298 research outputs found

    Mechanical Systems: Symmetry and Reduction

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    Reduction theory is concerned with mechanical systems with symmetries. It constructs a lower dimensional reduced space in which associated conservation laws are taken out and symmetries are \factored out" and studies the relation between the dynamics of the given system with the dynamics on the reduced space. This subject is important in many areas, such as stability of relative equilibria, geometric phases and integrable systems

    One decade of evolution of corporate governance practices in Brazil

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    This study presents the evolution of the quality of corporate governance practices of listed Brazilian companies from 2004 to 2013 by means of a broad corporate governance index (CGI). Results indicate that the quality of corporate governance practices improved, notably after the creation of voluntary membership exchange trading lists that require better corporate governance and disclosure practices. The average CGI score of 5.8 (out of 10.0) in 2013 may be considered low and points to the need for further improvement. Moreover, firms score very low in the ethics & conflicts of interest aspects of the CGI, when compared to its disclosure, board composition & functioning, and shareholders rights components. The very small number of firms that ban loans to related parties and that facilitate participation in the shareholder meetings is a concern. The decrease in the use of control enhancement mechanisms, such as non-voting shares and indirect control structures, was a remarkable achievement. Even so, shareholder agreements are increasingly used as instruments to interfere with director independence and leverage the controlling bloc power.Este estudo apresenta a evolução da qualidade das práticas de governança corporativa de empresas brasileiras negociadas em bolsa entre 2004 e 2013 por meio de um índice abrangente de governança corporativa (CGI). Os resultados indicam que a qualidade das práticas de governança corporativa melhorou, especialmente após a criação dos níveis diferenciados de governança corporativa de adesão voluntária na bolsa, que exigem práticas melhores de governança corporativa e transparência. O CGI médio de 5,8 (em um total de 10) em 2013 pode ser considerado baixo e sugere que pode haver mais espaço para melhoria. Além disso, as empresas pontuam muito baixo nos aspectos de ética & conflito de interesse do CGI, quando comparadas com os componentes sobre transparência, composição & funcionamento do conselho e diretos dos acionistas. O número muito pequeno de empresas que proíbem empréstimos a partes relacionadas e que facilitam a participação nas assembleias de acionistas é uma preocupação. A diminuição de mecanismos de aumento do controle, como as ações sem direito de voto e estruturas indiretas de controle, foi um avanço notável. Mesmo assim, os acordos de acionistas são cada vez mais empregados como instrumentos que interferem com a independência dos conselheiros e aumentam o poder do bloco controlador

    A new GLRT-based ship detection technique in SAR images

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    Research needs towards a resilient community: Vulnerability reduction, infrastructural systems model, loss assessment, resilience-based design and emergency management

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    Most of the literature on resilience is devoted to its assessment. It seems time to move from analysis to design, to develop the tools needed to enhance resilience. Resilience enhancement, a close relative of the less fashionable risk mitigation, adds to the latter, at least in the general perception, a systemic dimension. Resilience is often paired with community, and the latter is a system. This chapter therefore discusses strategies to enhance resilience, endorses one of prevention rather than cure, and focuses in the remainder on the role played by systemic analysis, i.e. the analysis of the built environment modelled beyond a simple collection of physical assets, with due care to the associated interdependencies. Research needs are identified and include challenges in network modelling, the replacement of generic fragility curves for components, how to deal with evolving state of information