2,596 research outputs found

    On the Structure of the Observable Algebra of QCD on the Lattice

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    The structure of the observable algebra OΛ{\mathfrak O}_{\Lambda} of lattice QCD in the Hamiltonian approach is investigated. As was shown earlier, OΛ{\mathfrak O}_{\Lambda} is isomorphic to the tensor product of a gluonic C∗C^{*}-subalgebra, built from gauge fields and a hadronic subalgebra constructed from gauge invariant combinations of quark fields. The gluonic component is isomorphic to a standard CCR algebra over the group manifold SU(3). The structure of the hadronic part, as presented in terms of a number of generators and relations, is studied in detail. It is shown that its irreducible representations are classified by triality. Using this, it is proved that the hadronic algebra is isomorphic to the commutant of the triality operator in the enveloping algebra of the Lie super algebra sl(1/n){\rm sl(1/n)} (factorized by a certain ideal).Comment: 33 page

    Comment on `Hawking radiation from fluctuating black holes'

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    Takahashi & Soda (2010 Class. Quantum Grav. v27 p175008, arXiv:1005.0286) have recently considered the effect (at lowest non-trivial order) of dynamical, quantized gravitational fluctuations on the spectrum of scalar Hawking radiation from a collapsing Schwarzschild black hole. However, due to an unfortunate choice of gauge, the dominant (even divergent) contribution to the coefficient of the spectrum correction that they identify is a pure gauge artifact. I summarize the logic of their calculation, comment on the divergences encountered in its course and comment on how they could be eliminated, and thus the calculation be completed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 fig; feynmp, amsref

    Fermion Determinants

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    The current status of bounds on and limits of fermion determinants in two, three and four dimensions in QED and QCD is reviewed. A new lower bound on the two-dimensional QED determinant is derived. An outline of the demonstration of the continuity of this determinant at zero mass when the background magnetic field flux is zero is also given.Comment: 10 page

    Involution and Constrained Dynamics I: The Dirac Approach

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    We study the theory of systems with constraints from the point of view of the formal theory of partial differential equations. For finite-dimensional systems we show that the Dirac algorithm completes the equations of motion to an involutive system. We discuss the implications of this identification for field theories and argue that the involution analysis is more general and flexible than the Dirac approach. We also derive intrinsic expressions for the number of degrees of freedom.Comment: 28 pages, latex, no figure

    A Model for QCD at High Density and Large Quark Mass

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    We study the high density region of QCD within an effective model obtained in the frame of the hopping parameter expansion and choosing Polyakov type of loops as the main dynamical variables representing the fermionic matter. To get a first idea of the phase structure, the model is analyzed in strong coupling expansion and using a mean field approximation. In numerical simulations, the model still shows the so-called sign problem, a difficulty peculiar to non-zero chemical potential, but it permits the development of algorithms which ensure a good overlap of the Monte Carlo ensemble with the true one. We review the main features of the model and present calculations concerning the dependence of various observables on the chemical potential and on the temperature, in particular of the charge density and the diquark susceptibility, which may be used to characterize the various phases expected at high baryonic density. We obtain in this way information about the phase structure of the model and the corresponding phase transitions and cross over regions, which can be considered as hints for the behaviour of non-zero density QCD.Comment: 21 pages, 29 figure

    Functional Integral Construction of the Thirring model: axioms verification and massless limit

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    We construct a QFT for the Thirring model for any value of the mass in a functional integral approach, by proving that a set of Grassmann integrals converges, as the cutoffs are removed and for a proper choice of the bare parameters, to a set of Schwinger functions verifying the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. The corresponding Ward Identities have anomalies which are not linear in the coupling and which violate the anomaly non-renormalization property. Additional anomalies are present in the closed equation for the interacting propagator, obtained by combining a Schwinger-Dyson equation with Ward Identities.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figure

    A Factorization Algorithm for G-Algebras and Applications

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    It has been recently discovered by Bell, Heinle and Levandovskyy that a large class of algebras, including the ubiquitous GG-algebras, are finite factorization domains (FFD for short). Utilizing this result, we contribute an algorithm to find all distinct factorizations of a given element f∈Gf \in \mathcal{G}, where G\mathcal{G} is any GG-algebra, with minor assumptions on the underlying field. Moreover, the property of being an FFD, in combination with the factorization algorithm, enables us to propose an analogous description of the factorized Gr\"obner basis algorithm for GG-algebras. This algorithm is useful for various applications, e.g. in analysis of solution spaces of systems of linear partial functional equations with polynomial coefficients, coming from G\mathcal{G}. Additionally, it is possible to include inequality constraints for ideals in the input
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