2,473 research outputs found

    Quantum Langevin model for exoergic ion-molecule reactions and inelastic processes

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    We presents a fully quantal version of the Langevin model for the total rate of exoergic ion-molecule reactions or inelastic processes. The model, which is derived from a rigorous multichannel quantum-defect formulation of bimolecular processes, agrees with the classical Langevin model at sufficiently high temperatures. It also gives the first analytic description of ion-molecule reactions and inelastic processes in the ultracold regime where the quantum nature of the relative motion between the reactants becomes important.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Universal model for exoergic bimolecular reactions and inelastic processes

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    From a rigorous multichannel quantum-defect formulation of bimolecular processes, we derive a fully quantal and analytic model for the total rate of exoergic bimolecular reactions and/or inelastic processes that is applicable over a wide range of temperatures including the ultracold regime. The theory establishes a connection between the ultracold chemistry and the regular chemistry by showing that the same theory that gives the quantum threshold behavior agrees with the classical Gorin model at higher temperatures. In between, it predicts that the rates for identical bosonic molecules and distinguishable molecules would first decrease with temperature outside of the Wigner threshold region, before rising after a minimum is reached.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Is transport in time-dependent random potentials universal ?

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    The growth of the average kinetic energy of classical particles is studied for potentials that are random both in space and time. Such potentials are relevant for recent experiments in optics and in atom optics. It is found that for small velocities uniform acceleration takes place, and at a later stage fluctuations of the potential are encountered, resulting in a regime of anomalous diffusion. This regime was studied in the framework of the Fokker-Planck approximation. The diffusion coefficient in velocity was expressed in terms of the average power spectral density, which is the Fourier transform of the potential correlation function. This enabled to establish a scaling form for the Fokker-Planck equation and to compute the large and small velocity limits of the diffusion coefficient. A classification of the random potentials into universality classes, characterized by the form of the diffusion coefficient in the limit of large and small velocity, was performed. It was shown that one dimensional systems exhibit a large variety of novel universality classes, contrary to systems in higher dimensions, where only one universality class is possible. The relation to Chirikov resonances, that are central in the theory of Chaos, was demonstrated. The general theory was applied and numerically tested for specific physically relevant examples.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Formation of molecular oxygen in ultracold O + OH reaction

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    We discuss the formation of molecular oxygen in ultracold collisions between hydroxyl radicals and atomic oxygen. A time-independent quantum formalism based on hyperspherical coordinates is employed for the calculations. Elastic, inelastic and reactive cross sections as well as the vibrational and rotational populations of the product O2 molecules are reported. A J-shifting approximation is used to compute the rate coefficients. At temperatures T = 10 - 100 mK for which the OH molecules have been cooled and trapped experimentally, the elastic and reactive rate coefficients are of comparable magnitude, while at colder temperatures, T < 1 mK, the formation of molecular oxygen becomes the dominant pathway. The validity of a classical capture model to describe cold collisions of OH and O is also discussed. While very good agreement is found between classical and quantum results at T=0.3 K, at higher temperatures, the quantum calculations predict a larger rate coefficient than the classical model, in agreement with experimental data for the O + OH reaction. The zero-temperature limiting value of the rate coefficient is predicted to be about 6.10^{-12} cm^3 molecule^{-1} s^{-1}, a value comparable to that of barrierless alkali-metal atom - dimer systems and about a factor of five larger than that of the tunneling dominated F + H2 reaction.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Hybrid quantum systems of atoms and ions

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    In recent years, ultracold atoms have emerged as an exceptionally controllable experimental system to investigate fundamental physics, ranging from quantum information science to simulations of condensed matter models. Here we go one step further and explore how cold atoms can be combined with other quantum systems to create new quantum hybrids with tailored properties. Coupling atomic quantum many-body states to an independently controllable single-particle gives access to a wealth of novel physics and to completely new detection and manipulation techniques. We report on recent experiments in which we have for the first time deterministically placed a single ion into an atomic Bose Einstein condensate. A trapped ion, which currently constitutes the most pristine single particle quantum system, can be observed and manipulated at the single particle level. In this single-particle/many-body composite quantum system we show sympathetic cooling of the ion and observe chemical reactions of single particles in situ.Comment: ICAP proceeding

    Cold heteronuclear atom-ion collisions

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    We study cold heteronuclear atom ion collisions by immersing a trapped single ion into an ultracold atomic cloud. Using ultracold atoms as reaction targets, our measurement is sensitive to elastic collisions with extremely small energy transfer. The observed energy-dependent elastic atom-ion scattering rate deviates significantly from the prediction of Langevin but is in full agreement with the quantum mechanical cross section. Additionally, we characterize inelastic collisions leading to chemical reactions at the single particle level and measure the energy-dependent reaction rate constants. The reaction products are identified by in-trap mass spectrometry, revealing the branching ratio between radiative and non-radiative charge exchange processes

    Cold atom realizations of Brownian motors

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    Brownian motors are devices which "rectify" Brownian motion, i.e. they can generate a current of particles out of unbiased fluctuations. Brownian motors are important for the understanding of molecular motors, and are also promising for the realization of new nanolelectronic devices. Among the different systems that can be used to study Brownian motors, cold atoms in optical lattices are quite an unusual one: there is no thermal bath and both the potential and the fluctuations are determined by laser fields. In this article recent experimental implementations of Brownian motors using cold atoms in optical lattices are reviewed

    Recovery of surface reflectance spectra and evaluation of the optical depth of aerosols in the near-IR using a Monte-Carlo approach: Application to the OMEGA observations of high latitude regions of Mars

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    We present a model of radiative transfer through atmospheric particles based on Monte Carlo methods. This model can be used to analyze and remove the contribution of aerosols in remote sensing observations. We have developed a method to quantify the contribution of atmospheric dust in near-IR spectra of the Martian surface obtained by the OMEGA imaging spectrometer on board Mars Express. Using observations in the nadir pointing mode with significant differences in solar incidence angles, we can infer the optical depth of atmospheric dust, and we can retrieve the surface reflectance spectra free of aerosol contribution. Martian airborne dust properties are discussed and constrained from previous studies and OMEGA data. We have tested our method on a region at 90{\deg}E and 77{\deg}N extensively covered by OMEGA, where significant variations of the albedo of ice patches in the visible have been reported. The consistency between reflectance spectra of ice-covered and ice-free regions recovered at different incidence angles validates our approach. The optical depth of aerosols varies by a factor 3 in this region during the summer of Martian year 27. The observed brightening of ice patches does not result from frost deposition but from a decrease in the dust contamination of surface ice and (to a lower extent) from a decrease in the optical thickness of atmospheric dust. Our Monte Carlo-based model can be applied to recover the spectral reflectance characteristics of the surface from OMEGA spectral imaging data when the optical thickness of aerosols can be evaluated. It could prove useful for processing image cubes from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

    Bulk and contact-sensitized photocarrier generation in single layer TPD devices

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    In this paper, we report on the photoelectronic properties of TPD studied in sandwich geometry. In particular, we have obtained from both forward and reverse bias measurements the "mew-tau" product for holes in TPD. "mew" is the hole mobility and "tau" the carrier trapping time. The "mew-tau" product is a measure of the electronic quality of the material and allows a quantitative comparison of different samples. We have carried out numerical simulations to understand the photocurrent in these structures. We show that in reverse bias, the photocurrent (PC) is due to bulk. The carrier generation is governed by field assisted exciton dissociation at electric fields greater than 10^6 V/cm. At lower fields the generation of carriers occurs spontaneously in the bulk of the sample. In forward bias, the photocurrent is due to exciton dissociation at the ITO contact. We also obtain a "mew-tau" product for holes from forward bias PC measurements which is in agreement with the value obtained from reverse bias measurements. Based on our experiments, we demonstrate that TPD in a sandwich structure is a good candidate for cheap large area solar blind UV detector arrays.Comment: Submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    The role of electron-hole recombination in organic magnetoresistance

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    Magneto-electrical measurements were performed on diodes and bulk heterojunction solar cells (BHSCs) to clarify the role of formation of coulombically bound electron-hole (e-h) pairs on the magnetoresistance (MR) response in organic thin film devices. BHSCs are suitable model systems because they effectively quench excitons but the probability of forming e-h pairs in them can be tuned over orders of magnitude by the choice of material and solvent in the blend. We have systematically varied the e-h recombination coefficients, which are directly proportional to the probability for the charge carriers to meet in space, and found that a reduced probability of electrons and holes meeting in space lead to disappearance of the MR. Our results clearly show that MR is a direct consequence of e-h pair formation. We also found that the MR line shape follows a power law-dependence of B0.5 at higher fields
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