEs (without eruptive prominences) are associated with active regions with lifetimes between 11--80 days. They are also often associated with small scale emerging or cancelling flux over timescales of 6--7 hours. CMEs associated with active region prominence eruptions, on the other hand, are typically associated with old active regions with lifetimes \sim 6-7 months.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, scheduled for Nov 1, 2001 issu

    Small electron acceleration episodes in the solar corona

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    We study the energetics of nonthermal electrons produced in small acceleration episodes in the solar corona. We carried out an extensive survey spanning 2004--2015 and shortlisted 6 impulsive electron events detected at 1 AU that was not associated with large solar flares(GOES soft X-ray class >> C1) or with coronal mass ejections. Each of these events had weak, but detectable hard Xray (HXR) emission near the west limb, and were associated with interplanetary type III bursts. In some respects, these events seem like weak counterparts of "cold/tenuous" flares. The energy carried by the HXR producing electron population was 1023\approx 10^{23} -- 102510^{25} erg, while that in the corresponding population detected at 1 AU was 1024\approx 10^{24}--102510^{25} erg. The number of electrons that escape the coronal acceleration site and reach 1 AU constitute 6 % to 148 % of those that precipitate downwards to produce thick target HXR emission

    Nucleophilicity/Electrophilicity Excess in Analyzing Molecular Electronics

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    Intramolecular electron transfer capability of all metal aromatic and anti-aromatic aluminum cluster compounds is studied in terms of density functional theory based global and local reactivity descriptors. This study will provide important inputs towards the fabrication of the material required for molecular electronics.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 13 table

    GM crops and gender issues

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    Correspondence in the December issue by Jonathan Gressel not only states that gender issues in rural settings have not been adequately addressed with respect to weed control biotech but also asserts that such technology can increase the quality of life of rural women in developing countries. Improved weed control is a labor-saving technology that can result in less employment in a labor surplus rural economy. Often in rural areas, wage income is the main source of income and an important determinant of the quality of life, particularly where employment opportunities are generally limited. Apart from soil preparation, planting and weeding, harvesting is also 'femanual' work that can generate more employment if yields are higher. Biotech can enhance the quality of life of women but only if the technology is associated with overall generation of rural employment

    AdS (In)stability: Lessons From The Scalar Field

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    We argued in arXiv:1408.0624 that the quartic scalar field in AdS has features that could be instructive for answering the gravitational stability question of AdS. Indeed, the conserved charges identified there have recently been observed in the full gravity theory as well. In this paper, we continue our investigation of the scalar field in AdS and provide evidence that in the Two-Time Formalism (TTF), even for initial conditions that are far from quasi-periodicity, the energy in the higher modes at late times is exponentially suppressed in the mode number. Based on this and some related observations, we argue that there is no thermalization in the scalar TTF model within time-scales that go as 1/ϵ2\sim 1/\epsilon^2, where ϵ\epsilon measures the initial amplitude (with only low-lying modes excited). It is tempting to speculate that the result holds also for AdS collapse.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure