59 research outputs found

    Stockage d’énergie et petite hydraulique

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    Les petites centrales hydrauliques d’accumulation et à pompage-turbinage pourraient contribuer à la production d’électricité décentralisée de pointe et de réglage, ainsi qu’au stockage d’énergie décentralisé. Le potentiel technique en Suisse est suffisamment important pour valoir une adaptation des conditions cadres

    Neue Energiestrategie 2050: Das Zusammenspiel von Fotovoltaik und Speicherkraftwerken

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    Die neue Energiestrategie der Schweiz hat zwei Hauptstossrichtungen: Einerseits die schrittweise Abschaltung der Kernkraftwerke, andererseits die Kompensation des Produktionsausfalls durch den intensiven Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien und insbesondere der Fotovoltaik sowie durch Energieeffizienzmassnahmen. Das Energy Center der EPFL hat eine Studie über das Zusammenspiel der Fotovoltaik und den Speicherkraftwerken erstellt, um zu ermitteln, inwieweit eine solche Strategie mit Erfolg angewendet werden könnte

    Nouvelle stratégie énergétique 2050

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    La nouvelle politique énergétique de la Suisse prévoit, d’une part, l’arrêt progressif des centrales nucléaires et, d’autre part, la compensation de cette perte de production notamment par le développement intensif de l’énergie photovoltaïque et par des mesures de réduction de la consommation. Le Centre de l’énergie de l’EPFL a mené une étude sur l’interaction entre la production photovoltaïque et le stockage hydraulique afin de déterminer dans quelles mesures une telle stratégie pourrait être appliquée avec succès

    Toward Ultrafast Charging of Electric Vehicles

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    The paper is devoted to the problems arising from the ultrafast (≤ 10 min) charging of an electric vehicle (EV). An ultrafast charging station (UFCS) must provide high power output with minimal influence on the electricity transmission system, which can only be achieved by the application of energy storage acting as an additional buffer between the vehicle and the grid. Besides storage, interfaces between a fast charging station and the outside environment (vehicle, utility grid) must be designed to fulfil a set of requirements. The main challenge is to be found within the specification of parameters for the design of future energy supply systems, providing for fast charging of the vehicle batteries while avoiding solicitations of the local distribution system which exceed its instantaneous power capabilities. The possible impact of an UFCS on the power distribution system is analysed with the stochastic approach, based on the utilisation of such a station. The general aspects of highly variable load profile clearly include the use of energy storage means that must be specified regarding both the energy storage and the instant power capabilities. Different technologies are analysed in terms of performances and costs. In conclusion, one of the important problems facing electric vehicles is the possibility of short-time charging, both as seen from the EV battery itself as well as from the local supply system. In this context, large load variations as seen from the local power system, at multiple levels, must be carefully assessed with special attention to feasible load changes at the coupling points. By addressing these technical issues as well as the financial constraints, the research aims at providing viable solution for broad ultrafast charging systems integration into the power distribution infrastructure

    Action and influence of the multiple decision levels over the whole energy chain

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    This study concentrates on determining how to implement the legal framework at different institutional levels in an integrated approach for the planning and management of energy systems in urban areas. There are mainly five levels of decision able to influence the performances of urban zone in a Swiss city, namely the international, national, cantonal, municipal and individual levels. The objective of this study is to develop an evaluation grid, which will be used to identify the influence of each decision level over the different energy chain levels (primary, intermediate, final, useful energy and energy services). The results showed that beyond the constraints imposed by national and cantonal laws, ambitious energy-climate policies adopted by each level of governance certainly offer a lot of opportunities for the sustainable and energy-efficient development of urban areas. New regulations and associated instruments give to local decision-makers a set of arguments that can be used in a complementary way