15 research outputs found

    Factor Analysis About Exclusive Breastfeeding Achievement Level Among Mothers Who Provide Breastmilk to Their Children

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    Introduction: The number of mother who breastfeed their babies exclusively in Indonesia is low. It caused by many factors such as high intensity of formula milk advertisement, lack of awareness about the importance of breastfeeding, working mother, social culture, family support and the role of health care provider. The purpose of this research was to analyze factors related with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: Design used in this research was analytic retrospective. The population were all mothers at Pacarkeling Public Health Center area. Sample obtained through purposive sampling. Total sample was 61 respondents. Independent variables were knowledge, information and promotion, family support, social cultural, role of health provider, work/occupation, education and breast physiology anatomy. The dependent variable was exclusive breastfeeding. Result: The result indicated that exclusive breastfeeding achievement level was related with information and promotion (r = 0.271), family support (r = 373), health care provider role (r = 231), mother occupation (r = 251), anatomy and physiology of breast (r = 293), while the knowledge (r = 108), social cultural (r = 180) and education (r = 093) not significantly related. Discussion: In conclusion, there was a positive correlation between information and promotion, family support, health care provider role, mother's occupation, anatomy and physiology of breast with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. While the knowledge, social cultural and education did not indicate significant result. Therefore it is suggested to increase the quantity and quality of information and promotion about exclusive breastfeeding to the society, health care provider and pregnant and breastfeeding mother

    Sistem Kependudukan Desa Berbasis Web pada Desa Cihuni Kecamatan Pagedangan Kabupaten Tangerang

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    The development of computerized systems can not be separated from technological developments which can affect many aspects of human life. One of the advantages of the computerized system is to produce a system that is relevant, timely and accurate. Build a village settlement system requires a good understanding and clear about the system to be used both in the procedures of the system, input, output and the things that affect system performance both for short term and long term. One of them in the population data. In the village Village Cihuni done today by using a manual system. Examples such as demographic data. So frequent errors in process or keep a record of the population, because in pengolahanya still with the conventional process. it is proposed to build an application in the form of settlement system that can be used by the village staff to process all web-based demographic data. It is expected that these applications can help in addition to demographic data processing can also store data properly and facilitate the public in terms of service needs Letter

    Validasi Persamaan Korelasi Antara Nilai International Roughness Index (Iri) Dengan Nilai Kerusakan (Nk) Jalan: Studi Kasus Jalan Tol Surabaya-gempol

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    Parameter kondisi perkerasan jalan seperti International Roughness Index (IRI) dan Nilai Kerusakan (NK) jalan sangat jamak digunakan untuk menentukan kinerja pelayanan ruas jalan selain parameter dari sisi lalu lintas. Selain dipakai sebagai kinerja pelayanan jalan, IRI dan NK juga banyak dipakai sebagai input dalam penghitungan Biaya Operasi Kendaraan. Penentuan nilai IRI umumnya cukup sulit dari segi biaya karena harus menggunakan peralatan yang hanya bisa didapatkan di tempat tertentu saja, sementara itu Nilai Kerusakan relatif mudah untuk dilaksanakan.Kartika, dkk (2005) telah berhasil menunjukkan hubungan antara nilai IRI dengan NK yaitu dengan persamaan; IRI=7,765(NK)0,0891. Namun demikian persamaan tersebut dirasa kurang valid mengingat nilai validitasnya (R2) hanya sebesar 0,3215. Hal ini kemungkinan disebabkan dalam menentukan persamaan tersebut belum dilakukan uji korelasi yang cukup terhadap variabel-variabel jenis kerusakan yang terjadi. Artinya semua kategori kerusakan dimasukkan dalam penentuan persamaan tersebut tanpa melihat apakah semua jenis bebar-benar berpengaruh atau tidak.Setelah mempertimbangkan jenis-jenis kerusakan yang paling berpengaruh dengan menggunakan analisis faktor dan analisis korelasi, maka bentuk persamaan yang baru adalah; IRI=7 + 0,066NKRetak + 3,340NKPenurunan + 0,296NKShoving + 0887NKPothole…(R2=0,571

    Usia Ibu dan Paritas sebagai Faktor Risiko yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Anemia pada Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ampenan

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    Anemia adalah suatu keadaan dimana kadar hemoglobin (Hb) atau jumlah eritrosit lebih rendah dari kadar normal. Pada wanita hamil dikatakan mengalami anemia jika kadar Hb 0,05). Disimpulkan usia ibu yang berisiko ( 35 tahun) dapat menyebabkan anemia dalam kehamilan

    The Influence of Shiatsu Technique on the TIME of Expenditure of Asi in Post Partum Mother in Mojokerto District

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    Late delivery of breast milk is a common problem in postpartum mothers and may result in early breastfeeding unfulfilled resulting in adverse health effects for both mother and baby. Shiatzu Techniqu is one form of non-pharmacologic therapy to accelerate the expenditure time of breast milk. This study aims to determine the influence of Shiatzu Technique in accelerating the time spent on breastfeeding post partum mother. This research type is quasi experiment with Post Control Only Control With Group Design design, with two groups each consisting of 80 respondents taken with concecutive technique. Data analysis using T-Two Sample Test as comparative test and expenditure time of ASI on control group that did not done shiatzu technique and experiment group performed shitzu technique with α <0.05. The results of the differences from both groups were tested with T-Two Sample Test with the result value Ï = 0.003. The result of the differences from both groups tested with T-Two Sample Test with the result value Ï = 0.003 means there is a significant difference between the control group and the experimental group. In the control group most of the time Breastmilk expenditure was Normal (25-72 hours) whereas in the experimental group its Rapid Breastfeeding (1-24 hours). Faster breastfeeding time in the post partum mothers of the experimental group was due to two interventions given that early Initiation of Breastfeeding was also continued by Shiaztu Technique. Thus, in postoperative mothers with no contraindications, Shiatzu Technque was very effective given to speed up the release of breast milk

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Motivasi Kerja dan Kedisiplinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan transformasional, motivasi kerja dan kedisiplinan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian asosiatif kausal yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara satu variabel dengan variabel lainnya atau bagaimana suatu variabel mempengaruhi variabel lain. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan yang bekerja pada Koperasi Berkah Makmur. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 responden. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner, data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil pengujian hipotesis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan motivasi kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan, namun kedisiplinan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Uji Koefisien Determinasi menunjukkan bahwa 62,4% kinerja karyawan dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel gaya kepemimpinan transformasional, motivasi kerja, dan kedisiplinan, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 37,6% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini