470 research outputs found

    On Discrimination and Allocation with Continuous and Dichotomous Variables

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    In discriminant analysis involving continuous and categorical variables, the simplest and conventional procedure is to assign an arbitrary numerical score to each possible state of the categorical variables and proceed as if all variables are continuous. A discrimination procedure is suggested for use in a situation where the discriminating variables are mixtures of more than one Continuous variable and one Dichotomous variable. The performance of the suggested procedure is compared alongside that of the conventional Fisher’s Linear Discriminant and Logistic Discrimination procedures based on their error rates. The suggested procedure performed better when compared with the other procedures. Hence, the suggested procedure will be applicable for such situation. Keywords: Dichotomous, Continuous, Discriminant Analysis, Error Rat

    Human Microsporidial Infections

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    Microsporidia are eukaryotic, spore forming obligate intracellular parasites, first recognised over 100 years ago. Microsporidia are becoming increasingly recognised as infectious pathogens causing intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases in both immuno-competent and immuno-suppressed patients. They are characterised by the production of resistant spores that vary in size depending on the species; and poses a unique organelle, the polar tubule (polar filament), which is coiled inside the spore as demonstrated by its ultra structure. Other unusual characteristics are the lack of mitochondria and the prokaryotic-like ribosomes, which indicate the primitive nature of the group. Presently there are seven genera, Enterocytozoon, Encephalitozoon, Nosema, Pleistophora, Trachi pleistophora, Brachiola, vittaforma species which have been reported from human hosts as agents of systemic, ocular, intestinal and muscular infections, are described and the diagnosis, treatment, and source of infections discussed

    What could be influencing older Ghanaians outpatient care utilization rate?

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    Objectives: Ghana’s population is rapidly aging and there may be healthcare access and utilization issues. This study investigates some of the issues that may influence outpatient care utilization rate among older Ghanaians. Methods: Cross-sectional wave 1 (2007-2010) data from WHO's Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health are used, and a sample of 1408 are analyzed. After multiple imputations of missing values, a negative binomial regression model is used to identify the association between outpatient care utilization rate and lifestyle activities. Results: The rate of outpatient care utilization is negatively associated with the rate of eating vegetables (β =0.0830, p < .001), fruits (β =0.0033, p < .05), moderate-exercise (β =0.4010, p < .001), moderate-work (β =0.2049, p < .001), walking/biking (β = 0.0436, p < .001), and positively associated with leisure hours ((β =0.0194, p < .001). Conclusion: To promote better aging situations of older adults in Ghana, poverty and poor education should be addressed as potential barriers to healthcare access. There is a need for policies that encourage healthier lifestyles for older Ghanaian’s health

    Climate change science: The literacy of Geography teachers in the Western Cape Province, South Africa

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    One of the universal responses to tackling global climate change is teaching climate change concepts at all levels of formal education. This response requires, among other things, teachers who are fully literate about climate change science, so that they can explain the concepts underlying the causes, impacts and solutions of climate change as accurately as possible to learners. The main intention of this study was to understand high school Geography teachers’ levels of knowledge about climate change science. A 15-item, criterion-referenced, multiple-choice Climate Change Literacy Questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.74 using the Guttman’s spit-half test was administered to 194 high school Geography teachers in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Data collected were analysed with the Pearson’s Chi-square test and One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the majority of the participants demonstrated significantly high literacy levels in climate science, with their literacy levels higher in climate processes and causes of climate change than climate change impacts and solutions. Misconceptions were found in all three categories of climate change science as represented in the survey instrument. These findings suggest that teacher educators and policymakers should improve professional development programmes and support interventions in teacher knowledge and understanding of climate change concepts, so as to enhance climate change education in schools.Keywords: climate change education; climate change misconceptions; climate change science literacy; Geography teachers; survey researc

    Premarital Screening of HIV, Haemoglobin Genotype, ABO and Rhesus Blood Group among Intending Couples in Yenagoa, Nigeria

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    Background Premarital screening is fast gaining ground as a prerequisite for the solemnization of holy matrimony by many faith-based organizations in Nigeria, yet there is no literature on the subject in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. Methods One hundred and five (105) premarital heterosexual couples (105 males and105 females) were screened for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), haemoglobin genotypes, and ABO and Rhesus blood groups using standard laboratory procedures. Results The prevalence of HIV in this study was found to be 1.0%. The frequencies of the HbAA (74%), HbAS (24%), HbAC (1.5%), HbSS(0.5%) while that of ABO and Rh blood groups were: group A (21%), B (25%), AB (6.0%), 0 (48%), Rh ‘D’ positive (97%) and Rh ‘D’ negative (3.0%). The distribution of these variables between the sexes was statistically significant (χ2=25.68, p&lt;0.01). The frequencies of the haemoglobin genotype combinations of the intending couples were as follows: HbAA/AA (55%), AA/AS (33%),  AS/AS (8.0%), AA/AC (2.0%), AS/AC(1.0%) and AS/SS (1.0%) . This distribution pattern was also found to be highly statistically significant (χ 2 = 24.459, p &lt; 0.0001). The mean age of the participants was 31.91 ± 4.80years for male and 26.105 ± 4.29 years for female (t = 3.272, p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion This study observed a low prevalence of HIV among the premarital couples and a relatively high frequency of HbAS/AS couples. The ABO and Rh blood groups were found to be stable and consistent with previous reports. For the prevention of hereditary blood diseases, haemolytic disease of the newborn and transmission of HIV to offspring, premarital testing should be encouraged. Keywords: Human immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), Haemoglobin Genotype, ABO And Rhesus Blood Group

    First detection of intestinal microsporidia in Northern Nigeria

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    Microsporidia are intracellular spore-forming protozoa that are increasingly being recognized as pathogens in humans. Faecal samples were taken from 2250 HIV/AIDS and 1050 HIV-negative patients from Kano and Makurdi in Northern Nigeria, and were investigated for microsporidial infections by Giemsa staining technique (Light microscopy). In Kano, Enterocytozoon bienuesi was detected in 8 (14.17%) and Encephalitozoon intestinalis in 5 (2.60%) out of 192 HIV/AIDS patients screened. A mixed infection of both 0.52% was observed. Results from Makurdi showed that Enterocytozoon bienuesi was detected in 13 (0.65%) and Encephalitozoon intestinalis in 96 (4.78%) out of 2008 HIV/AIDS patients examined. No mixed infection was observed. Microsporidial spores were not found in 1050 HIV-negative patients screened from both areas. There was a significant difference (X2, p<0.05) in infection rates between the HIV/AIDS and HIV-negative patients. This study aimed at detecting the prevalence of intestinal microsporidia to provide baseline data on the status of this disease in Nigeria. Detection of Microsporidia in Immuno-compromised patients has not been described previously in this area

    Culturable fish seeds in Nigerian waters: A research survey (1978-1985)

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    The desired species identified in this survey include mullets, catfishes, fast growing fish predators, species for control of weeds and grass it, ponds, cichlids and shrimps. Five coastal states: Lagos, Ondo, Bendel, Rivers, and Cross River were covered in the studies. Investigations were also carried into the major rivers and their tributaries. A combination of the estimation methods of Le Cren, (1962) and Pitcher and Mac Donald (1973) was employed in the analysis of data. From the detailed data collected from (1978-1985), the survey indicated that about 100 million fish seeds can be collected annually from Nigerian waters using appropriate gear-seine nets, cast nets, and fish traps. Of this number, 60% is available along the coastal belt of the country while 40% is in the major rivers, their tributaries and swamps. At the present level of fish culture development in Nigeria, this is more than enough, even after allowing for 50% mortality due to handling and transportation stres

    Investigating the mechanism of impact of the quality premium initiative on antibiotic prescribing in primary care practices in England: a study protocol

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    Introduction The persistent development and spread of resistance to antibiotics remains an important public health concern in the UK and globally. About 74% of antibiotics prescribed in England in 2016 was in primary care. The Quality Premium (QP) initiative that rewards Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) financially based on the quality of specific health services commissioned is one of the National Health Service (NHS) England interventions to reduce antimicrobial resistance through reduced prescribing. Emerging evidence suggests a reduction in antibiotic prescribing in primary care practices in the UK following QP initiative. This study aims to investigate the mechanism of impact of this high-cost health-system level intervention on antibiotic prescribing in primary care practices in England. Methods and analysis The study will constitute secondary analyses of antibiotic prescribing data for almost all primary care practices in England from the NHS England Antibiotic Quality Premium Monitoring Dashboard and OpenPrescribing covering the period 2013 to 2018. The primary outcome is the number of antibiotic items per Specific Therapeutic group Age-sex Related Prescribing Unit (STAR-PU) prescribed monthly in each practice or CCG. We will first conduct an interrupted time series using Ordinary Least Square regression method to examine whether antibiotic prescribing rate in England has changed over time, and how such changes, if any, are associated with QP implementation. Single and sequential multiple-mediator models using a unified approach for the natural direct and indirect effects will be conducted to investigate the relationship between QP initiative, the potential mediators and antibiotic prescribing rate with adjustment for practice and CCG characteristics. Ethics and dissemination This study will use secondary data that are anonymised and obtained from studies that have either undergone ethical review or generated data from routine collection systems. Multiple channels will be used in disseminating the findings from this study to academic and non-academic audiences. Strengths and Limitations of this study • This study will be the first to evaluate the mechanism of the impact of a financial incentive initiative involving Clinical Commissioning Groups to improve antibiotic prescribing in primary care practices in England. • The investigation of multiple mediators in this study will help to identify the contributions of multiple strategies in translating the effects of QP while unpacking the extent of the effect of specific mediators. • Due to the limited data on practice-level interventions or strategies that might potentially mediate the effect of the QP on antibiotic prescribing, we will not be able to extensively investigate the mechanism of QP impact at the practice level. • Nevertheless, extensive investigations will be conducted at CCG level where the Quality Premium initiative is implemented, and rewards paid out

    Understanding the anticorrosion properties of chitosan grafted poly-aspartic acid against mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl: Electrochemical and theoretical considerations

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    The mechanism of the anticorrosion effects of chitosan grafted with poly-aspartic acid (CTS-PAA) against mild steel in 1 M HCl has been provided using combined electrochemical and theoretical approaches. The successful grafting of chitosan (CTS) with poly-aspartic acid (PAA) was verified with intensive Furrier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).   In the studied system, a minimal corrosion inhibition efficiency of about 60 % was obtained with the unmodified CTS whereas CTS-PAA inhibition efficiency reaching a maximum number of 98.9 % at 250 ppm concentration was obtained. Polarization studies show that the inhibitors acted on both the anodic and cathodic currents curves indicating a mixed inhibition protection mechanism while the electrochemical impedance data show that the protection was afforded by interfacial adsorption of the inhibitor species on the steel surface. The adsorption process fitted to Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The proposed inhibition mechanism linked the enhanced inhibition performance of CTS-PAA to the extension of the adsorption sites by the grafting agents which was confirmed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results. The experimental data were correctly complemented with density functional theory (DFT)/molecular dynamic simulation (MDS) data and the binding energy of the modified polymer is over two magnitudes higher than the individual molecules affirming the experimental findings.
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