21 research outputs found

    The Influence of Somatic Maturity on Anthropometrics and Body Composition in Youth Soccer Players

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    The primary aim of this investigation was to compare players’ anthropometric (AP) and body composition (BC) characteristics between distinct maturity bands (pre-PHV, circa-PHV, post-PHV) in youth elite soccer. This study considered 320 male soccer players (mean age 13.8 y). Participants were from U14 (n = 157) and U15 (n = 163) age categories. The Khamis–Roche method was applied to calculate the percentage of predicted adult height (PAH) at the time of assessment based on which the players were further divided into maturity bands (pre-PHV ≤ 87%, circa-PHV = 88–95%, post-PHV > 95%). The findings indicated that most of the players were in the circa-PHV stage at the time of investigation. Measurements included height and weight. The estimates of BC parameters were derived using bioelectrical impedance (BIA) analysis. These various AP and BC attributes displayed significant differences among the maturity bands (F = 139.344–7.925; p p = 0.051; small effect size). The current somatic maturity stage of the athletes should be considered when evaluating BC results, otherwise there is a risk of misinterpretation

    Morfologie dětské nohy Child's foot morphology

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    Studie vypovídá o morfologii nohy jako bazálním článku podpůrně-pohybového systému, jehož stav a funkce ovlivňuje vyšší etáže a psychiku člověka. Morfologie nohy byla sledována u 263 chlapců a 248 dívek předškolního a mladšího školního věku. Děti byly považovány za asymptomaticky zdravé, byly rozděleny dle pohlaví a dle věku. Otisky nohou byly sejmuty plantografickou metodou jako statický plantogram a zpracovány softwarem "Noha". Stav podélné nožní klenby odpovídal vývojové fázi, jevil se jako uspokojivý, v nejvyšší frekvenci byla determinována normální noha II. stupně. Výskyt ploché a vysoké nohy neznamenal zásadní problém u těchto věkových kategorií. Ve vysoké četnosti se u obou pohlaví a ve všech věkových kategoriích vyskytovaly deformace palce a malíku, které řadíme k deformacím předonoží. Průměrné hodnoty úhlu palce ve smyslu varozity i valgozity a průměrné hodnoty úhlu malíku se jevily jako relativně vysoké. U chlapců dosahovaly hodnoty úhlu valgózního rozmezí, 2,6–7,9°, u dívek 4,3–8,1°. Průměrné hodnoty varózního vyosení byly vyšší. Úhel malíku se pohyboval u chlapců v rozmezí hodnot 15,4° až 20,4°, u dívek 14,4° až 18,6°. Maximální hodnoty vyosení byly překvapující. V nejvyšší frekvenci se vyskytoval typ egyptské nohy, který se jeví z hlediska rozložení vertikální síly jako nejoptimálnější. Široká noha, jako méně optimální typ, se téměř nevyskytovala. Hodnocení podélné nožní klenby odpovídalo jednotlivým fázím ontogeneze. Stav se jevil jako relativně uspokojivý. Analýza morfologických parametrů předonoží prokázala vysoký frekvenční výskyt deformací laterálního a mediálního paprsku. The study describes the foot morphology as a basal element of supporting-movement system. Foot morphology was observed in 263 boys and 248 girls of pre-school and primary school age. Longitudinal foot vault was evaluated by Plantographic method by index method and processed by "Foot" software; the big toe and little toe axis in the sense of valgozity and varozity, the size of foot angle. Statistically significant differences were evaluated by means of Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney tests, Scheffe test and chí-quadrate test (Statistica, vers. 6). The state of longitudinal foot vault appeared as relatively satisfactory. The normal foot of I. and II. degree was determined with highest frequency. The occurrence of flat foot and high foot did not signify any principal problem in these age categories. The deformation of big toe and little toe occurred in high frequency in both genders and in all age categories. In boys the valgoze angle reached the range 2.6–7.9°, in girls 4.3–8.1°. The average values of big toe varozity were higher. Little toe angle (valgozity) in the group of boys reached the range of values 15.4° to 20.4°, in girls 14.4° to 18.6°. At the end we can evaluate the longitudinal foot vault in child's age categories as corresponding with the ontogenesis phase. The analysis of morphological parameters in the area of anterior part of foot proved the deformations in medial and lateral foot rays in high frequency. The foot angle in posterior part of the foot responds the reference values of established age categories

    An evaluation of frailty factors among elderly and their mutual links in elderly women in the Olomouc region

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    Background: Ageing has a significant impact on the functional status and capacity in physical, cognitive, sensory and nutritional areas. The age-related changes include changes in body composition as well as changes in the musculoskeletal system including a significant loss of muscle mass and demineralization of bone. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between selected parameters of frailty factors in older women from the Olomouc region. Methods: The research group consisted of 225 women (aged 60-81 years) attending University of the Third Age at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc and women from senior clubs in Olomouc. Body composition was assessed by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance. Muscle strength in the hand flexors was evaluated using a digital pinch grip. Information on bone density was obtained through local densitometer. To verify the strength of relation between variables Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated. Results: Relationship between body composition, muscle strength and bone density proved to be statistically significant. Moderate positive correlation was found between the grip strengths of both hands, bone density of both calcaneus and the amount of fat-free mass, muscle mass, cell mass and the size of the basal metabolic rate in range from .41 to .49. The relationship between muscle strength and bone density was weak (r < .30) but statistically significant. Conclusions: These results confirm the relationship between aspects of the frailty of elderly women, especially the relationship between muscle strength, bone density and selected parameters of body composition

    Somatic characteristics in relation to meeting recommended physical activity in overweight and obese women aged 30-60 years

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) can provide health benefits and thus reduce the risk of complications from obesity and improve mental well-being. We consider body composition as an acceptable indicator of the functional condition of the body. Aims: Our research objective was to analyse selected body composition fractions in relation to meeting recommended PA in overweight and obese women. Methods: 221 women participated in our study, divided in two age groups: 30 to 44.9 years (Maturus I, n = 118) and 45 to 60 years (Maturus II, n = 103). Each age group was further differentiated by sub-groups (adequate and inadequate PA) according to the achieved PA level (medium PA: 3 to 6 MET; ≥ 150 min/week). To determine the PA parameters within one week the ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer was used. The InBody 720 body composition analyser was used to determine body composition parameters. Descriptive characteristics and data analysis were carried out using Statistica 10.0. Differences were compared by the Student's t-test. Statistical significance level was set at α < .05. Results: Younger women who achieved adequate PA reached lower average values of body fat mass and visceral fat area than women with inadequate PA. Higher average values of the fat-free mass, body cell mass and skeletal muscle mass were found in older women with adequate PA in comparison with women with inadequate PA. Conclusions: The research study verified a positive relationship between meeting the recommended PA level and its impact on body composition health risk indicators. A positive approach to the PA may lead to a decrease in health problems associated with excess weight and obesity